Literature Theory II 3202-S2OTL12e
I. Phenomenology and the concept of the literary work of art by Roman Ingarden
II. Psychoanalysis and twentieth-century literary theory: Jacques Lacan
III. Hermeneutics in literary researches: Martin Heidegger, Hans Georg Gadamer, Paul Ricoeur
IV. Russian Formalizm (Viktor Shklovski, Boris Eichenbaum, Roman Jakobson)
V. Structuralism and semiotics (Roland Barthes and Umberto Eco)
VI. Michail Bakhtin: pro et contra
VII. Reception theory /Reader-response criticism (Hans Robert Jauss and Wolfgang Iser)
VIII. Tartu–Moscow Semiotic School (Jurij Łotman)
IX. Poststructuralism in literary studies: narratology, deconstructivism, discourse theory (Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault)
X. Literary canon and literary theory (Harold Bloom)
XI. Gender studies, postcolonialism in literary studies (Judith Butler, Edward Said)
XII. Intertextuality in the contemporary literary theory Interdisciplinarity and intermediality in the contemporary literary theory (Julia Kristeva). Culture studies.
XIII. Concept of the Death of literary theory by Galin Tihanov
XIV. Literary theory in contemporary Russia: publications, ideas, institutions, periodicals. Concept Russian Theory.
XV. Conclusions
Term 2023L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2024L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
− a student knows about the development of literary theory in twentieth-twenty first centuries;
− a student knows the most important trends in contemporary literary theory, its representatives, texts, ideas and the issues discussed;
− a student knows literary terms;
− a student knows and discusses selected issues concerning contemporary literary theory and researchers’ posititions;
− student knows main periods of literary criticism;
− a student is able to name the most important theorists, present their positions and analyse the issues raised by them;
− a student compares selected research approaches;
− student is able to critically evaluate and use the terms of modern literary criticisms;
Social competences:
− a student is aware of the achievements of literary theorists and their contribution to the development of European literary theory;
− a student feels the need to develop their own interests in literary theory.
Assessment criteria
1 ECTS (30 godz.) – konwersatorium
2 ECTS (60 godz.) - student's own work (preparation for the test)
Work during the course (25%), term paper (25%), exam test (50%)
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course. The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
If it is not possible to conduct classroom classes, classes will be conducted using distance communication tools, most likely Google Classroom and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Practical placement
not applicable
Basic literature:
1) Бахтин М.М., Собрание сочинений в семи томах. Тома 1-6. Москва 1997-2012.
2) Лотман Ю.М., Статьи по семиотике культуры и искусства. Санкт-Петербург 2002.
3) Потебня А.А., Эстетика и поэтика. Москва 1976.
4) Поэтика. Труды русских и советских поэтических школ. Составители Дьюла Кирай и Арпад Ковач. Budapest 1982.
5) Русская теория 1920-1930-е годы. Материалы 10-х Лотмановских чтений. Москва, декабрь 2002 года. Москва 2004.
6) Тамарченко Н.Д., Теоретическая поэтика. Введение в курс. Москва 2006.
7) Фрейденберг О.М., Миф и литература древности. Москва 1978.
8) Якобсон Роман, Работы по поэтике. Москва 1987.
9) Русская интеллектуальная революция 1910-1930-х годов. Москва 2016.
10) Bogusław Żyłko, Semiotyka kultury. Szkoła tartusko-moskiewska. Gdańsk 2009.
11) Współczesna teoria literatury za granicą. Antologia, tomy 1-4. Kraków 1976.
12) Słownik literatury polskiej XX wieku. Wrocław 1992.
Term 2023L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2024L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: