Learning of languages of the region: Russian - level B2 3224-DNJRRB2-90h
Language learning takes place in a systemic way. Mastering a language as a set of grammatical, syntactic, lexical rules, etc. is accompanied by a linguistic analysis of the very nature of language as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The development of (inter) cultural competences (in line with CEFR and FREPA) plays an important role. Knowledge about the culture of the selected country is also systematically transferred. Therefore, language education takes place in two directions: within general and specialist topics in the field of cultural stud-ies (cultural and cognitive component) and language studies (linguistic com-ponent), both of which are complementary and may overlap in some areas.
Upon completion a student can understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization; s/he can interact with a degree of fluency and spontanei-ty that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party; s/he can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
The course content (general language): My town, architecture, types of build-ings; University, object of studies, types of courses, forms of studying; The significance of education. Lifelong learning. Studying abroad. Comparing studies at Poland and at the other countries; Working in a city and in a village. Job application, employment, duties; New professions; Unemployment. Quali-fications and demands. Employment problems. The interview; Tour-ism/travelling; Health and sport; money: currency, income, profit, loss, debt; Bank: opening a bank account, agreements, forms of saving;. Ecology: prob-lems, attempts to find solutions, perspectives; ecological actions, environmen-tal organizations; Natural calamities and disasters (floods, drought, fire, hurri-cane, avalanche, famine, war, pestilence); IT. Press. Telecommunications.
The course content related to culture (optional, can be extended to topics of interest to the group): Mass and high culture; TV, radio. Art. Artists; Theater. Movie; Museums, galleries. Painting, sculpture; Music. Literature; Cultural events. Theater, movie, music festivals; concerts. Globalization of culture; tra-ditions. Customs and traditions of other nations; National cuisines. Cultural stereotypes. Recent social and political events. Language (dialectal differ-ences), Customs, Real-world information, Social and cultural events, Holi-days, Multiculturalism, Cultural differences, Cultural preferences. Cuisine etc.
Student workload includes:
Classroom participation – 90 hours (4 ECTS)
Preparing for classes – 90 hours (2 ECTS)
Type of course
elective courses
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
In keeping with the course goals, the student will acquire skills:
1. knows and understands in an upper intermediate way the comprehen-sive nature of the language, with particular emphasis on the cultural context of Russia (K1_W09, K2_W09);
2. can search, select, analyze and use the information he needs from various sources (K1_U01, K2_U01);
3. can communicate through various communication channels and techniques, including translation techniques, in Polish and a foreign language with specialists on cultural, literary, linguistic and historical topics related to the countries of the region (K1_U07, K2_U07);
4. can prepare written and oral asserting in Russian on selected subjects in the field of cultural theory and the issues of the countries of the region (political, social and economic issues in contexts of cultural phenome-na). Thus, they can present the results of their work in the Group fo-rum (K1_U08, K2_U08);
5. is able to use the Russian language at level B2 according to the Com-mon European Framework of Reference for Languages (K1_U09, K2_U09);
6. can use modern communication and information technologies in his work (K1_U11, K2_U11);
7. is ready to critically evaluate his knowledge, constantly learn and sup-plement the acquired knowledge (K1_K01, K2_K01);
8. is ready to communicate effectively and live in society, including a society that is culturally different from his own, to work in a group, to cope with typical professional situations, to verify his views through substantive (K1_K02, K2_K02).
Assessment criteria
I. The organization of classes:
According to The detailed rules of studies at the Faculty of Applied Linguis-tics (The Resolution No. 114 by the Faculty of Applied Linguistics Board of 19 December, 2017):
1) Attendance at all classes, covered by the plan, shall be compulsory (§ 9 (2)).
2) It is not possible to have a resit if the reason of failing the credit was non-compliance with the requirement to participate in them. In such a case a stu-dent can be conditionally registered in an successive stage of study and can repeat the failed course.
According to the University Foreign Language Teaching System (the Reso-lution No. 119 from 17 June, 2009).
II. Assessment criteria:
The final mark comprises the following elements:
- prepared oral statements, spontaneous statements in classes, or other forms of speech in accordance with the teacher's decision depending on the goals set in a given semester (e.g. dialogue in pairs, short presentation, role-by-play scenar-io) - 25% of the grade,
- results of homeworks, short tests - 25% of the grade,
- final test results - 50% of the grade.
The condition for admission to pass the subject is compulsory attendance ac-cording to the Study Regulations of the Faculty of Applied Linguistics.
It must be taken into account that in order to complete the course successfully a student needs to demonstrate achievements in every the above mentioned cate-gories (a student who receives the 0% in one of the categories, won't complete the course, which means that he/she did not demonstrate any activity in none of them).
Grading system:
99 – 100% - 5 (excellent)
93 - 98% - 5 (very good)
87 - 92% - 4,5 (fairly good)
77 - 86% - 4 (good)
71 - 76% - 3,5 (satisfactory plus)
60 - 70% - 3 (satisfactory)
The coursebook: Андрей Махнач, Из первых уст, Русский язык для среднего уровня, dictionaries, additional materials provided by the lecturer, recordings etc.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: