Elective courses for 2nd stage studies in Mathematics
- (in Polish) Teoria Ryzyka w Ubezpieczeniach II 1000-1M15TR2
- (in Polish) Nierówności w geometrii wypukłej 1000-1M17NGW
- (in Polish) Statystyczne uczenie maszynowe 1000-1M18SUM
- (in Polish) Kwantowe niezmienniki węzłów 1000-1M20KNW
- (in Polish) Wypłacalność zakładów ubezpieczeń 1000-1M21WZU
- (in Polish) Inżynieria finansowa II 1000-1M22IF2
- (in Polish) Metody numeryczne w analizie danych i uczeniu maszynowym 1000-1M22NUM
- (in Polish) Grafy kwantowe 1000-1M23GK
- (in Polish) Ideały miary i kategorii 1000-1M23ITM
- (in Polish) L^2-niezmienniki w topologii 1000-1M23LNT
- (in Polish) Geometryczna teoria miary i zagadnienia wariacyjne 1000-1M23TMW
- (in Polish) Metody arbitrażu statystycznego 1000-1M24MAS
- (in Polish) Introduction to topological data analysis 1000-1M24TDA
- Set theory, independence proofs and the continuum hypothesis 1000-2M23STI
- Advanced course in PDEs 1000-1M18ZRR
- Algebraic geometry in positive characteristic 1000-1M22GAD
- Amenability of Banach Algebras 1000-1M24SAB
- Applied Category Theory 1000-1M24STK
- Approximate reasoning 1000-1M00WA
- Banach Algebras 1000-1M13AB
- Data analysis and visualization 1000-719DAV
- Deciding logical properties of statements and its complexity 1000-2M23ZWL
- Deformation theory and moduli spaces 1000-1M19DPM
- Didactics of mathematics 1000-1M15DM
- Dimensions in Ring Theory 1000-1M24WTP
- Elements of Category Theory 1000-1M07ET
- Equivariant cohomology in algebraic geometry 1000-1M23EK
- Forcing 1000-1M24FRC
- Fourier Analysis 1000-1M10AF
- Fundamental groups in Algebraic Geometry 1000-1M24GPA
- Geometric modelling 1000-1M08MG
- Geometry III 1000-1M14GM3
- Harmonic analysis 2 1000-1M10AH2
- Hydrodynamics equations in geophysical problems. 1000-1M19RHG
- Introduction to Combinatorics 1000-1M19WDK
- Introduction to neurodynamics and neuroinformatics 1000-1M09WNN
- Introduction to noncommutative geometry 1000-1M22WGN
- Introduction to the theory of random fields and applications 1000-1M24TPL
- Lectures in modern mathematics 1000-1M24WWM
- M'AI: Agent Models 1000-1M23MAM
- M’AI: agents’ interaction 1000-1M24MAI
- Mathematical physics and ergodic theory of lattice systems - Ising model, quasicrystals 1000-1M22MIK
- Measure theoretic aspects of the calculus of variations 1000-1M21TRW
- Model Categories 1000-1M23KMO
- Multidimensional calculus of variations 1000-1M10WRW
- Operator algebras on Hilbert spaces 1000-1M24APH
- Optimal transport in evolution equations 1000-1M23OTE
- Probabilistic and graph models of causality 1000-1M23PMP
- Probability on graphs 1000-1M24PGR
- Random dynamical systems 1000-1M24LUD
- Selected topics in decriptive set theory 1000-1M24WTM
- Special functions 1000-1M23FS
- Special functions with Mathematica 1000-1M24FSM
- Spherical harmonics 1000-1M23HS
- Stochastic control theory 1000-1M23TOS
- Tools Supporting Data Analysis in Python 1000-1M20NPD
- Topics in the theory of the heat equation 1000-1M23THE
- Transport equation 1000-1M24RT
- Unprovability 1000-1M18ND
- Variational methods in partial differential equations 1000-1M23MWR