General didactics 4100-2SDYDOGOLO
The aim of the lecture is to prepare students for the role of a teacher by providing them with knowledge of general didactics as a theory of learning and teaching. Participants will learn the basic concepts of general didactics as a pedagogical sub-discipline and the basic trends and theoretical approaches related to general didactics and the teaching-learning theory. They gain knowledge about the education process, its goals, patterns, principles, selection of educational content, forms of its implementation and didactic means. They learn about past and contemporary models of education and learn about the characteristics of the most important didactic systems. They learn about the planning and organisation of the teaching process. The acquired knowledge in the field of general didactics allows them to reflect on their own didactic work and analyse and design didactic activities at all educational stages.
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Term 2023L: obligatory courses pedagogical qualifications | General: obligatory courses | Term 2024L: pedagogical qualifications obligatory courses |
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
K_W01 to an advanced degree, selected facts, theories, institutions, processes and phenomena related to general didactics
K_W03 the methods, norms, procedures and standards of practice in educational institutions as regards the planning and organisation of teaching and learning
K_W06 in an orderly manner, the factors governing educational environments and in particular in the environment of the (school) class
K_W07 to an advanced degree the purpose, organization, legal basis and functioning of educational, caregiving, therapeutic and cultural institutions referring in particular to the (school) class
K_W08 various participants involved in educational, caregiving, and cultural activities and in particular the participants of school lessons: learners and teachers
K_W09 the methodology to perform common tasks; the standards and procedures used in various educational areas as regards the planning and organisation of the processes of teaching and learning
Skills: the graduate is able to
K_U04 apply, to the necessary extent, the law relating to educational institutions, involving teaching foreign languages and in particular the core curriculum
K_U05 observe and assess the suitability of a variety of methods, procedures and best practices and select and apply the appropriate approach with the goal of accomplishing tasks and solving problems related to teaching foreign languages and/or teaching social studies as regards the planning and organisation of the processes of teaching and learning
K_U09 analyse their own actions and identify possible areas for change in the future as regards the planning and organisation of the processes of teaching and learning
K_U16 present their ideas, concerns, and suggestions, in Polish and in a foreign language, supporting them with argumentation in the context of chosen theoretical perspectives and opinions of various authors with reference to general didactics
Social competences: the graduate is prepared to
K_K04 conduct interpersonal and intercultural communication mediating with participants in the teaching-learning process in a local and global context and in particular with the participants of school lessons: learners and teachers
K_K05 interact and work in a group, performing various roles and in particular in the environment of the (school) class
K_K06 correctly identify the priorities for the implementation of tasks set by oneself or others as regards the planning and organisation of the processes of teaching and learning
K_K07 correctly identify and resolve dilemmas associated with the teaching profession
K_K09 undertake psychological, pedagogic and educational actions in kindergarten, school and out-of-school settings; is confident of their meaning and appropriateness, is ready to face professional challenges and in particular in the (school) classroom
Assessment criteria
To obtain credit and complete the course with a positive result the student is obliged Knowledge to:
1) attend all classes - the limit of unexcused absences is 1,
2) prepare for and actively participate in real-life and online asynchronic classes (K_W01, K_W03, K_W06, K_W07, K_W08, K_W09, K_U04, K_U05, K_U06, K_U09, K_U16, K_K05, K_K06, K_K07, K_K09) 3) complete all the assigned tasks according to the instructions and within the designated deadlines (K_W01, K_W03, K_W06, K_W07, K_W08, K_W09, K_U05, K_U06, K_U09,K_U16, K_K06, K_K09),
4) obtain 60% score on a final test (K_W01, K_W03, K_W06, K_W07, K_W08, K_W09, K_U05, K_U06, K_U09,K_U16, K_K07)
The final grade for the course is the grade from the final test. The marking scheme.:
90-100% - 5
85-89% - 4,5
75-84% - 4
70-74% - 3,5
60-69% - 3
0-59% - 2
Students who actively and regularly contribute during the lectures by answering teacher questions and contributing in discussions might be exempted from writing the final test and/or the final exam.
1. Define learning and teaching. What is the difference between the two processes? How are they similar? Do these definitions match the processes of teaching and learning you experienced as a primary/secondary school learner? Why? Why not?
2. Define didactics, its goals and scope and its position within social sciences. Discuss the significance of this subdiscipline.
3. Discuss the features of effective learning or teaching. Which of these features do you find the most important for contemporary school?
4. List 5 defining features of traditional education and its goals. Think about your schooling - to what extent was it traditional (if at all)?
5. Discuss the lesson units and the structure of class in progressive schools. Do you know any examples of such schools? What are the possible weak areas of the progressive system?
6. Discuss the lesson units and the structure of class in traditional schools. Do you know any examples of such schools? What are the possible strong points of the progressive system?
7. What is the Core Curriculum and what role does it play in the planning of teaching? What kind of information can you find there? What is the most useful part of of this document in your opinion?
8. What are goals of contemporary education? Do you find them sufficient?
Grading scale:
0-3.5 points - poor/fail - 2
4-5 points - average - 3
5.5-6 points - average + - 3.5
6.5-7.5 - good - 4
8 - 8.5 points - good+ - 4.5
9 - 10 points - very good - 5
Practical placement
Not applicable.
Bereźnicki F. (2007). Dydaktyka kształcenia ogólnego. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls.
Bereźnicki F. (2011). Podstawy kształcenia ogólnego. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls.
Bereźnicki F. (2015). Dydaktyka szkolna dla kandydatów na nauczycieli. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls.
Kruszewski K. (2007). (red.) Sztuka nauczania. Czynności nauczyciela. Warszawa: PWN.
Kupisiewicz C. (2000). Dydaktyka ogólna, Warszawa: Graf-Punkt.
Kupisiewicz C. (2005). Podstawy dydaktyki ogólnej, Warszawa: WSiP.
Niemierko B. (2007). Kształcenie szkolne. Podręcznik skutecznej dydaktyki. Warszawa: WAiP.
Okoń W. (2003). Wprowadzenie do dydaktyki ogólnej. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademickie Żak.
Półturzycki J. (2002). Dydaktyka dla nauczycieli. Płock: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Novum.
Zaczyński W. (1988). Metodologiczna tożsamość dydaktyki, Warszawa: PWN.
Term 2023L:
Bereźnicki F. (2007). Dydaktyka kształcenia ogólnego. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls. |
Term 2024L:
Bereźnicki F. (2007). Dydaktyka kształcenia ogólnego. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls. |
Term 2023L:
In the summer semester 2023/2024, classes are conducted in a blended learning mode: The limit of unexcused absences is 1. |
Term 2024L:
In the summer semester 2024/2025, classes are conducted in a blended learning mode: The limit of unexcused absences is 1. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: