The key to the culture of the region: literature, art, folklore (Russia and Belarus) 3224-D8KREGII
Suggested class topics:
The key to Russian Culture: Between East and West: the ethnocultural specificity of Russians, the nature of the Russian archetype.
The key to Russian Culture: The cultural colloquiality of Russia.
The key to Russian Culture: Russian and Soviet myths.
The key to Russian culture: Woman and her socio-cultural status in Russia.
The key to Russian culture: The golden age of Russian literature and art.
The key to Russian culture: The silver age of Russian literature and art.
The key to Belarusian and Russian Culture: Specifics of the Soviet period of Russian and Belarusian culture: socialist realism in literature and art.
The key to Belarusian and Russian Culture: Counterculture in the USSR; Cabaret in the USSR and Russia as a cultural phenomenon; political humor in the USSR and Russia.
The key to Belarusian and Russian culture: Literature in the face of the system (USSR) - samizdat, tamizdat, magnitizdat, works of bards.
The key to Russian Culture: Recent Russian literature in the context of European culture; literary prizes.
The key to Belarusian and Russian culture: Soviet Cinematography.
The key to Russian Culture: Contemporary Russian cinematography; film festivals in Russia.
The key to Russian Culture: Religions in Russia; Russian Orthodoxy; religious minorities; sects
Key to Belarusian Culture: Folk culture of Belarus and contemporary readings of it. Folklore. Post-folklore. Pseudofolklor
The key to Russian Culture: Folk culture of Russia and contemporary readings of it. Folklore. Postfolklore. Pseudofolklor
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: A graduate knows and understands:
K2_W03, in a more profound sense, the specifications of different cultural models in anthropological terms (traditional, noble, mass). The processes of their transformation and interconnectedness, and emanation in the symbolic and semiotic spheres, and thus in the space Culture and art, literature and language, and the history of Belarus and Russia.
K2_W010 in a deeper degree the principles of cultural institutions and national heritage; It is orientated in modern cultural life and its entangled in the political and social discourses of Belarus and Russia (reference to the characteristics of the second degree of the Polish Qualifications Framework typical for qualifications obtained in education Education after obtaining a full qualification at Level 4: P7S_WG range and depth; P7S_WK context/conditionality, effects).
Skills: A graduate can:
K2_U01 Search, select, analyse and use the information you need from various sources, including foreign language under unpredictable conditions (reference to the second-grade characteristics of the Polish Qualifications Framework typical for Obtained through higher education and science following a full qualification at Level 4: P7S_UW Use of knowledge/problems solved and tasks performed);
K2_U05 to repress the critical in-depth analysis of the cultural creations of the era in the development of Russia and Belarus; Identify the different types of cultural creations of these countries, carry out their critical in-depth analysis, distinguish different perspectives on the development of culture, bearing in mind the existence of differences in cultural identity and context.
Social competence: A graduate is willing to:
K2_K01 Critical assessment of knowledge, continuous retraining and the completion of knowledge gained (reference to the characteristics of the second degree of the Polish Qualifications Framework typical for qualifications obtained in higher education and science Obtaining a full qualification at Level 4: P7S_UO work organisation/planning and teamwork; P7S_UU Learning/planning your own development and development of other people; P7S_KK);
K2_K05 actively participate, in cultural life, to organise and use its various forms (a reference to the characteristics of the second degree of the Polish Qualifications Framework typical for qualifications obtained in higher education and Learning after obtaining a full qualification at Level 4: P7S_KO).
Assessment criteria
Classes have the character of a conservatorium. In addition to the current preparation for the classes (reading texts and studies), there is also a presentation on the subject given by the lecturer.
The prerequisite for admission to the subject is compulsory attendance in classes following the detailed rules of study at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics (resolution No 114 of the Council of the Department of the LS of 19.12.2017).
Knowledge verification.
The final assessment consists of:
-Activity in classes (40%)
-PowerPoint presentation and a paper version (60%)
Rating Scale:
61%-70%-3 +
81%-90%-4 +
Additional Knowledge-5 +
Czernienko M. M. Bliska zagranica: szkice filmowe o Polakach i dla Polaków / pod redakcją Tadeusza Lubelskiego. Warszawa 2007;
Dudziak A. St., Antropologia przestrzeni w filmie fabularnym, Lublin2000
Europa Wschodnia - dekada transformacji. Białoruś, red. B. Albin, W. Baluk, Wrocław 2004.
J. Łotman, Rosja i znaki. Kultura szlachecka w wieku XVIII i na początku XIX. Tłum. B. Żyłko. Gdańsk 1999.
J.H. Billington, Ikona i topór. Historia kultury rosyjskiej. Tłum J. Hunia. Kraków 2008 (wybrane rozdziały).
L. Bazylow, Historia nowożytnej kultury rosyjskiej. Warszawa 1986 (wybrane rozdziały).
Ograbiony naród. Rozmowy z intelektualistami białoruskimi, red. M. Nocuń, A. Brzeziecki, Wrocław 2007
Owsiannik S., Striełkowa J., Władza a społeczeństwo. Białoruś 1991-1998, Warszawa 1998.
Peter Kenez, Cinema and Soviet Society: From the Revolution to the Death of Stalin (London 2001)
R. Jurieniew, Historia filmu radzieckiego, Warszawa 1977;
R. Taylor, Film Propaganda: Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany (New York: I.B.Tauris, 1998).
Rąkowski G., Ilustrowany przewodnik po zabytkach kultury na Białorusi, Warszawa 1997.
Tożsamości zbiorowe Białorusinów, R. Radzik red., Lublin 2012.
A detailed bibliography for each topic will be given during lectures.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: