Social Changes in Europe 4003-EU-L23-PSE
The course aims to acquaint students with the sources, nature and dynamics of fundamental socio-cultural processes of European integration. Seminar will consist of the following thematic blocks:
1. European identity. The aspects of European integration cannot be considered in isolation from questions about self-understanding, in other words, their studying cannot be made independently of the history and culture of Europe, as well as the current moral and political goals and aspirations, which constitute the identity of the integrating Europe. As the European identity is not detached from the context, the question of identity becomes a question of its nature and its possibility in the broader framework of modernity.
2. Rationalism in culture and politics. Europe is building political and social order based on the rationalist model, which express such ideologies as scientism, naturalism, utilitarianism, pragmatism and materialism. The consequences of the primacy of this philosophy are connected to the general question of the influence of rationality on our lives, customs, politics, values and beliefs. Rational approach allows to solve various social problems, but also raises the same number of dilemmas. These aspects will be the subject of this thematic block.
3. Dilemmas of the human rights agenda. An important expression of European political philosophy, and aits identity are human rights. They embody the core values such as humanism, equality, freedom, pluralism, tolerance, etc. Human rights help to define what today is considered a social problem. Therefore, it is important to explore and analyze the impact and controversy that brings the thinking about democracy in terms of human rights
4. Capitalism and neo-liberalism. Capitalism and the business community in Europe are very important factors of integration. The development of capitalism goes hand in hand with the ideals of prosperity, fighting unemployment, vocational training, improve health, or the free movement of capital. At the same time, the awareness of the social dimension of the market develops, what is declared in the form of the Charter of Fundamental Social Rights. On the other hand, the development of capitalism in its current form, yet in a completely new context (i.e.: globalization), is a source of new social problems and divisions. Capitalism also has a negative impact on the culture. According to many critics and, at the same time, enthusiasts of the EU capitalism reveals its dramatic antinomies. The development of capitalism may have an adverse impact on the development of democracy, the growing sense of exclusion and insecurity, exacerbated materialism and consumerism. Research question therefore concerns how the EU is trying to counter this negative effects of the developing capitalism.
5. Social model in Europe. The analysis of the social problems of European integration must take into account various aspirations in the construction of social order. Its main expression is the vision of Europe's social model protected by the stability of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Social model expresses not only the European values but also responds to the challenges of globalization. However, it also raises controversies which should be the focus of attention and analysis.
6. Nation, civil society, region. The following thematic block concerns the role of the nations in the project of building Europe. Important research question concerns the definition and understanding of the nation, national consciousness and patriotism, as well as the impact of the national ideology on integration processes. In this context particularly problematic issue relates to the possibility of establishing trans-national identity and European citizenship and the importance of the ideology of localism and regionalism.
7. Demographic problems in Europe. Europe, in particular, the EU is a dynamic area of demographic change associated with transformation of the family model, women's emancipation, individualism, aging population and the decreasing birth rates, etc. These processes also reflect the important transformation in moral and institutional sphere: technological, moral, social, religious, and economic change. These aspects will be the subject of discussion in this thematic block.
8. Migrations in Europe. A separate and very complex issue is the problem of migration, both within the EU and immigration from outside the EU. It is necessary to identify the sources and nature of migration and immigration. It is important to consider various reasons and character of migrations: permanent and temporary movements, economic and non-economic, religious and ethnic, forced and voluntary migrations, cheap labor and skilled. It is worth seeing the main areas of migration and its goals. A separate and interesting problem is the benefits that these phenomena bring.
9. Multiculturalism - discrimination and dialogue. The following block will concern the issues of multiculturalism in Europe, which is a pluralistic community. People with different beliefs, upbringing, nationality and culture are living closer together. Multicolored image of Europe is enhanced by immigration. Such a Europe is susceptible to the stereotypes, intolerance and discrimination, both in the legal sense, as in psychological and social. This problem affects not only the representatives of various nations and religions, but also of gender and race. The fight against intolerance and xenophobia, takes the form of conventions, records and European programs. The real challenge is to cultivate in Europe the dialogue and communication based on respect for differences. The research question therefore concerns the nature of the dialogue between representatives of different cultures, subcultures and customs in different countries, the models of multiculturalism, and the nature of mainstream emancipatory movements.
10. Religion, fundamentalism and secularism in Europe. The next thematic block is associated with two very important aspects of European integration, namely the secularization and contemporary religious fundamentalism. Research question thus concerns the major religious traditions in Europe, the nature of religious conflicts, and on the other hand, the sources and types of secularization, as well as the impact of major cultural trends of modernity on both the progressive process of secularization, fundamentalism and religious revival movements.
11. Politics of gender - feminism. The following block concerns the issue of gender. Problems that are associated with this concern not only the broader democratic politics, based on human rights, but the important and difficult cultural challenges. It is connected with gender mainstreaming support programs for women and men, and various actions aimed at knocking down gender stereotypes, building new models of tolerance and respect. Particularly sensitive and emotional issue is one concerning the homosexual minority rights. Research questions relate to the scale of these phenomena. In particular, the issue of feminism should be analyzed in this context.
12. Ecology - the new trend of European sensibility. Ecology is one of the fastest growing European ideologies. The increasingly felt consequences of the climate change alert for greater sensitivity about the fate of nature and for need to set new, healthier ways of human coexistence with nature. It is reflected in legislation, but also in the consciousness of ordinary citizens, undertaken activities and social movements in Europe. Research question concerns the scale and nature of this phenomenon.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The seminar supposed to:
- familiarize with major social and cultural problems that trouble the European society,
- familiarize with important literature in this field,
- bring the ability to connect sociological and cultural phenomena with important civilization processes,
- create the opportunity to prepare professional presentations using primary sources and other supplementary materials,
- encourage students to think more critically,
- deepen students analysis of integration processes, i.e. think about European integration, not only in terms of praxeology, but also culture and philosophy,
- learn strudents to work in teams.
Assessment criteria
The group is divided into teams. Each of them develops a problem within the thematic blocks. The starting point of the presentation during the seminar are the texts prepared by the teacher. In addition, the speakers are required to find other materials, in accordance with the instructions of the leading Professor. It is desirable that the presentation referred to the current European policy, the activities of states and other social actors. Students should: 1 /. Fairly present the selected text, 2 /. Clearly articulate a thesis, to pose the problem and point out the controversial issues 3 /. Present a critic of the text and hypotheses contained in it, 4 /. Collect other material for presentation (e.g., videos, photos, statistics, different opinions), 5 /. Place the problems for discussion, 6 /. Try to be interesting! Working in teams not exempt students from reading literature.
Students will be estimated on the basis of three criteria’s: 1 /. on the level of their 45 minute presentation, 2 /. on individual commitment and contribution in the course of seminar, 3 /. on the outcome of the final test. The average of three ratings will give the final result of the seminar.
Practical placement
1. Pomian, Krzysztof. „Europa jako pluralistyczna wspólnota wartości” w: Europa i jej Narody, Słowo/Obraz Terytoria, Gdańsk 2004.
2. Oakeshott, Michael. „Racjonalizm w Polityce” w: Wieża Babel i inne eseje [tłum. A. Lipszyc], Aletheia, Warszawa 1999, s. 21-58.
3. Rakusa-Suszczewski, Mikołaj. Prawa Człowieka – między krytyą i apologią…
Ew.: Freeman, Michael. „Uniwersalność, różnorodność i różnica: kultura i prawa Człowieka” (rozdz. 6) w: Prawa Człowieka [tłum. M. Fronia], Sic! Warszawa 2007, s. 122-156.
4. Barber, Benjamin. „Dziki kapitalizm a demokracja“ w: Dżihad kontra McŚwiat, Spectrum, Muza SA, Warszawa 1997, s. 302-315.
5. Giddens, Anthony. Rozdz. 1 w: Europa w Epoce globalnej [tlum. M. Klimowicz, M. Habura], PWN, Warszawa 2009, s. 15-47.
6. Konarski, Wawrzyniec, Naród, Mniejszość, Nacjonalizm…
Ew. Rougement, Denis de. „Ku federacji regionów” w: List otwarty do Europejczyków [tłum. A. Olędzka- Frybesowa], Oficyna Wydawnicza Volumen, Warszawa 1995, s. 132-172.
7. Laqueur, Walter. „Migracje“ w: Ostatnie Dni Europy; epitafium dla Starego Kontynentu [tłum. P. Pawlaczek], Wyd. Dolnośląskie, Wrocław 2008, r. II, str. 25-34.
8. Scheffer, Paul. „Wielka wędrówka ludów” w: Druga ojczyzna; imigranci w społeczeństwie otwartym [tłum. E. Jusewicz-Kalter], Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wołowiec 2010, s. 123-185.
9. Cohn-Bendit, Daniel. „Wyzwanie Multikulturalizmu” w: Co robić? Mały traktat o wyobraźni politycznej na użytek Europejczyków [tłum. A. Adamczyk], Wydawnictwo Krytyki politycznej, Warszawa 2010, s. 94-114.
10. Kepel, Gilles. „Zakończenie” w: Zemsta Boga [tłum. A. Adamczak], Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, Warszawa 2010, s. 265-278.
11. Hannam, June. Rozdzial 6 – „’Prywatne jest polityczne’ – ruch wyzwolenia kobiet i ‘druga fala’ feminizmu”., w: Feminizm, Zysk i S-ka Wydawnictwo s.j., Poznań 2010, s. 143-170.
12. Rifkin, Jeremy. „Drugie Oświecenie” w : Europejskie marzenie; jak europejska wizja przyszłości zaćmiewa American dream [tłum. W. Falkowski, A. Kostarczyk], NADIR, Warszawa 2005, s. 380-430.
13. Rex, John. Multiculturalism in Europe and America” w: Nations and Nationalism 1 92) 1995, s. 243-259.
14. Carter, Neil. “Green political thought” (r. 2) w: The politics of environment; ideas, activism, policy, Cambridge UP 2007, s. 41-86.
15. Hermann, Christoph i Mahnkopf Birgit. „The Past and Future of the European Social Model” Institute for International Political Economy Berlin, Working Paper, No. 05/2010.
Additional information
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