Modernization, globalization, civilization: selected issues of cultural studies (philosophy of culture) 4018-SEM6Z
The course aims to prepare students for independent, in-depth reflection on contemporary culture and its products in relation to the latest trends in humanities thinking (involving philosophy, philosophy of culture, sociology, etc.)
During the course students will learn about selected new trends in humanities thinking, from postcolonial studies to post-modern philosophy.
In particular, the course will cover issues such as the problem of identity and the image of others, the status of knowledge, including anthropological knowledge, the status of history, globalization, multicultural societies, postcolonialism.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
- in-depth knowledge on the types and specificity of disciplines studying culture;
- knowing terminology from philosophy and cultural anthropology at an advanced level;
- organized, in-depth, detailed knowledge on the theory and methodologies of studies on culture and relations between civilizations;
- knowing and understanding the relationships between disciplines studying culture and other disciplines from the humanities and selected social sciences, at a level enabling multi- and interdisciplinary collaboration with representatives of those fields;
- detailed knowledge on contemporary development trends in cultural studies and on research traditions;
- detailed knowledge on contemporary trends in studies on culture.
- knowing how to use the knowledge and methods of different disciplines involved in cultural studies, being aware of the potential of interdisciplinary methods;
- taking part actively in discussions on cultural studies issues, formulating logical argumentation and critical conclusions; responding to the views of others and to the hypotheses of researchers;
- being able to make use of the search tools that are the most important for cultural studies, especially internet databases and periodicals.
Social competences:
- understanding the need for working in a multi- and interdisciplinary group, and for consultation with representatives of other fields;
- being aware of the dynamic development of culture, the emergence of new research methods, and the need for continual updating of one’s knowledge;
- when taking part in discussions, respecting the views of one’s partners and using substantive arguments.
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment (being prepared for class and active participation) - 25% of the final mark
Yearly paper - 25% of the final mark
Oral exam - 50% of the final mark
Clifford Geertz, Interpretacja kultur, Kraków 2005 - rozdział "Opis gęsty - w poszukiwaniu interpretatywnej teorii kultury".
Arjun Appadurai, Nowoczesność bez granic. Kulturowe wymiary globalizacji, Kraków 2005.
Eric Hobsbawm (red.), Tradycja wynaleziona, Kraków 2008.
Jean-François Lyotard, Kondycja ponowoczesna, Warszawa 1997 - rozdziały: "Funkcja narracyjna i uprawomocnienie wiedzy" oraz "Opowieści legitymizujące wiedzę".
Clifford Geertz, Dzieło i życie. Antropolog jako autor, Warszawa 2000 - rozdział "Być Tu".
Frederic Jameson, "Postmodernizm i społeczeństwo konsumpcyjne", w: Postmodernizm. Antologia przekładów, pod red. Ryszarda Nycza, Kraków 1996.
Gianni Vattimo, "Postnowoczesność i kres historii", w: Postmodernizm. Antologia przekładów, pod red. R. Nycza, Kraków 1996.
Jean Baudrillard, "Precesja symulakrów", w: Postmodernizm. Antologia przekładów, pod red. R. Nycza, Kraków 1996; Wojny w zatoce nie było, Warszawa 2008.
Zygmunt Bauman, "O tarapatach tożsamości w ciasnym świecie", w: Dylematy wielokulturowości, pod red. W. Kalagi, Kraków 2004; Razem osobno, Kraków 2005.
Edward Said, Orientalizm, Warszawa 1991.
Andrzej Szahaj, E pluribus unum? Dylematy wielokulturowości i politycznej poprawności, Kraków 2004 - rozdział "Ideał wielokulturowości w świetle filozofii polityki".
Appiah, Kosmopolityzm. Etyka w świecie obcych, Warszawa 2009.
Y. Courbage, E. Todd, Spotkanie cywilizacji, Kraków 2009.
A. Bielik-Robson, Na pustyni. Kryptoteologie nowoczesności, Kraków 2008.
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: