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Study programmes > All studies > Quantum Physics and Chemistry – Individual Research Studies > Quantum Physics and Chemistry – Individual Research Studies, full-time, second cycle programme

Quantum Physics and Chemistry – Individual Research Studies, full-time, second cycle programme (S2-PRK-QPC)

(in Polish: Quantum Physics and Chemistry – Individual Research Studies, stacjonarne, drugiego stopnia)
second cycle programme
full-time, 2-year studies
Language: English

The main concept of the studies consist in education through participation in scientific research related to quantum physics or chemistry.

Study programme:

  • leading discipline: physical sciences, additional discipline: chemical sciences
  • education in English
  • education based on world-class scientific research conducted at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Warsaw
  • education based on an individual study plan under the supervision of a scientific supervisor
  • education without emphasis on passing of specific subjects, but largely through participation in scientific research, self-education and tutoring
  • students’ own research budget
  • a wide range of laboratory activities
  • access to computer labs and well-equipped specialist libraries
  • the possibility of making your own projects and prototypes in the Makerspace@UW studio
  • internships as part of studies
  • classes at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw (ul. Pasteura 5) and the Faculty of Chemistry (ul. Pasteura 1)

The profile of the graduate:

The graduate has competences enabling independent and team solving of difficult and openly defined problems. Proficiency in quantum physics and chemistry enables him/her to participate in advanced scientific research, but these competencies are universal. The knowledge and ability to create mathematical models, combined with communication skills and the ability to analyze data, including using machine learning, allow the graduate to freely pursue their passion.

Qualification awarded:

Second cycle degree - magister - in Quantum Physics and Chemistry – Individual Research Studies

Access to further studies:

doctoral school, non-degree postgraduate education

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/