Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition on European an international labour law 2200-1I109
The aim of this course is to prepare students for the participation in the Hugo Sinzheimer
Moot Court Competition (the Hugo Moot).
The Hugo Moot is a competition in European and international Labour Law for law students
across Europe. The aim of the Hugo Moot is to deepen and improve knowledge and insight
into this field of EU Law, to offer students an opportunity to work and act like real lawyers
arguing a case before a jury of judges, and to give an opportunity to learn in a setting that is
different from the normal classroom learning experience. Thereto, students work in groups,
they meet and compete against students in an international setting, they get comparative
insights from the case and meeting the other teams, they get deep knowledge about the subject
matter of the case, while the element of competition adds an extra challenge.
The competition imitates real life court situations and addresses the most challenging and
topical issues within the field of EU and international labour law and its application in
Member States. During the competition teams prepare written statements, which are assessed
individually, and oral pleas, which are performed during the event in three round (quarter
finals; semi finals; final) in front of a jury panel consisting of internationally renowned
experts and judges.
Participation to the Hugo Moot is limited to thirteen national teams and based on invitation by
the Hugo Moot’s organizing committee. To prepare the Polish team for the Hugo Moot this
course exists of three parts.
1. Lectures providing general introductions to European and international labour law and the
relevant EU and international regulations covering the topics of the moot court case.
2. Master classes on preparing and writing written statements and oral pleas provided in
collaboration with practitioners.
3. Discussions and practice to prepare the written statements and the oral pleas.
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Tryb prowadzenia
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
At the end of the course Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition in European and
International Labour Law, the student will:
- have knowledge of European labour law in general;
- have profound knowledge of European labour law on the topics of the Hugo Moot case;
- have a deep understanding of the relationship between EU labour law and national labour
- have a deep understanding of the relationship between international labour law and
national labour law;
- have a deep understanding of the relationship between EU and international labour law;
- be able to define labour law at national, European, and international level;
- be able to apply European and international labour law in a national setting;
- be able to assess national labour law in light of European and international labour law;
- be able to solve cases dealing with issues of European and international law in a national
court setting;
- be able to assess the possible effects of European and international fundamental rights on
national labour legislation;
- be able to work with the databases of the EU, especially Eurlex and Curia;
- be able to write a written statement on a legal case dealing with national, European and
international labour law;
- be able to plea in a case involving national, European and international labour law.
Furthermore, the student will have (further) developed a number of skills such as critical legal
thinking, group work, communication, pleading, presenting, writing, working with databases,
and general legal research skills (legislation, jurisprudence, literature).
Kryteria oceniania
The annexed evaluation forms will be used to evaluate the written part (Annex 1) and the oral
part (Annex 2) for the selection moot court.
For the first half of the course use will be made of:
1. Jaspers, Pennings and Peters (eds.) European Labour Law (Intersentia 2023);
2. Additional materials depending on the topics of the case.
Since the course is to prepare for an international moot court competition, students are
expected to search for relevant legislation, literature, and case law themselves. Therefore, the
prescribed reading materials will be limited.
Introductions will be given into the databases of the European Union (Curia and Eurlex), the
Council of Europe and the International Labour Organisation. It is expected that students
know how to work with the databases of the library and know how to find legislation and do
literature searches.
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: