German language teaching methodology for upper primary school 4100-4SDYDNIEM
The objective of the course is to equip students with the methodological tools to effectively conduct classes in kindergarten and German lessons in the initial stage of education. The programme assumes the mastery of skills in the planning of the German language teaching process, selection of appropriate materials, teaching techniques, methods of presentation and control. It also assumes proficiency in a range of working techniques and social forms of learning.
The course covers a range of topics related to language teaching, including the development of receptive and productive skills, vocabulary acquisition, pronunciation and intonation, interaction and language mediation, preschool German language teaching, the use of games, the use of music, the role of realia and cultural studies, and the observation of foreign language lessons and the planning of teaching.
The course requires a total of 30 contact hours and 30 hours of independent work from students.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
S_W02 the necessary terminology relevant to teaching foreign languages in kindergarten and at the first educational stage (primary school)
S_W03 the methods, norms, procedures and standards of good practice in educational institutions, related to teaching foreign languages in kindergarten and at the first educational stage (primary school)
S_W19 the core curriculum regarding the content of teaching German in kindergarten and at the first educational stage (primary school) and
associated typical learning difficulties
Skills: the graduate is able to
S_U02 plan and implement projects typical for foreign language teaching environments (including preschool)
S_U05 observe and assess the suitability of a variety of methods, procedures and best practices, and select and apply the appropriate approach with the goal of accomplishing tasks and solving problems related to foreign language teaching
S_U19 using the basic organisational skills, plan and carry out tasks related to teaching foreign languages
S_U20 perform the various roles required for working as a team, is willing to accept and assign tasks, and possesses the elementary organisational skills necessary in designing and implementing professional educational activities
S_U22 acquire knowledge and develop their professional competences in teaching foreign languages using a variety of sources (in their first and any other language) and new technologies (ICT)
Social competences: the graduate is prepared to
S_K05 interact and work in a group, performing various roles
Assessment criteria
A pass mark of more than 60% is required in three areas.
- Written credit test (max. 40 points)
On the basis of the literature read, the student is required to list the elements of didactic sequences, define the components of the processes, explain the meaning of the terms, justify, propose and design didactic solutions, and illustrate the given theorems with examples.
- Preparation of original teaching materials and work on the platform (max. 30 points)
- Audit of class participation (max. 30 points)
Students who have attended all the lectures and completed the scheduled assignments are exempted from the oral assessment and receive maximum marks for this.
A minimum of 50% of the available points must be earned in each range.
The final grade is determined by the following criteria:
Below 60 – 2.0
60-68 – 3.0
69-78 – 3.5
79-88 – 4.0
89-96 – 4.5
Above 97 – 5.0
In the event that a student was unable to attend class or was unprepared, they may choose to pass the topic orally during the designated duty period.
Practical placement
Courses are integrated with pedagogical practice
Burwitz-Melzer, Eva / Mehlhorn, Grit / Riemer, Claudia / Bausch, Karl-Richard / Krumm, Hans-Jürgen (Hg.) (2016): Handbuch
Fremdsprachenunterricht. Stuttgart: UTB
Ende, Karin (2013): Curriculare Vorgaben und Unterrichtsplanung. Unter Mitarbeit von Rüdiger Grotjahn, Karin Kleppin und Imke Mohr. Berlin, Madrid, München, Warschau, Wien, Zürich: Langenscheidt (Deutsch lehren lernen).
Caunneau, I. (1992): Hören, brummen, sprechen. München: Klett
Daubillier, Ch. / Lévy-Hillerich, D. (2006): Spiele im Deutschunterricht. Berlin / München: Langenscheidt
Glaboniat, Manuela; Müller, Martin; Rusch, Paul; Schmitz, Helen; Wertenschlag, Lukas (2017): Profile deutsch. Gemeinsamer europäischer Referenzrahmen : Lernzielbestimmungen, Kannbeschreibungen, kommunikative Mittel, Niveau A1-A2, B1-B2, C1-C2. Version 2.0. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen (Deutsch als Fremdsprache).
Komorowska (2002): Metodyka nauczania języków obcych. Warszawa: Fraszka Edukacyjna
Lundquist-Mog, Angelika; Widlok, Beate (2020): DaF für Kinder. Stuttgart: Klett
Pamuła, M. (2005): Metodyka nauczania języków obcych w kształceniu zintegrowanym. Warszawa: Fraszka Edukacyjna
Róg, Tomasz (2020): Nauczanie języków obcych. Teoria, badania, praktyka. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Werset.
Storch. G. (1999): Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Eine Didaktik: Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Unterrichtsgestaltung. Paderborn: Fink
Trim, J. L. M. (Hg.) (2013): Gemeinsamer europäischer Referenzrahmen für Sprachen. Lernen, lehren, beurteilen ; [Niveau A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. Unter Mitarbeit von Marion Butz. Europarat. München: Klett-Langenscheidt.
Wicke, R. -E. (2000): Grenzüberschreitungen. Der Einsatz von Musik, Fotos und Kunstbildern im Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht in Schule und Fortbildung. München: Iudicium
Wicke, R. -E. (2003): Aktiv und kreativ lernen. Projektorientierte Spracharbeit im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache. München: Max Hueber Verlag
Zawadzka-Bartnik, E (2010): Nauczyciel języków obcych i jego niepełnosprawni uczniowie. Kraków: Impuls
Ziebell, B. (2000): Unterrichtsbeobachtung und Lehrerverhalten. Berlin / München: Langenscheidt
Czasopismo „Fremdsprache Deutsch“ – zeszyt 48
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: