Paleoanthropology 2800-DTPALEO
1. Course description, palaeoanthropology: definitions and methods
- also: students choose paper topics according to the provided list or their own interest and preference
2. Evolution: definitions, applications, examples
3. Timetable, climate and changes
4. Primates: in the past and now
5. First human like creatures: Sahelanthropus and others
6. Australopithecs
7. First humans: H. habilis and H. rudolphensis
8. Real human: H. ergaster/erectus
9. Towards the modern human: H. antecessor, H. heidelbergensis
10. Brothers or cousins: Neanderthals
11. Just like ourselves: H. sapiens
12. Papers Session – student presentations
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Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Basic literature:
Johanson D., E. Blake, D. Brill, 2006, From Lucy to Language, Simon & Schuster
Jones S., R.D. Martin, D.R. Pilbeam, 1994, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, Cambridge University Press
Detailed literature for each topic, as well as for student presentations, will be discussed in class
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