Social and Cultural Predicaments in Europe 4003-EU-L23-DSKE
The seminar is devoted to social and cultural controversies that accompany the processes of modernization and European integration. These dilemmas will be presented in both theoretical and practical terms. Among them, questions about the future of European identity, whose liberal face is increasingly being defamed, the place of human rights or the social security system in European social models seem to be very important. We will ask here about the most important problems and demographic trends, competing work models and the consequences of unemployment. In this context, migration policy challenges and related dilemmas of multiculturalism will also be relevant. Equally important are the questions about the place of religion in the modern world, especially in the context of growing religious fundamentalism and, on the other hand, violent processes of secularization. Questions about the philosophical and ethical foundations of equality policies promoted by various social groups and movements (feminism, ecological movement) are often desirable, often in spite of the traditional social and cultural ideas promoted by nationalist circles and populist movements of the "conservative countercultural revolution." In this context, tense questions arise about the substance of the European cultural heritage, as well as the importance of national traditions.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
As a result of education
1. in terms of knowledge, the student will:
- be able to identify and name the main cultural dilemmas of modern Europe in the context of global phenomena.
- understand the basic concepts and concepts associated with the contemporary socio-cultural challenges facing Europe.
- understand the dynamics of contemporary socio-cultural changes in Europe.
- was able to define and characterize the main axes of socio-cultural debates in Europe.
2. in terms of skills, student will be:
- able to identify and prioritize contemporary socio-cultural phenomena in the context of European integration processes
- able to use conceptual instruments in working with texts in the field of literature
- have the skills to undertake independent and critical interpretation of a text in the field of literature on the subject
- able to put into practice and recall known theories and research results in a discussion or written work.
3. in terms of attitude, student will be:
- cable to critical perception of the content communicated in the public sphere, with the awareness of potential or real simplifications or manipulations present in contemporary public discourse.
- use the substantive content and known literature on the subject in further stages of academic education.
Assessment criteria
Three components of the assessment:
1. class attendance and activity (current preparation for classes, knowledge of the reading discussed). 2 absences, 3 and 4 absences are mandatory for oral credit). Each unjustified absence (max. 4) prevents the student from passing a written test and automatically receives an unsatisfactory grade in the subject.
2. Presentation of the problem
3. colloquium or exam
Each of the three components must be passed a positive grade.
Practical placement
1. Kołakowski, Leszek. Jak być konserwatywno-liberalnym socjalistą?
2. Bloom , Allan. „Niezapisana karta”, W: Umysł Zamknięty, s. 55-74.
3. Inglis, Fred. „Kultura i postmodernizm: dobro, prawda i piękno” w: Kultura, s. 171-212.
4. Barber, Benjamin. „Dziki kapitalizm a demokracja” w: Dżihad kontra McŚwiat. Muza 1997, s. 302-315.
5. Merta, Tomasz. „Pamięć i Nadzieja”, w: Kostro, Robert, Merta Tomasz (red), Pamięć i odpowiedzialność, Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej, Centrum Konserwatywne, Kraków-Wrocław 2005.
6. Vaidhyanathan, Siva: „To facebook jest problemem” w: Anti Social Media, s. 9-54
7. Scruton, Roger. Lokalne ocieplenie (R.I), w: Zielona Filozofia; jak poważnie myśleć o naszej planecie, ZYSK, s. 13-41.
8. Keppel, Gilles. „Zakończenie” w: Zemsta Boga. Wyd. KP 2010, s. 265-278
9. Scheffer, Paul. „Konstytuuowanie się obywateli świata” w: Druga Ojczyzna_Imigranci w społeczeństwie otwartym, Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wołowiec 2010.
10. Simone de Beauvoir. „Kobieta niezależna” (R. XIV) w: Druga Płeć
11. Fitoussi, J_P. Rosanvallon, P. « Repertuar nierówności » w : Czas nowych nierówności, Kraków: ZNAK 2000, s. 65-76.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: