Development of communicative competence in the Ukrainian language 3222-50KKKJU2C-NZ
The aim of the course is to train students‘ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills at the C1+ or B2 level respectively of the CEF, and to acquire and extend students’ linguistic competence in terms of excellent understanding of written and spoken texts, communicating flawlessly, expressing one's own opinion using lexical resources and acquired knowledge, and communicating in varied social situations.
Term 2024L:
The aim of the course is to train students‘ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills at the C1+ level respectively of the CEF, and to acquire and extend students’ linguistic competence in terms of excellent understanding of written and spoken texts, communicating flawlessly, expressing one's own opinion using lexical resources and acquired knowledge, and communicating in varied social situations. |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students will know and understand:
- in depth the psychological basis of language functioning (K1_W05)
- in a deeper level key issues connected with the development and functioning of modern Ukrainian language in different fields ( K1_W07)
- Ukrainian language in speaking and writing in accordance with requirements specified for level at least B2+ of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (K1_W10).
Students are able to
- select appropriately sources and information from them, make a critical analysis, a creative interpretation and presentation of information on the Ukrainian language (K_U01)
- communicate in oral and written form in Ukrainian language according to requirements specified for level at least B2+ of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (K1_U12).
- manage the work of a team (K1_U15).
The student is ready to:
- think and act in an entrepreneurial way and initiate actions in favour of public interest or social environment (K1_K02)
- communicate effectively, including using information technology (K2_W04)
Assessment criteria
The course concludes with an examination.
Requirements for passing the course and for admission to the final examination
- active participation in classes;
- systematic preparation of the material covered in class
- punctual completion of homework and writing control tests in due time.
The final mark consists of the work during the semester (30%) and the exam result (70%).
The subject ends with an exam, where the assessment criteria are presented in the form of percentage thresholds (points obtained from the exam)
60% - 68% - 3 (sufficient grade)
69% - 77% - 3+ (pass mark)
78% - 85% - 4 (good)
86% - 91% - 4+ (good plus)
92% - 97% - 5 (very good grade)
98% -100% - 5 !(evaluation very good with an exclamation mark)
If a student receives an unsatisfactory grade, he/she has the right to retake the examination in the same form provided that he/she receives credit for the course. The lecturer may set additional credit conditions for absences.
A student is entitled to 2 out of every 30 hours of unexcused absences, each subsequent absence requires an excuse.
The form of credit for classes in which the student has been absent is determined by the lecturer.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences in 50% of classes may be grounds for failing the course.
Depending on the groups
Ukrains'koju bez tabu: podręcznik do nauki języka ukraińskiego, S. Romaniuk, M. Saniewska, Warszawa 2017.
K. Jakubowska-Krawczyk, S. Romaniuk, M. Saniewska, Ukrajinśkoju pro kulturu, Warszawa: SEW 2018.
Kononenko V.I., Kononenko I.V. Hramatyka konfrontatywna języka ukraińskiego i polskiego, Kyjiw 2006.
Ponomariw O. Kultura słowa. Mownostylistyczni porady, Kyjiw 2001.
Serbenśka O. Antysurzyk, Lwiw 1994.
Suczasna ukrajinśka literaturna mowa, za red. A. P. Hryszczenka, Kyjiw 2002.
Suchasna ukrajinśka literaturna mowa, za red. M.J.Pluszcz, Kyjiw 1994.
Ukrajinśka mowa: Encyklopedija, Kyjiw 2000.
Ukrajinśka mowa: Naukowo-teoretycznyj żurnał Instytutu ukrajinśkoji mowy NAN Ukrajiny (2000-2009)
Ukrajinśkyj prawopys, Kyjiw 2019.
Wyhowanec’ I., Horodenśka K. Teoretyczna hramatyka ukrajinśkoji mowy, Kyjiw 2004.
Materiały własne prowadzącego.
1. Iwczenko A. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj slownyk. Lublin 2003.
2. Kononenko I., Śpiwak O. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj slownyk miżmownyh omonimiw i paronimiw, Kyjiw 2008.
3. Rusaniwśkyj W., Czumak W., Jarun G. Orfoepicznyj słownyk ukrajinśkoji mowy, Kyjiw 2006.
4. Słownyk trudnoszcziw ukrajinśkoji mowy, red. S. Jermolenko, Kyjiw 1990.
5. Śpiwak O., Jurkowski M. Ukraińsko-polski słownik syntaktyczny, Warszawa 2003.
6. Suczasnyj ukrajinśkyj orfohraficznyj slownyk, ukl. O.Leonowa, Kyjiw 2001.
7. Tkaczowa N. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj słownyk, Ternopil 2003.
Term 2024L:
W zależności od grup Materiały własne prowadzącego. |
Term 2024L:
In each year, it is possible to teach two levels (B2+ and C1+) or only one - depending on the group and its performance in the first semester. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: