Understanding Intercultural Communication in Institutional and Business Settings 3223-AMMS-UIC
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the requisite knowledge and raise
their awareness of the communication challenges in multicultural professional settings.
Multiculturalism resulting from globalization affects both commercial and public
institutions requiring both employers and employees to understand the nature of
organizational cultures, management styles, teamwork, etc. in order to avoid
misunderstandings and collaborate effectively despite cultural differences.
Group discussions based on both reading set texts and examples introduced by the
participants will provide the basis for the students’ semester research and the end-of-term
project presentations. The topics connected with functioning and communicating in the
multicultural workplaces (e.g. in business, healthcare and education) include: the origin
and consequences of cultural stereotypes and prejudice, intercultural conflict management
and negotiations, leadership styles, project management, intercultural marketing,
advertising, coping with international audience, and intercultural mediator’s competences.
The participants will also have an opportunity to test and develop their own intercultural
competence related to multicultural professional settings while investigating a number of
critical incidents using specific analytical approaches such as attribution analysis and
Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle.
Introduction to the course: overview, requirements, assignments
Selected models for analyzing cultural differences in professional settings e.g.: G. Hofstede,
F. Trompenaars, the GLOBE project
Cultural communication barriers: ethnocentrism, prejudice, stereotypes
Globalization, inclusion and diversity in the workplace.
Communication styles, humour and nonverbal communication.
Cultural differences in writing and digital communication
Intercultural business communication
Intercultural communication in health services
Intercultural communication in institutional settings e.g. education, military services,
refugee centers, etc
Intercultural conflict management
Intercultural negotiations
Leadership, management styles, project management and multicultural teamwork
Intercultural marketing, advertising, coping with international audience
Developing intercultural mediator’s competences
Project presentations and discussions
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands:
-at an advanced level conceptual and terminological apparatus in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism
-at an advanced level main directions of development and the most important achievements in the area of multilingualism and multiculturalism
-at an advanced level contemporary research trends in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism
-the latest research methodology used in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism
-social, cultural and political issues in relation to the dilemmas of modern civilization
-relations between language and culture and religion sciences as well as sociology
-at an advanced level cultural diversity and its transformations, cultural identity, interaction and intercultural communication
-principles of creation and development of various forms of entrepreneurship
Skills: the graduate is able to:
-prepare written works in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism in English (including works bearing the features of a scientific text)
-search, analyse and utilise information using available sources
-recognize different genres of texts and conduct their in-depth analysis and interpretation using various methods
-argue substantively using the views of other authors and formulate conclusions
-integrate knowledge relevant to multilingualism and multiculturalism
-0make a simple analysis of the consequences of processes taking place in contemporary societies
-independently develop and give an oral presentation on a selected topic in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism using source literature
-formulate, analyse and synthesise research problems in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism and select adequate methods and tools to solve these problems, present the developed issues using various forms and methods
-work independently and in a group to acquire knowledge and develop research skills in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism
-use the English language in speech and writing compliant with the requirements set out for the B2+ level according to CEFR
Social competences: the graduate is ready to:
-recognise the importance of knowledge and seek expert advice when problems arise
-critically assess knowledge and skills in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism
Assessment criteria
Active participation: 30%. Making up for absences, reading set texts, and preparing
homeworks is necessary to participate in classes.
Final Assignment: 70%. Assessment based on a written end-of-term test and presenting a
project (Oral presentation and Written report).
Two absences are allowed with no excuse.
Marking/ grading scale:
over 91% – 5
90%-81% – 4+
80%-71% – 4
70%-61% – 3+
60%- 51% – 3
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: