Anthropological pedagogy of social rehabilitation 3401-3R21RPAz
Anthropological issues versus pedagogy – field of interest for anthropology and pedagogy. Anthropological perspectives of studies: biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, philosophical anthropology, their specific object of interest. Research orientations of: pedagogic anthropology and anthropological pedagogy. Different manners of presenting the human being and explaining his/her existence: religious concepts, philosophical concepts, scientific concepts, philosophical concepts. Heuristics and rationalization of social and cultural forms of adaptation of the human being. Anthropological assumptions in pedagogic concepts and their implications for determining pedagogic goals and relevant methods for achieving educational impact. Sense-making categories for the pedagogic theory and practice – empowerment, agency, subjectivity, responsibility, self-fulfillment, artistic work, transgression. Basic dimensions of the human being’s existence – corporeality, awareness, speech, emotionality, socialization, temporality, historicality. Education as “applied anthropology” – a question about the human being and existential decisions (sense - senselessness, passivity - activity, dominance - interdependence). Education tailored to the human being – humanism and res humanae category (humanistic ideals and corresponding pedagogic applications). Humanistic intentions of upbringing and education – leading humanistically-oriented pedagogy categories. Philosophical and pedagogical dimensions of the category of a child and childhood. The issue of variables of the human development and exceeding “oneself” The issue of development potential of the human being and its realization. The human being as an agent and a subject in pedagogical interactions. The issue of the subjective non-reductibility of the human being and scenarios of subjective re-adaptive effects. Different ways of defining an educational situation, functions and goals of social rehabilitation impact and educationalists’ responsibility. The issue of limits of educational interventionism and strategies of corrective actions. The issue of ethicality of intersubjective perceptions being a factor of effectiveness and efficiency of pedagogical impact. Personal and professional competences of educationalists. Strategies of stimulating the activity and subjective agency of students.
Type of course
Learning outcomes
The student:
1.differentiates different perspectives of anthropological studies.
2.refers specific statements to the object of interest of biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, philosophical anthropology and pedagogical anthropology.
3.interprets the role and importance of different dimensions of the human being’s life for re-adaptive interactions.
Assessment criteria
Written examination and active participation in classes.
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Wojnar I., Humanistyczne intencje edukacji, Wyd. Akademickie „Żak”, Warszawa 2000.
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Konieczna E. J., Arteterapia w teorii i praktyce, Impuls, Kraków 2003.
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Additional information
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