Non-governmental organizations 3402-20OPRL
The aim of his course is to present issues connected with functioning non-governmental organizations, from perspective of civic society development and functioning of public sphere (included welfare services). We will go through basic theories of development and functioning of third sector formulated in social science, and basic issues connected with non-governmental organizations in contemporary Poland and government's policy due to third sector. These course main issues are: Place and role of non-governmental organizations in public sphere; public system and ideological conception. Liberal, conservative, social democratic, communitarian orientation. Types and forms of civic commitment, the non-governmental organizations typology. Third sector in social science: contemporary theories of third sector, research orientations, academical education development. Non-governmental organizations as a producers and providers of goods: theory of market deceptiveness, theory of contract deceptiveness, theory of government deceptiveness, theory of philanthropy deceptiveness, conception of social economy sector. Types of relation between non-governmental organizations and public and commercial sectors: between co-operation and competition; issues of state control and commercialization of non profit organizations. Birth and development of third sector in the United States and Europe; church institutions charity; friendly societies movement, voluntary associations movement, settelments movement, polish tradition of social work. The orientations of third sector progress in developed and developing countries in the 19th and 20th century; contemporary third sector in the comparative research. The participation of non-governmental organizations in the public tasks; donation culture, contract culture, the third party government conception. Juridical regulations of public (and social) benefit organization. Poland on the comparative background. Development of social, philanthropic and charitable activities in Poland; from the Nobles' Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita Szlachecka) to the Third Republic. Third sector in contemporary Poland: statistics data, research results, "sociological portrait", activity areas, potential, economic condition. Government policy towards non-governmental organizations after 1989.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Lista lektur obowiązkowych dla studentów (do testu zaliczeniowego): J. Steven Ott (red.), "The Nature of the Nonprofit Sector", Westview Press, Bouldner 2001: Lester Salomon, "What is the Nonprofit Sector and Why Do We Have It?", s. 162-166; Dennis R. Young, "Government Failure Theory", s. 190-192; Dennis R. Young, "Contract Failure Theory", s. 193-196; Kirsten A. Gjonberg, "Markets, Politics, and Charity: Nonprofits in the Political Economy", s. 217-239; Dennis R. Young, "Third party government", s. 365-368. Annette Zimmer, Eckhard Priller (red.), "Future of Civil Society", Vs Verlag, Wiesbaden 2004: Annette Zimmer, "Civil Society Organizations in Central and Eastern European Countries: Introduction and Terminology", s. 11-21; Eckart Pankoke, Voluntary Associations and Civic Engagement: European Traditions, Discourses and Perspectives for Voluntary and Intermediary Networks, s. 57-76; Matthias Freise, Petr Pajas, Organizational and Legal Forms of Nonprofit Organizations in Central Europe, s. 129-146; Marek Rymsza, Annete Zimmer, Embeddedness of Nonprofit Organizations: Government-Nonprofit Relationships, s. 169-186. Tomasz Kaźmierczak, Marek Rymsza (red.), "W stronę aktywnej polityki społecznej", ISP, Warszawa 2003: Sarah Kelly, "Ekonomia społeczna i przedsiębiorczość społeczna w Unii Europejskiej", s. 33-38; Tomasz Michalak, Jerzy Wilkin, "Rynek, społeczeństwo obywatelskie, państwo a sytuacja grup zmarginalizowanych - ujęcie ekonomiczne", s. 39-73; Ewa Leś, "Od filantropii do pomocniczości", Elipsa, Warszawa 2000, s. 33-71; 96-129. Marek Rymsza, "Problematyka trzeciego sektora w nauczaniu stosowanych nauk społecznych na uniwersytecie" (w:) Andrzej Juros (red.), "Organizacje pozarządowe w społeczeństwie obywatelskim - wyzwanie dla środowisk akademickich", LOS, Lublin 2002, s. 157-166. Piotr Gliński, "Style działań organizacji pozarządowych w Polsce: Grupy interesu czy pożytku publicznego?", Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2006, s. 17-39. Kwartalnik "Trzeci Sektor" Jakub Wygnański, "PIT a filantropia", TS 2004, nr 1, s. 35-57; Ewa Leś, "Nowa ekonomia społeczna. Wybrane koncepcje", TS 2005 nr 2, s. 36-44; Mike Aiken, "Przedsiębiorstwo społeczne w ekonomii społecznej", TS 2005 nr 2, s. 59-72; Agnieszka Rymsza, "Partnerzy służby publicznej? Wyzwania współpracy sektora pozarządowego z administracją publiczną świetle doświadczeń amerykańskich", TS 2005, nr 3, s. 53-66; Grzegorz Makowski, "Zasady współpracy międzysektorowej w Ustawie o działalności pożytku publicznego i o wolontariacie, TS 2005, nr 3, s. 11-19; Marek Rymsza, "Uwarunkowania i konsekwencje wzrostu zatrudnienia w trzecim sektorze", TS 2005/2006, nr 4, s. 2-12.
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