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Study programmes > All studies > Optometry > Optometry, full-time, second cycle programme

Optometry, full-time, second cycle programme (S2-PRK-OPT)

(in Polish: Optometria, stacjonarne, drugiego stopnia)
second cycle programme
full-time, 1,5-year studies
Language: Polish

Program studiów

  • dyscyplina wiodąca: nauki fizyczne, dyscypliny dodatkowe: nauki medyczne, nauki o zdrowiu
  • dostęp do pracowni komputerowych i bogato wyposażonych bibliotek specjalistycznych
  • praktyki zawodowe w ramach studiów
  • zajęcia na Wydziale Fizyki UW (ul. Pasteura 5) i w Akademickim Centrum Kształcenia Optometrystów (ul. Pasteura 7)

Sylwetka absolwenta:

Absolwent będzie mieć wykształcenie w zakresie terapii wzrokowej, korygowania wysokiej krótkowzroczności oraz optometrii geriatrycznej, czyli problemów optometrycznych najważniejszych dla polskiego społeczeństwa. Absolwent będzie przygotowany do prowadzenia własnych badań i analiz w ramach praktyki optometrycznej oraz do proponowania syntez i rozwiązań problemów optometrycznych o znaczeniu społecznym. Wykształcenie w zakresie optyki pozwoli absolwentowi proponować innowacyjne zastosowania instrumentów fizycznych w optometrii.

Qualification awarded:

Second cycle degree - magister - in Optometry

Access to further studies:

doctoral school, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences:

Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
- the impact of physical environmental factors on the health of the eye, as well as legal regulations in the field of occupational optometry,
- the impact of selected pharmaceutical agents on the body, especially on the visual system, as well as drugs and pharmaceutical diagnostic agents used in ophthalmology,
- at an advanced level, the process of vision, processing visual information, physical and physiological aspects of vision along with the principles of psychophysical measurements, together with a detailed description of the optical properties of the visual system in both physiological and pathological states,
- methods of optical correction of visual impairment and functional visual deficits, including binocular vision, and their complementarity with surgical methods,
- both the physiological and pathologically disturbed process of development and aging of the eye organ, as well as the methods of determining the level of development of visual perception,
- types, structure and physical basis for the operation of apparatus and tests used in optometric measurements and in the rehabilitation of the visual system,
- optometric and rehabilitation procedures used in the examination of the visual system and improving the functioning of the vision process,
- the principles of the operation of visual aids and techniques for assessing and measuring the eye, enabling decisions to be made in the field of supplying patients with ametropia, binocular vision disorders and visually impaired patients with optical and non-optical visual aids,
- rules for the selection and use of contact lenses of various purpose and construction, rules for dealing with patients in terms of qualifications to wear contact lenses and care for the user of contact lenses,
- economic, legal and ethical issues related to running a business in the form of an optometric office,
- fundamental dilemmas of modern civilization,
- at an advanced level, selected aspects of the properties and interactions of electromagnetic radiation, with particular emphasis on laser physics,
- selected aspects of contemporary research in the physical sciences that may be applied in optometry or psychophysics of vision.

Skills: the graduate can
- conduct a full optometric examination of the patient, including specialist examinations, in order to measure the parameters of the visual system and the quality of vision using objective and subjective methods, and on this basis, recommend adequate correction with eyeglass lenses, contact lenses and other visual aids, and conduct the application of these aids, as well as plan further treatment with the patient, including referral to the appropriate specialist doctor if the patient's condition requires it,
- recognize visual disturbances, including binocular visual disturbances and implement appropriate procedures in the field of optical correction, additional visual aids and rehabilitation techniques, and improve the vision process, as well as train the patient to perform visual exercises and use selected visual aids
- use diagnostic apparatus and equipment used in optometric practice and interpret the obtained results, in particular with the use of knowledge in the field of physical sciences, as well as operate selected specialist measuring apparatus used in examining the visual system and prepare the measurement results for interpretation by a specialist doctor
- keep optometric and medical documentation of patients in accordance with relevant laws,
- plan their own work and organize work in an interdisciplinary team, communicating effectively with specialists operating in health care and with entities from their social and economic environment, and assuming the role of a leader in such cooperation,
- use the English language to a degree that allows for lifelong learning and communication with specialists in the same or related specialty, in accordance with the requirements set out for the B2 + level of the European System for the Description of Languages,
- use information and communication technologies, in particular to acquire and transfer reliable knowledge,
- determine the directions of further improvement of knowledge and skills (including self-education) within the selected specialization and beyond.

Social competences: the graduate is ready to
- fulfilling a social role as a promoter of knowledge about eye protection and the principles of hygiene, prevention and correction of vision defects,
- active participation in groups, organizations and institutions operating in the field of eyeglass optics, optometry and non-professional initiatives for good vision,
- complying with legal and ethical restrictions and recommendations regarding the work of an optometrist,
- critical evaluation of their knowledge and skills and to participate in lifelong learning.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/