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Study programmes > First-cycle studies > Undergraduate Programme in Political Science > (in Polish) Undergraduate Programme in Political Science

(in Polish) Undergraduate Programme in Political Science (S1-PRK-UPPS)

(in Polish: Undergraduate Programme in Political Science)
first cycle programme
full-time, 3-year studies
Language: English

Undergraduate Programme in Political Science is addressed primarily to high school graduates.

The Programme is fee-paying.

The language of instruction is English.

The courses in the study programme are both theoretical (aimed at developing theoretical knowledge of political science issues, including courses preparing students to do research) as well as practical. The Programme includes mandatory courses and electives. The latter enables students to develop their individual interests in the course of studies. Particular emphasis is placed on issues related to European integration, as well as Poland and Central and Eastern Europe.

Our students, besides regular courses, actively participate in the academic life by being members of various political science associations; presenting at conferences, taking part in debates and lectures of distinguished guests from all over the world visiting our university. Social events are also important in students’ every day lives. The knowledge and skills developed during the studies allow them to win scholarships and awards in different competitions, e.g. for the best foreign students in Poland.

The programme has 6 semesters (3 years).

Classes are held from Monday to Friday from 8:00-20:00, mainly at the University of Warsaw Main Campus, Krakowskie Przedmieście St.


The graduates of the Undergraduate Programme in Political Science will acquire qualifications necessary for analysing political problems and issues. Thanks to skill building activities provided during courses, they will be well trained in the art of communication, negotiation and persuasion. In order to receive a Bachelor’s degree, the graduates will be required to write the BA thesis and pass the diploma exam.

More information at Faculty of Political Science and International Studies.

ECTS Coordinators:

Qualification awarded:

First cycle degree - licencjat - Undergraduate Programme in Political Science

Access to further studies:

second cycle programme

Learning outcomes

Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
– the nature and unique features of political science and its relationship to other social sciences;
– a person’s roles in social life and their interactions with their immediate social environment in historical and contemporary perspective;
– the conditions and forms of participation in social life at different levels of society and the use of political science knowledge for this purpose. In addition, they know and understand the importance of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship;
– historical, economic, social, and cultural conditions of political life;
– political, economic, cultural structures and changes therein, with a particular focus on the European Union area and the Central and Eastern European region;
– principles of functioning of the political system of the state and its elements in the Polish, European, and global contexts;
– the essence of democracy of civil society and political culture from historical and contemporary perspectives in the Polish, European, and global contexts;
– currents of contemporary political thought;
– directions of political science research and their relationship to research conducted in terms of other social sciences;
– different concepts of politics and the values, patterns, and social norms prevailing in the state and society and enabling political participation;
– mechanisms of political action, governance, and political decision-making;
– communication processes in the political space;
– basic concepts and principles of intellectual property protection;
– the principles and conditions of performing professional work in the area of study.

Skills: the graduate is able to
– recognise the causes and course of and to forecast phenomena concerning the political sphere; is able to study and explain the role of social, economic, and cultural structures in the modern world;
– use theoretical knowledge of political science and related disciplines to analyse and interpret phenomena and processes in the field of politics;
– identify and explain the principles and values of a democratic state, as well as civil society; knows how to evaluate the cultural achievements of people, with particular emphasis on political culture;
– use basic theoretical approaches and apply research methods and techniques to diagnose and forecast a variety of phenomena in the field of politics;
– identify the assumptions of various politics concepts and evaluate their effectiveness, as well as to perceive the relationship between politics and historical, economic, social, and cultural phenomena and processes;
– use the axionormative system and specific rules and norms; perceives and analyses ethical dilemmas;
– independently acquire knowledge and develop their professional skills using various sources and modern technologies;
– present their own ideas, justify them, and confront them with the views of other students and various authors;
– analyse and evaluate the content of media coverage;
– collect, prioritise, and process information, and create—individually and in groups—written works and projects on specific issues using basic theoretical approaches and a variety of sources;
– prepare oral presentations on specific issues in political science using basic theoretical approaches and a variety of sources;
– speak a foreign language in accordance with the requirements provided for level B1 of the CEFR.

Social competencies: the graduate is ready to
– actively participate in public life, including in teams pursuing social, political, and civic goals; is able to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner;
– properly identify and resolve dilemmas related to their profession, including ethical aspects;
– observe and critically evaluate various political phenomena and see their interrelationships and dependencies.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/