Linguistic aspects of translation 3003-P1A2JA
Translation studies generally involve two texts: the source language text and the target language text. Yet the reader of translated texts knows only the target language version, on the basis of which they evaluate the original. Translation studies list many reasons for the differences between the source text and the target text and evaluates such divergences. Some of the differences are the result of differences between the source and the target culture and the standards of source and target literature, and are introduced by the translator or the publisher. Yet others simply spring from the differences between the source and the target language. When teaching translation strategies and techniques available to the translator to overcome such difficulties are presented. In contrast, the course will focus on the impact of such strategies and techniques on the translated texts, in particular on literary and academic texts from the field of humanities.
The course is targeted at the analysis of linguistic aspects of translation, in particular of translation of literary texts and academic texts from the field of humanities. The participants are made aware of what is involved when they are faced with a translated text (as opposed to the original). The course addresses the place of translated literature in the larger literary system, the impact of translated literature on the formation of target language, but first of all on the translation problems caused by differences between the source and target languages. The course is divided into several blocs:
1. Linguistic aspects of translation seen from the perspective of the translation theory, translation practice, translation criticism and target language readers.
2. Language systems and translation:
a. troubles with phonetics — how the text would sound
b. troubles with word –formation: derived and composed neologisms, nonsense texts, different word formation patterns across languages.
c. troubles with inflexion – the structure of grammatical categories and their values.
d. troubles with syntax – the impact of word order, foregrounding and backgrounding, in-text relations (e.g. tense agreement, marked syntactic patterns))
3. Troubles with semantics – polysemy, semantic range
4. Troubles with non-standard varieties and stylizations.
5. Re-translations.
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Type of course
General: Classroom Remote learning | Term 2024Z: Classroom | Term 2023Z: Classroom |
Learning outcomes
Upon the completion of the course the student
- Knows the basic translation techniques and strategies, and can identify them in the target texts,
- Understands the impact of linguistic differences between the source and the target language on the translated text,
- Understands the impact of differences between the source and the target culture upon the translated text,
- Understand the role of translated text on the target literature and culture.
Assessment criteria
Estimated student workload: 90 hours (3 ECTS), including:
- participating in classes: 30 hours (1 ECTS)
- preparing for classes: 30 hours (1 ECTS)
- solving unit tests, preparing a written assignment: 30 hours (1 ECTS)
1. assigments or tests during the course — 50% (at least 50% of the score is required to pass the course)
2. final test or final assigment/essay — 50% Assignments may be done in teams.
3. attendance; 2 absences allowed without sick note/fortuitous event official note.
Students do assignments and take tests on the Kampus platform.
Two absences are allowed. Above this number (with the exception of cases immediately documented, e.g. by sick leave) – it is not possible to pass the class. Unexcused excess absences must be made up in the manner indicated by the class teacher.
Legal basis: Regulamin studiów na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim:
a. pkt 17 par. 2,
b. pkt 4.5 par. 17,
c. par 33.
1. If students wish to use artificial intelligence tools for wrtitten assignments, they must:
a. obtain the teachers's permission,
b. agree with the teacherthe objectives and scope of the use of artificial intelligence tools.
(2) If students use artificial intelligence tools:
a. without the consent of the teacheror
b. in a manner not agreed with the teacher,
the teacher shall apply procedures analogous to those used in the anti-plagiarism procedure. These procedures are described by The University Council for Teaching and Learning in Resolution 14.
Legal basis:
1. Uchwała nr 170 Rady Dydaktycznej dla kierunków studiów: filologia bałtycka, filologia klasyczna i studia śródziemnomorskie, filologia polska, filologia polskiego języka migowego, kulturoznawstwo – wiedza o kulturze, logopedia ogólna i kliniczna, slawistyka, sztuka pisania, sztuki społeczne z dnia 27 lutego 2024 r. w sprawie wytycznych dotyczących korzystania z narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji w procesie kształcenia na Wydziale Polonistyki
2. Uchwała nr 98 Uniwersyteckiej Rady ds. Kształcenia z dnia 8 grudnia 2023 r. w sprawie wytycznych dotyczących korzystania z narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji w procesie kształcenia.
3. Uchwała nr 14 Uniwersyteckiej Rady ds. Kształcenia z dnia 13 lipca 2020 r. w sprawie wytycznych dotyczących standardów i procedur postępowania w przypadku przygotowywania prac zaliczeniowych i dyplomowych z naruszeniem prawa na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim.
Practical placement
Stanisław Barańczak, Ocalone w tłumaczeniu (selected essays), Kraków 2008.
Piotr Bukowski i Magda Heydel, Współczesne teorie przekładu, Kraków 2009.
Piotr de Bończa Bukowski, i Magda Heydel, Polska myśl przekładoznawcza, Kraków 2014 (selected chapters).
Hanna Dymel-Trzebiatowska, Translatoryka literatury dziecięcej, Gdańsk 2014 (selected passages).
Krzysztof Hejowski, Kognitywno-komunikacyjna teoria przekładu, Warszawa 2007.
Krzysztof Hejwowski, Płeć i rodzaj gramatyczny w przekładzie [w:] Translatio i literatura, Warszawa 2011, s. 175-181.
Krzysztof Hejwowski, Idioms in literary translation [w:] Lingua Terra Cognita II, Gdańsk, r. 2011, s. 777-791.
Theo Hermans, Narada języków, Kraków 2015 (selected passages).
Jolanta Kozak, Przekład literacki jako metafora, Warszawa 2008 (selected chapters).
Roman Lewicki, Zagadnienia lingwistyki przekładu, Lublin 2017 (selected passages).
Elżbieta Tabakowska, Językoznawstwo kognitywne a poetyka przekładu, Kraków 2008. (selected chapters)
Teresa Tomaszkiewicz, Przekład audiowizualny, Warszawa 2006 (selected fragments).
Wojtasiewicz, Olgierd, Wstęp do teorii tłumaczenia, Warszawa 1957 (selected fragments).
In addition:
Selected journal articles from „Przekładaniec”, „Roczniki przekładoznawcze”, „Między oryginałem a przekładem”, „Studia przekładoznawcze”, „Dwutygodnik”.
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: