Introduction to the culture and literature of Ancient Greece 4018-WYK4E
Students will learn about the development of Greek literary culture. The starting point will be the oral culture of the “Dark Ages”. The lectures will provide systematic knowledge on the development of Greek literary genres, in both poetry and prose; the phenomena of Greek theatre, Greek philosophy, and Greek rhetoric will also be presented. Literary and cultural trends will be discussed, and the development of literary aesthetics.
Topics: Greek oral culture; Homer’s epic poetry; Hesiodus’ epic poetry; the birth and development of lyric verse; the first Greek sophism; the origins and development of Greek drama; classical Attican tragedy; old Attican comedy; Plato’s philosophical writings; the works of Aristotle; Greek historiography: Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon; Demosthenes and the canon of Attican orators; Callimachus and Alexandrian poetry; Apollonius of Rhodes and Aratos; the idylls of Theocritus; Greek literature during the Roman Empire; Plutarch of Chaeronea; the second Greek sophism and its writers; the satirical dialogues of Lucian of Samosata; Greek romances - origins, motifs, main writers; neo-Platonism and its writings; the Greek Church Fathers.
Type of course
Learning outcomes
Mediterranean Civilization:
Knowledge: K_W01 - basic knowledge on the types and specificity of the object of study and methodology of disciplines involved in studies on culture
K_W02 - knowing the basic terminology of literary studies and cultural studies
K_W09 - familiarity with the leading authors of European culture
K_W10 - knowing classical philosophy authors and their ideas
K_W13 - knowing the basic methods of interpreting a literary text and a textual historical source
Skills: K_U01 - finding and interpreting information using different sources, including Greek sources, literary and historical texts, anthropological sources
K_U02 - interpreting a literary text that refers to the ancient heritage
Competences: K_K05 – awareness of the importance of the ancient heritage in European culture
K_K08 - understanding the importance of preserving the wealth, integrity and awareness of the cultural heritage of Europe, including individual Mediterranean traditions
Modern Greek Studies:
Knowledge: K_W12 - mastering the rudiments of knowledge on Greek metrics, poetics, topoi, and rhetoric
K_W14 – distinguishing and being able to name the major literary genres practised by the Greeks from antiquity to the present day
K_W15 - recognizing and being able to name the literary periods, trends and directions of Greek writing; describing the achievements of Greek literature
Skills: finding and interpreting information using different sources, including Greek sources, literary and historical texts, anthropological sources
Competences: K_K03 – appreciating the importance of the Greek heritage in Polish and European culture and having a sense of responsibility for its preservation
Assessment criteria
Oral exam.
Kanon lektur w przekładach:
1. Homer, Iliada i Odyseja
2. Hezjod, Prace i dnie, Teogonia
3. Ezop, Wybór bajek
4. Lirycy greccy w oprac. J. Danielewicza, Liryka starożytnej Grecji, Wrocław, Warszawa 1984
5. Ajschylos, Oresteja
6. Sofokles, trzy tragedie do wyboru
7. Eurypides, Trzy tragedie do wyboru
8. Arystofanes, trzy komedie do wyboru
9. Herodot, trzy księgi Dziejów do wyboru
10. Tukidydes, Wojna Peloponeska
11. Platon, Obrona Sokratesa, Uczta i dwa dialogi do wyboru
12. Ksenofont, Wyprawa Cyrusa
13. Arystoteles, Poetyka, Retoryka
14. Demostenes, Mowa w obronie Rodyjczyków, Pierwsza mowa przeciw Filipowi, Mowa pogrzebowa
15. Teokryt, 4 sielanki
16. Plutarch, dwa traktaty z Moraliów do wyboru,
17. Pausaniasz, Na olimpijskiej bieżni i w boju z Pauzaniasza wędrówki po Helladzie, przeł. J. Niemirska-Pliszczyńska, Wrocław 1968; Wrocław 2004.
18. Lukian, trzy dialogi
19. Filostrat Starszy, Obrazy, ks. I, przeł. R. Popowski, Warszawa 2004
Podręczniki obowiązujące:
1. J. Łanowski. Ks. M. Starowiejski, Literatura Grecji Starożytnej od Homera do Justyniana, Warszawa 1996
2. S. Stabryła, Historia literatury starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu (zarys), Wrocław, Warszawa 2002
Literatura przedmiotu – obowiązkowa:
1. K. Kumaniecki, Historia kultury starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu, Warszawa 1967
2. K. Kumaniecki, J. Mańkowski, Homer, Warszawa 1974
3. M. Beard, J. Henderson, Kultura antyczna – bardzo krótkie wprowadzenie, Warszawa 1999
4. J. Chadwick, Odczytanie pisma linearnego B, Warszawa 1975
5. H. D. Kitto, Tragedia grecka, studium literackie, Bydgoszcz 1997
6. J. Parandowski, Mitologia, Warszawa 1979
7. Z. Kubiak, Mitologia Greków i Rzymian, Warszawa 1997
Literatura przedmiotu – zalecana:
1. Z. Kubiak, Literatura Greków i Rzymian, Warszawa 1999.
2. J. De Romilly, Tragedia grecka, Warszawa 1994.
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
- Modern greek philology, full-time, first cicle programme
- Cultural studies – mediterranean civilization, full-time, first cicle programme
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: