Culture of Polish Language 3003-P1A1KJ
The aim of the lecture is to familiarize students with the most important growth trends of contemporary Polish language, including pronunciation, inflection, syntax and vocabulary, as well as with the mechanisms of language mistakes. Participants learn to be sensitive to aesthetic value and ethics of statements, principles of language courtesy as well as social, aesthetic and cognitive value of language. Students get to know basic terms of normative linguistics and get acquainted with the most important historic and contemporary publications codifying the language norm. They also learn about organizations institutionally involved in the language policy. Furthermore, they get to know opportunities and threats of Polish language in the globalizing world. Finally, they will understand the fundamental relations between language and culture.
Classes are devoted mainly to the development of culture of language in the subjective sense – students master in the ability to properly (i.e. conforming to the language norm) use the language. They also learn about main types of language mistakes and, assisted by the teacher, perform the correction of various contemporary texts. Students get to understand problems as: Changes in word meanings in contemporary Polish. Semantic relations between words: synonymy, antonymy, conversion, complementarity. Polysemy and homonymy. Types of homonyms. Phraseologisms against the background of Polish vocabulary. Typologies of phraseological compounds. New idioms in Polish language (thematic fields and sources). Phraseology and cultural changes. Contemporary Polish vocabulary as the mirror of culture. Language picture of world in the Polish vocabulary.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Term 2024: | Term 2023: |
Learning outcomes
A student:
- uses Polish language according to socially approved rules;
- adapts the choice of language means to circumstances, such as recipient’s abilities, social function;
- speaks effectively, clearly, convincingly, using numerous language means;
- identifies types of language mistakes and mechanisms of their formation, describes them using terminology of normative linguistics;
- analyzes contemporary Polish texts to make normative assessments and justifies these opinions about language and texts, performs the language correction of the text;
- recognizes basic growth trends of contemporary Polish language regarding pronunciation, inflection, syntax and vocabulary;
- defines basic terms of normative linguistics and uses them to assess language phenomena;
- builds texts meeting the requirements of ethics of speech, recognizes manipulative measures;
- uses language in accordance with the principles of language courtesy, identifies trends in the Polish language courtesy;
- uses Polish language, knowing that language is not only a communication tool, but the value of culture because of the language picture of world in the domestic verbal or grammatical structures;
- demonstrates concern of language, recognizes the phenomenon of vulgarization;
- while assessing the language, refers to contemporary correctness and codification publications;
- explains and assesses lexical phenomena in contemporary Polish language;
- defines and identifies types of formal and semantic relations between words;
- recognize relations between lexical and cultural changes.
Assessment criteria
Workload and ECTS points:
- participation in classes: 60 hours (2 ECTS);
- participation in the lecture: 60 hours (2 ECTS);
- preparation for classes (performing tasks, works, tests, other activities): 120 hours (4 ECTS);
- exam preparation: 60 (2 ECTS).
Test (at least 60% correct answers required); the examination consists of questions related to the classes and to the lecture. To pass the exam it is necessary to pass classes and the lecture (short final test).
Students are entitled to two unexcused absences per semester.
If students have more unexcused absences, they do not receive course credit.
If students want to justify their absences, they must document their objective reasons (e.g. sick leave) within a week.
Students are obliged to make up extra excused absences in the manner indicated by the person conducting the classes.
Basis: Regulations of studies at the University of Warsaw:
a. 17 § 2,
b. 4. 5 § 17,
c. § 33.
If students use artificial intelligence tools for the purpose of final work or partial work, they must
a. obtain the consent of the person conducting the classes,
b. agree with the person conducting the classes on the goals and scope of use of artificial intelligence tools.
Students cannot use artificial intelligence tools to edit works in Polish unless the instructor agrees to it.
If someone uses artificial intelligence tools:
a. without the consent of the person conducting the classes or
b. in a manner not agreed with her,
the person conducting the classes applies procedures analogous to those used in the anti-plagiarism procedure. These procedures were described by the University Council for Education in Resolution No. 14.
1. Uchwała nr 170 Rady Dydaktycznej dla kierunków studiów: filologia bałtycka, filologia klasyczna i studia śródziemnomorskie, filologia polska, filologia polskiego języka migowego, kulturoznawstwo – wiedza o kulturze, logopedia ogólna i kliniczna, slawistyka, sztuka pisania, sztuki społeczne z dnia 27 lutego 2024 r. w sprawie wytycznych dotyczących korzystania z narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji w procesie kształcenia na Wydziale Polonistyki
2. Uchwała nr 98 Uniwersyteckiej Rady ds. Kształcenia z dnia 8 grudnia 2023 r. w sprawie wytycznych dotyczących korzystania z narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji w procesie kształcenia
3. Uchwała nr 14 Uniwersyteckiej Rady ds. Kształcenia z dnia 13 lipca 2020 r. w sprawie wytycznych dotyczących standardów i procedur postępowania w przypadku przygotowywania prac zaliczeniowych i dyplomowych z naruszeniem prawa na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim.
Formy i normy, czyli poprawna polszczyzna w praktyce, red. K. Mosiołek-Kłosińska, Warszawa 2015.
H. Jadacka, Kultura języka polskiego. Fleksja. Słowotwórstwo. Składnia, Warszawa 2005.
T. Karpowicz, Kultura języka polskiego.Wymowa, ortografia, interpunkcja, Warszawa 2009.
A. Markowski, Kultura języka polskiego. Teoria. Zagadnienia leksykalne, Warszawa 2005.
Wielki słownik ortograficzno-fleksyjny, red. J. Podracki, Warszawa 2001.
Wielki słownik ortograficzny PWN z zasadami pisowni i interpunkcji, red. E. Polański, Warszawa 2003.
J.D. Apresjan, Semantyka leksykalna. Synonimiczne środki języka, wyd. II, Wrocław 2000.
D. Buttler, Koncepcje pola znaczeniowego, „Przegląd Humanistyczny” 1967, z. 2.
D. Buttler, Odmiany polskiej homonimii, „Poradnik Językowy” 1971, z. 1–2.
D. Buttler, Rozwój semantyczny wyrazów polskich, Warszawa 1978.
D. Buttler, Struktura znaczeniowa wyrazów, „Prace Filologiczne” 1976, t. XXVI.
D. Buttler, Typy łączliwości leksykalnej wyrazów, „Prace Filologiczne” 1975, t. XXV.
R. Grzegorczykowa, Wprowadzenie do semantyki językoznawczej, wyd. III, Warszawa 2001.
J. Lyons, Wstęp do językoznawstwa, rozdz. 10.2–10.4 (synonimia, hiponimia, niezgodność, antonimia, komplementarność, niezgodność), Warszawa 1975.
M. Majewska, Homonimy i homonimia w opisie językoznawczym, Warszawa 2002.
B. Nowakowska, Nowe połączenia wyrazowe we współczesnej polszczyźnie, Kraków 2005.
J. Radwańska, Relacje konwersji leksykalnej w języku polskim, „Język Polski” 1992, z. 2.
E. Rudnicka, Znaczenia wyrazów – przegląd i charakterystyka typów, kwestie wątpliwe, „Przegląd Humanistyczny” 2003, z. 2.
R. Tokarski Językowy obraz świata w metaforach potocznych [w:] Językowy obraz świata, red. J. Bartmiński Lublin 1990.
R. Tokarski, Słownictwo jako interpretacja świata [w:] Encyklopedia kultury polskiej XX wieku. Współczesny język polski, red. J. Bartmiński Lublin 2000.
+articles and books recommended by the teacher
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: