Literary Studies in Spanish Speaking Countries II 3305-WOLKH2-11
The classes will be devoted to theoretical aspects related to the organization of literary works, primarily poetic and dramatic texts, as well as to theatre history; students will analyse examples of literary texts from Spanish Speaking Countries. The main objective is to introduce the basic concepts of classical poetics, structural analysis of dramatic texts and the terminology of Spanish metrics and stylistics. Students will acquire the necessary knowledge to carry out an independent analysis of a poetic work in Spanish.
Detail subject matter of classes:
1. Verse or prose? The problem of the definition of verse and poem. The concept of the semantic dominant. (Chrząstowska, Bożena, Wysłouch, Seweryna, „Wybrane zagadnienia wersyfikacji”, [in:] idem Poetyka stosowana, Warszawa 1978, p. 180 - 240; Barańczak, Stanisław, Mały lecz maksymalistyczny manifest translatologiczny)
2. Spanish metrics. The main terms: metrical and phonological syllable, rhyme, rhyme patterns, metrical caracteristics of Spanish poetry (synaeresis and synaloepha, hiatus, diaeresis). The structure of selected strophic and non strophic poems.
3. Introduction to stylistics: the main rhetorical devices. Aristotle’s theory of metaphor as transference and other, contemporary theoretical approaches (Chrząstowska, Bożena, Wysłouch, Seweryna, „Tropy stylistyczne”, [in:] idem Poetyka stosowana, p.112 - 131; Weinrich, Harald, Semantyka śmiałej metafory)
4. Analysis of Spanish poetry (stilistics and metrical aspects)
5. Theories of drama and theatre. Relations between drama as texts and theatrical performance. The evolution of modern theatrical production: an introduction (The Theatre Makers: Antoine, Stanislavski, Craig, Artaud) (Chrząstowska, Bożena, Wysłouch, Seweryna, „Trzy teorie dramatu”, [in:] idem Poetyka stosowana, s. 460 - 468.)
6. Aristotle’s theory of tragedy. Main concepts: mimesis, mythos, catharsis, peripeteia, recognition, pathos;
7. Spanish tragicomedy (Lope de Vega, New Art of Writing Plays in This Time [1609]; Lope de Vega, The Knight of Olmedo)
8. What does structural analysis of drama mean? Analysis of a dramatic text: After the rain by Sergi Belbel; (Patris Pavis: Dictionary of the Theatre, terms: time, space, performance, theatrical relations, the fourth wall)
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students will acquire a rudimentary knowlegde of prosody (speech rhythms and versification) and stylistics, understand concepts relating to the structure of works of literature (poetry and drama) and to Spanish metrics and will be able to use appropiate terminology. They will also be able to distinguish between different verse metres and poetic genres. In addition, they will possess a basic knoledge of drama history and theory, taking into account Spanish Speaking Countries context. (K_W02, K_W03, K_W04, K_W05)
Students will be able to carry out independent metrical and stylistic analysis of poems in Spanish and to interprete literary works on the basis of the formal and semantic relations within the text. Additionaly, they will be able to analyze the structure of dramatic works and to perceive the relations between text and performacne, as well as possessing the skills necessary to build up convincing argument and will be capable of appreciating the multidimetional nature of literary works. K_U01, K_U02, K_U03, K_U04, K_U05, K_U06, K_U07
Social skills:
Students will be able to select and organize information, and to sistematize and critically assess the knowlegde they acquire; they understand the need for personal development. Finally, they will acquire the abbility to listen to other participants, and to take an active part in disscution themselves. (K_K01, K_K02, K_K03, K_K04)
Assessment criteria
• Flipped classroom
• Jigsaw classroom technique
• Presentation
• Discussion
• Introductory lecture
Assessment criteria:
Assessment will be based on attendance and active participation in classes, on a term essay assaignment and a written final exam. Details concerning assessment will be given at the begginig of the course.
Arystoteles, Poetyka,(H. Podbielski, Trans.), Wrocław 1983.
Aszyk, Urszula,
Azaustre Antonio, Casas, Juan, Manual de retórica española, Barcelona 2006.
Barańczak, Stanisław, Mały, lecz maksymalistyczny, manifest translatologiczny [in:] Ocalone w tłumaczeniu, Kraków 2004.
Belbel, Sergi (1999) Po deszczu. (Marzenna Mętrak – Gottesman, Trans.) [in:] Dialog, nr 4, p. 25 – 62.
Borges, Jorge Luis, Dociekania Awerroesa [in:] tegoż Alef, (Zofia Chądzyńska, Transl.), Warszawa 1972.
Braun, Kaziemierz, Wielka reforma teatru w Europie: idee - ludzie - zdarzenia, Warszawa 1984.
Chrząstowska, Bożena, Wysłouch Seweryna, Poetyka stosowana, Warszawa 1978.
Kulawik, Adam, Poetyka. Wstęp do teorii dzieła literackiego, Warszawa 1990.
Pavis, Patrice, Słownik terminów teatralnych, (Sławomir Świontek, Trans.), Wrocław 2001.
Quilis, Antonio, La métrica española, Madrid 1969.
Sławińska, Irena, „Główne problemy struktury dramatu. Propozycje badawcze”, [in:] Problemy teorii dramatu i teatru, pod red. Janusza Deglera, Wrocław 2003.
Słownik terminów literackich, pod red. M. Głowińskiego, A. Okopień-Sławińskiej, J. Sławińskiego, T. Kostkiewiczowej, Wrocław 1988.
Vega Carpi, Lope Félix de, Nowa sztuka pisania komedii w dzisiejszych czasach przedstawiona Akademii w Madrycie, (Urszula Aszyk, Trans.), Gdańsk 2008.
Vega Carpi, Lope Félix de, Rycerz z Olmedo, (Magdalena Pabisiak, Trans.) Kraków 2007.
Weinrich, Harald, "Semantyka śmiałej metafory”, (Ryszard Handke, Trans.) in: Studia z teorii literatury. Archiwum przekładów “Pamiętnika Literackiego”, t.1, red. M. Głowiński, H. Markiewicz, Wrocław 1977.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: