Seminars for Mathematics
- (in Polish) Fundamenty geometrii algebraicznej 1000-1S13FGA
- (in Polish) Seminarium badawcze "Topologia algebraiczna" 1000-1S17-TA
- (in Polish) Seminarium badawcze "Teoria kategorii" 1000-1S17TK
- (in Polish) Seminarium badawcze Zakładu Algebry 1000-1S17ZA
- (in Polish) Seminarium badawcze Zakladu Teorii Prawdopodobieństwa 1000-1S17ZP
- (in Polish) Seminarium badawcze Topologia i Teoria Mnogości 1000-1S18TTM
- (in Polish) Cząstki na wysokości 4 1000-1S23CW4
- (in Polish) Dynamika holomorficzna 1000-1S23DH
- (in Polish) Cząstki na wysokości 5 1000-1S24CW5
- (in Polish) Matematyka w dynamice kolektywnej i mechanice płynów 1000-1S24MDM
- Actuarial Mathematics 1000-1S11AM
- Algebraic Geometry seminar 1000-1S17GA
- Analysis and differential equations 1000-1S96AM
- Biomathematics and Game Theory 1000-1S15BTG
- Classical algebraic structures and their applications 1000-1S96AL
- Ergodic theory and dynamical systems 1000-1S24TEUD
- Industrial mathematics 1000-1S20MU
- Introduction to the Baum-Connes Conjecture 1000-1S24HBM
- K-theories 1000-1S22KT
- Knot Theory 1000-1S14TW
- Mathematical Finance 1000-1S11MF
- Mathematical models in biology and social sciences 1000-1S10MBS
- Mathematical Models in Finance 1000-1S11MMF
- Mathematical Statistics and its Applications 1000-1S96ST
- Methods of Noncommutative Geometry 1000-1S21MGN
- Methods of noncommutative topology 1000-1S22MTK
- Newtonian Revolution. Mathematics and astronomy XVII century 1000-1S20RN
- Number theory and cryptography 1000-1S06TLK
- Numerical Methods 1000-1S96MN
- Partial differential equations and their applications 1000-1S09RC
- Popularisation of Mathematics 1000-1S03PM
- Probability methods in finance 1000-1S05MPF
- Probability theory 1000-1S96RP
- Quantitative Finance 1000-1S12MIF
- Research seminar - Equations of Mathematical Physics 1000-1S15RFM
- Research seminar - Mathematical Statistics 1000-1S15ZSM
- Research seminar - Numerical Analysis 1000-1S15ZAN
- Topology and geometry of manifolds 1000-1S97TA
- Topology and set theory 1000-1S96TO