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Study programmes > All studies > Informatics and Econometrics > Informatics and Econometrics, full-time, second cycle programme

Informatics and Econometrics, full-time, second cycle programme (NW2-PRK-IE)

(in Polish: Informatyka i ekonometria, niestacjonarne (wieczorowe), drugiego stopnia)
second cycle programme
full-time, 2-year studies
Language: Polish

Studia magisterskie "Informatyka i ekonometria" Wydziału Nauk Ekonomicznych to 2. program w Europie Wschodniej w kategorii Information Systems Management zgodnie z rankingiem Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking 2022.

Kierunek posiada akredytację „Doskonały kierunek – doskonałość w kształceniu” Polskiej Komisji Akredytacyjnej.

Studia posiadają certyfikat "Studia z przyszłością" przyznawany studiom cechującym się innowacyjnością, dostosowaniem do potrzeb rynku pracy oraz nowoczesnością przyjętych rozwiązań dydaktycznych.

Program studiów obejmuje cztery typy zajęć dających razem unikatowy profil absolwenta:

  • zaawansowane zajęcia z ekonomii i dziedzin pokrewnych,
  • zajęcia kierunkowe z zakresu nowoczesnych metod ilościowych oraz narzędzi informatycznych,
  • zajęcia specjalizacyjne do wyboru,
  • zajęcia uzupełniające.

Qualification awarded:

Master's degree in informatics and econometrics

Access to further studies:

doctoral school, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

The graduate of this specialization:
- knows and understands in-depth theories of micro and macroeconomics, finance, insurance, mathematics, statistics, econometrics, computer science, and programming, as well as their applications in modelling social and economic processes; knows the developmental trends in the disciplines of economics and finance;
- knows and understands advanced quantitative methods used by economic and financial data analysts, including statistical, econometric, actuarial, computational, and IT methods used in the analysis of economic, financial, and management problems;
- knows and understands in-depth research methods using selected IT tools, including programming languages ​​and analytical tools from the STATA, SAS, R, Matlab, Eviews, and Maxima groups;
- knows and understands the principles of industrial property protection and copyright law applied by the data analyst in relation to knowledge and data sources and IT tools;
- can combine advanced theoretical knowledge with a comprehensive approach to data processing and analysis, including the methodology of processing large data sets ("big data") and data analysis with an undefined structure ("data mining", "text mining"); can select and apply methods and tools in the field of information and communication;
- can perform complex statistical, econometric and simulation analyses, forecast time series, apply methods of quantitative and qualitative data analysis, including factor, discriminant, cluster, and multivariate analysis, as well as report and present results, also in the English language;
- can solve tasks on a higher level of difficulty using their own methods and analytical tools created in selected programming languages ​​(C, C ++, R, Python, SQL, VBA, and 4GL) to acquire, integrate, process and analyse databases based on modern database systems; can plan and implement their own learning throughout their life;
- can lead debates, critically refer to the results of their own research and compare them with scientific research in economics and finance; can plan and organize their own and teamwork, especially of an interdisciplinary nature; can manage the work of analytical teams;
- can use English at B2 + level, including specialist terminology needed to work and conduct research in the field of economics and finance;
- is prepared to recognize a wide range of benefits of possessing the knowledge and skills related to complex data management in enterprises, research and financial institutions, banks, firms, and other entities, and is prepared to critically assess and expand their knowledge;
- is prepared to actively participate in the work of analytical teams and to fulfil social obligations, implement complex projects, think and act in an entrepreneurial way, as well as work individually and in a team in a creative way; and
- is prepared to observe professional ethical standards, fulfil the undertaken commitments, as well as develop and disseminate acquired competencies and knowledge.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/