Descriptive grammar of Bulgarian language 3005-KL4GOB
The first part of the course will be devoted to the Bulgarian language. Its description will be divided into the following parts: phonetics/phonology, morphology (along with morphonology and word formation), and syntax.
The phonetic-phonological section will introduce the articulative, acoustic and functional (phonological) aspects of Bulgarian speech. Information concerning the distinctive traits of articulation and sound distribution of Bulgarian will be presented, with particular emphasis on the phenomenon of the so-called vowel reduction, i.e. the differences between stressed and non-stressed syllables, the problem of "yat" variation ([’a] : [e]), syllable construction, rules of stress and intonation. Rules of classification and the characteristics of Bulgarian phonemes and their variants, as well as basic norms of Bulgarian orthoepy, will be discussed. The relation of the phonic system and the graphic aspect, and the rules of phonetic transcription of the Bulgarian language will be characterized. Important morphonological variations will be introduced.
In the discussion of morphology, traditional divisions into morphologic categories which refer to similar divisions in other Slavonic languages will be presented. Specific parts of speech will be discussed according to their particular formal and semantic categories (such as the definite/indefinite character). Emphasis will be placed upon the contrast in typology between Bulgarian (analytic) grammar and the Polish (syntetic) grammar, for example, as regards the comparative and superlative in adjectives, tense forms, modality (different set of verb aspects), etc. The Balkan specifics of Bulgarian will be discussed in detail. The tense structure will be presented with particular stress on formal and functional oppositions between chosen Bulgarian tenses. Word formation will be described via characterization of significant productive categories and word formation types with reference to all parts of speech.
The discussion of Bulgarian syntax will include a review of basic notions referring to formal and functional characteristics of particular elements of the sentence, the kinds of word and phrase combination. Contrast between the Polish sentence type as a realization of the syntetic system relations and the Bulgarian sentence as representing analytic relations (e.g. the function of prepositions in sentence structure), will be commented upon in detail. A discussion of characteristic functional types of sentences, e.g. the interrogative, the exclamation, the negation etc., will be discussed in detail. The relations among constitutive parts of complex sentences of a given type, as well as rules governing the order of elements in a Bulgarian sentence will be introduced. A description of methods of representation in direct and reported speech will follow.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
Having finished the course, the student will gain skills in:
- characterizing facts of Bulgarian language (in the context of other Slavonic languages, especially Old Church Slavonic, Polish, Macedonian, and other non-Slavonic analytic languages);
- comparing similarities between the Bulgarian grammatical system and those of its Balkan neighbors;
- knowledge of basic distinctions and specific traits of Bulgarian dialects.
Assessment criteria
Przygotowanie i aktywność na zajęciach.
Test końcowy pisemny.
Practical placement
- Bartula C., Podstawowe wiadomości z gramatyki staro-cerkiewno-słowiańskiej na tle porównawczym, wyd. III, Warszawa 2000
- Dalewska-Greń H. Języki słowiańskie, Warszawa 2002: 274-278, 308-310
- Korytkowska M., Typy pozycji predykatowo-argumentowych, z serii Gramatyka konfrontatywna bułgarsko-polska, red. V. Koseska-Toszewa, J. Penčew, t. V, cz. 1, Warszawa 1992
- Koseska-Toszewa V., Penčev J., Gramatyka konfrontatywna bułgarsko-polska, t. I-VI, Warszawa - Sofia 1988-1996
- Lehr-Spławiński T., Kuraszkiewicz W., Sławski F., Przegląd i charakterystyka języków słowiańskich, Warszawa 1954
- Popowa W., Zwięzła gramatyka języka bułgarskiego, Warszawa 1972
- Scatton E. A., Bulgarian Phonology, Columbus 1983
- Sławski F., Zarys dialektologii południowosłowiańskiej (z wyborem tekstów gwarowych), Warszawa 1962
- Андрейчин Л., Основна българска граматика, София 1977
- Андрейчин Л., Попов К., Стоянов С., Граматика на българския език, София 1977
- Бояджиев Б., Българска лексикология, София 1986
- Бояджиев Т., Куцаров И., Пенчев Й., Съвременен български език. Фонетика, лексикология, словообразуване, морфология, синтаксис, София 1999
- Български език, ред. С. Димитрова, Opole 1997
- Георгиев С., Българска морфология, Велико Търново 1991
- Кръстев Б., Морфология на българския език в 187 типови таблици, София 1984
- Кювлиева-Мишайкова В., Фразеологизмите в българския език, София 1986
- Ничева К., Българска фразеология, София 1987
- Ничева К., Спасова-Михайлова С., Чолакова К., Предговор i Увод, (w:) Фразеологичен речник на българския език, т. I-II, София 1974-1975
- Пашов П., Практическа българска граматика, София 1989
- Пашов П., Първев Х., Българският правоговор, София 1983
- Радева В., Словообразуването в българския книжовен език, София 1991
- Русинов Р., Учебник по история на новобългарския книжовен език, София 1980.
- Стоянов С. (гл. ред.), Граматика на съвременния български книжовен език, т. I Фонетика, т. II Морфология, т. III Синтаксис, София 1983
- Тилков Д., Бояджиев Т., Българска фонетика, София 1977
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
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