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Study programmes > Second-cycle studies > African Studies > Oriental studies-African Studies, full time, second cycle

Oriental studies-African Studies, full time, second cycle (S2-PRK-OR-AFS)

(in Polish: African Studies, stacjonarne, drugiego stopnia)
second cycle program
full-time, 2-year studies
Language: English

Number of places: 21, including: 18 places in the first phase, in the June-July qualification, and 3 places in the second phase, in the August-September qualification.

MA in African Studies is a full-time unique study programme which focuses on the disseminating knowledge on modern African cultures, languages and African societies as well as imparting necessary research skills in the domain of African studies while incorporating methods of various disciplines. The program is of academic profile and is provided by the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the University of Warsaw, known for its 90-year experience in academic education about African and Asian cultures and languages. The program, conducted solely in English, is interdisciplinary in nature. It aims at presenting Africa as a continent of novel possibilities. The studies are based on modern research on African languages and cultures from the post-colonial perspective. Currently it is one of the most important fields of study developed by researchers of our centre. This new perspective facilitates a better understanding of modern socio-cultural phenomena occurring in the whole stretch of the African continent. The main study areas covered by the programme are the three key linguistic regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, namely East Africa – Kiswahili language, West Africa- Hausa language and the Horn of Africa-Amharic language. Emphasis is also put on the challenges that the whole African continent faces in the 21st Century. The students learn one of the most important languages of the continent, namely the Kiswahili language. For those interested, possibility of learning two other languages, Amharic and Hausa, is an additional option.

The programme is open to post-graduate BA and MA Polish and foreign students. The studies enable students to expand their knowledge and the skills thus acquired give the basis for research development which is in line with the strategy of the University of Warsaw as a Research Institute. Equally, the studies facilitate practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills in a multi-cultural environment, in Africa as well. The studies are of special interest both to students who wish to pursue future professional career in Africa as well as those interested in African cultural issues (journalists, economists, entrepreneurs, doctors, managers, diplomats and humanitarian organisation workers). Furthermore, the studies develop competences that prepare students to undertake independent research during their Ph.D. studies.

The graduate will receive a methodological background in the area of African studies to be used in research, including international one, and knowledge on the cultural artifacts of the studied areas. The graduate will be well prepared to educate society on cultural diversity of the African continent and its impact on the development of societies.

Applicants to the programme ought to be open to new challenges as well as show the will to explore and understand the specificity of African culture and its social and political influence.

The acquired knowledge will enable the graduates effortlessly process the material and the comfort of expression in the public domain on general issues on the theory and practice of African cultures. Furthermore, the graduates will be knowledgeable on the African cultural and civilisation diversity which will, in turn, enable them to participate in the process of understanding and inter-cultural co-operation, the resultant of which will be the enhancement of theoretical reflection of African cultures. Additionally, the graduates will be able to analyse the basic phenomena concerning African culture, to which end the indispensable instrument for the graduates will be adequate linguistic skills and methodological acquisition in the field of science and culture of African religion, linguistics, history and literature.

Qualification awarded:

Second Cycle Degree - Magisterium (M.A.) - African Studies

Access to further studies:

doctoral school, non-degree postgraduate education

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/