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Study programmes > Second-cycle studies > Archaeology (Studies in English) > Archaeology, full-time, second cycle programme in English

Archaeology, full-time, second cycle programme in English (S2-PRK-AR-ANG)

(in Polish: Archaeology (Studies in English), stacjonarne, drugiego stopnia w jęz. angielskim)
second cycle program
full-time, 2-years of study
Language: English

New challenges faced by archaeology in the 21st century as well as students' expectations of professional tuition geared towards practical knowledge applicable to future work are main ideas behind the proposed programme of the second-cycle studies in archaeology with instruction in English. The programme is dedicated for candidates from all around the world who want to research ancient cultures, in particular from the Mediterranean, and acquaint themselves with bioarchaeology and osteology or bone taphonomy. Bioarchaeology, as a sub-discipline within archaeology, and the related achievements of the researchers from the Faculty of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw, became a vantage point for establishing second-cycle studies in English several years ago. Currently, they are an element of the general programme of studies dedicated not only to graduates in archaeology, but also candidates of other specialisations who dream about excavations, travelling to interesting places, and working with artefacts, including bones, discovered in the course of archaeological research.

In the course of the programme, students will be required to choose two seminars, according to their interests, and supplement them with facultative courses, as well as two lectures: general academic and monographic. Selected courses will be aimed first and foremost at deepening students’ professional and interdisciplinary knowledge, in particular regarding research challenges in modern archaeology, and preparing them to write and defend their master’s theses.

Similarly to the first-cycle studies, a significant role will be played by practicum:

  • field survey, usually performed in spring or autumn;
  • excavations, usually performed in summer. The excavations are directed by researchers affiliated by the Faculty of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw, or abroad – in Egypt, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, Italy (Sicily), South America, and many more locations.

The classes are held in the Main Campus of the University of Warsaw, namely the Main School which has housed the Faculty of Archaeology for over a decade.

Detailed information about the second-cycle full-time studies in English can be found at the website of Faculty of Archaeology.

In the course of the programme, students will gain expertise in particular specialisations within archaeology, practical knowledge in excavating burial grounds as well as handling animal and human remains. At the same time, they will receive general humanist formation enabling them to engage in interdisciplinary cooperation with researchers from other fields of study.

Graduates from the second-cycle studies will be prepared for independent research, as well as working for research and educational institutions, museums, and conservation ateliers.

The master's degree in archaeology combined with appropriate experience in excavations, according to the Monument Protection Act, are necessary for receiving concession for conducting archaeological excavations in Poland.

Qualification awarded:

Second cycle degree - magister - in archaeology

Access to further studies:

doctoral school, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

Student knows and understands
K_W01 has in-depth knowledge of the place and importance of archaeology as a science and humanities discipline, the socio-cultural past of humankind and its methodological specifics
K_W02 understands the detailed concepts and terminology used in archaeology and bioarchaeology
K_W03 has extensive knowledge of the description, analysis and interpretation of archaeological sources, especially of a biological nature
K_W04 has structured and theoretically founded knowledge covering the critical issues of archaeology and bioarchaeology, including terminology, theory and methodology
K_W05 has an organized knowledge of scientific and technical work during excavation research
K_W06 has detailed, specialist knowledge of selected ancient societies, especially in the Mediterranean area, including terminology, theories and methodology in the field of archaeology
K_W07 has in-depth knowledge of cultural institutions dealing with archaeological heritage in Poland and other European countries
K_W08 has structured knowledge of human evolution and mechanisms of adaptation to various environmental conditions
K_W09 has an orderly, in-depth knowledge of the methods and techniques of documentation of archaeological and bioarchaeological sources
K_W10 understands the complex relationships between the achievements of the humanities, social sciences, and life sciences and the prospects of their use in archaeology
K_W11 has detailed knowledge of the most significant achievements and main directions of development of archaeology, with particular emphasis on the achievements of Mediterranean archaeology
K_W12 knows and understands advanced methods of analysis and interpretation of research problems in the field of archaeology and bioarchaeology, appropriate for selected traditions, theories and research schools
K_W13 knows and understands advanced methods of analysis and interpretation of information contained in scientific publications
K_W14 knows and understands advanced methods of analyzing various products of ancient societies using methods used in natural sciences and life sciences
K_W15 knows and understands the concepts of the protection of copyright and industrial property law in Poland and European countries and their application in the work of an archaeologist
K_W16 knows and understands the economic, legal and ethical determinants of scientific activity and archaeological research
K_W17 knows the rules of the ethics of the archaeologist profession, especially regarding work with osteological material
K_W18 knows the principles of operation of private archaeological companies, museums, conservation structures and institutions for the protection of archaeological heritage
K_W19 knows the principles and opportunities of obtaining funds for scientific research and archaeological works
K_W20 knows occupational health and safety principles required in archaeological work

Student can
K_U01 can search, analyze, select and use information about archaeological sources and their context using literature and electronic media, and subject them to critique and creative interpretation in English
K_U02 can independently recognize, analyze, use, classify and interpret archaeological sources, especially those of a biological nature, selecting appropriate analytical methods and presenting interpretation in English
K_U03 can creatively use existing methods and techniques, adapting them to the needs arising from the specificity of the problems studied
K_U04 can formulate research problems, create original concepts, formulate and test hypotheses in English in the field of archaeology and bioarchaeology
K_U05 can independently formulate conclusions, argue and create synthetic summaries in English, taking into account different views
K_U06 can independently analyze and interpret various types of artefacts and eco-facts, including their context, using the latest research achievements to determine their significance and impact on the socio-cultural process
K_U07 can discover complex relationships between artefacts and eco-facts and ancient cultural processes
K_U08 can conduct scientific polemics in English
K_U09 can select the method of presenting the results of the research in English, also using advanced information and communication methods
K_U10 can present the results of the research in English to a diverse audience
K_U11 can present the results of research in writing in English, using a specialized scientific language and terminology appropriate for archaeology, also with the use of information and communication technologies
K_U12 can present the results of research in the form of oral presentations in English, using a specialized scientific language and terminology appropriate for archaeology, also with the use of information and communication technologies
K_U13 can use a foreign language at the B2+ level of the European System for the Description of Language Education and specialist terminology in the field of archaeology
K_U14 can manage the team's work by independently undertaking and initiating research tasks
K_U15 can interact with other members within interdisciplinary teams
K_U16 can apply the principles of occupational health and safety in archaeological activities and ensure that they are observed in teamwork
K_U17 can plan and organize work during archaeological excavations and surveys
K_U18 can plan and organize research work
K_U19 can correctly set priorities for the implementation of one's own or commissioned research task
K_U20 can independently plan and implement activities aimed at the development of one's scientific career
K_U21 can look for opportunities to expand knowledge and improve professional skills within and outside the university and advise others in this regard

Student is able to
K_K01 able to use their knowledge and skills and can confront them with the opinions of experts, especially in the field of exact sciences and life sciences
K_K02 able to recognize the essential importance of artefacts, eco-facts and written sources as elements of human cultural heritage
K_K03 able to assess the unique value of archaeological sources, including osteological material, and their role in recreating the human past
K_K04 able to critically evaluate the interpretation of archaeological and historical sources with the use of multi-faceted interpretation
K_K05 able to use the knowledge he has about the complex nature of culture and can analyze various categories of sources to recreate the human past
K_K06 able to disseminate knowledge about cultural heritage, emphasizing its importance for understanding the process of economic, social and cultural changes from the earliest times to the present day
K_K07 able to disseminate the knowledge about responsibility for the preservation of cultural heritage
K_K08 able to initiate and develop cooperation with society in the field of archaeological and bioarchaeological works
K_K09 able to take initiatives to promote, disseminate and protect cultural heritage
K_K10 able to promote an understanding of the social role of archaeology
K_K11 able to promote ethical issues related to scientific integrity and honesty and accept responsibility for the accuracy of decisions made in the process of obtaining archaeological sources
K_K12 able to recognize and respect different points of view determined by different cultural backgrounds
K_K13 able to recognize the need for lifelong learning and improvement of substantive and practical skills in archaeology
K_K14 able to apply and develop the ethical principles related to research on archaeological sources and activities for the observance of these principles
K_K15 able to responsibly perform professional roles according to the principles of occupational health and safety
K_K16 able to develop the achievements of archaeology and maintain the ethos of the archaeologist profession

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/