Module-Policies-1 [Labour market policy] 2100-SPP-L-D3MOP1
Plan of lectures:
1. Introduction into lectures
2. Labour market policy - basic terms, objectives, employment policy, labour market policy versus other sectoral policies
3. Determinants of labour market policy - demography, migration, environmental changes, new technologies, changing social and economic relations
4. Labour market theories and concepts
5. Unemployment as a social issue
6. Policies against unemployment and social protection of the unemployed
7. Employment of foreign workers
8. Active labour market policy - instruments, mechanisms, examples of implementation
9. Supporting disadvantaged groups - young people, the elderly, women, people with disabilities, former prisoners
10. Labour market infrastructure - public employment services, private labour market intermediaries, trade unions, employers' organisations
11. Flexibility in the labour market - flexicurity policies, flexibility concepts
12. Responses during crises - financial crisis 2007, COVID-19, war in Ukraine
13. Employment promotion - labour education system
14. Employment policy of the European Union
15. Final test, summary discussion
The aim of the exercises/workshops is primarily to deepen and extend the knowledge imparted in the lecture. Students will have the opportunity to acquire practical skills in analysing labour market policies and their components. There will be a strong emphasis on the preparation of labour market reports, including in particular the use of databases and available materials in the field of labour market policy or industrial relations. The exercises will be divided into four thematic blocks around which different types of activities will be organised: student presentations, discussions on previously prepared materials (including documentary movies) or discussions with invited guests.
1. labour market policy challenges
2. labour market policy mechanisms and solutions
3. labour market policies in selected countries
4. analysis of labour market and industrial relations
Forms of completion:
1. active participation in class and group discussions
2. presentation of a selected academic article from one of the journals (Work, Employment and Society, Journal for Labour Market Research, International Labour Review) and public discussion of 5 minutes on the main findings from the reading of the text (i.e. research problem, scientific objective, methodology, main conclusions and limitations).
3. prepare a project and present a detailed analysis of labour market policies in one of the selected countries of the world (details will be discussed in the first class).
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Tryb prowadzenia
Założenia (opisowo)
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Knowledge: The graduate knows and understands
(K_W05) advanced knowledge of how social and political institutions operate in specific areas of social and public policy, with particular emphasis on, labour market and related issues;
(K_W06) at an advanced level, selected theories that conceptualise the interrelationships between the elements of the labour market policy;
(K_W08) normative and ethical conditions of scientific and practical activity in the field of labour market policy.
Skills: The graduate will be able to
(K_U03) accurately identify economic, social and cultural conditions of labour market and apply approaches and theories in interpreting detailed relationships between phenomena;
(K_U05) at an advanced level, indicate the relationships between axio-normative assumptions and proposed practical solutions in the field of labour market policy.
1. Clegg, D. and Durazzi, N. (eds.) (2023). Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies, Edward Elgar.
2. Boeri, T., van Ours, J. (2021). The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets, Princeton University Press.
3. Theodoropolou, S. (ed.) (2018). Labour Market Policies in the Era of Pervasive Austerity: A European Perspective, Policy Press.
4. Reports published by Eurostat, European Commission, OECD.
Więcej informacji
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