Russian Literature in the context of Western Europe 3202-S1OLZ21o
I. General issues. Regularities of the European literary history process. General characteristic of the individual periods. Diagram of the literary trends by J. Krzyżanowski. „Classical” and „romantic” trends – comparison by R. Przybylski. G.W.F. Hegel. F. Nietzsche.
II. Comparative literature. Terminology. Extent and division. Circle of researchers. Examples of the research.
III. Literary canon. Why read the Classics?
a. Italo Calvino. Harold Bloom.
b. Boris Dubin.
c. Dante Alighieri and his "Divine Comedy".
d. Cervantes and his "Don Kichot". V. Skhlovsky about Cervantes’s work.
IV. Great periods.
1. Ancient literature.
a. Periodization of Greek and Roman literature by various researchers.
b. Greek literature: Homer’s epic, lyric, Attic tragedy, old and new comedy. Russian translations of Homer in the XVIII-XIX centuries.
c. Roman literature: Vergil, Ovid, Horace, lyricl. Russian “exegi monumentum” in the XVIII-XIX centuries (M. Lomonosov, G. Derzhavin, W. Kapnist, A. Pushkin, A. Fet).
2. Age of Enlightenment in Europe and in Russia - comparison.
a. Periodization by various researchers.
b. Light.
c. I. Kant. Königsberg.
d. Encyclopaedia and the Encyclopaedists. Great Four of the Enlightenment – Montesquieu, Voltaire, D. Diderot, J.J. Rousseau.
e. Larry Wolff - Inventing Eastern Europe. The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment.
V. History of European Literature.
1. German literature.
a. Sturm und Drang – classicism – romanticism.
b. Works of J. W. Goethe. "Faust". Russian Werthers at the turn of 18th and 19th centuries. V. Zhyrmunsky about Goethe.
c. Ballads of G.A. Bürger. Ballads of W. Zhukovsky and "Lenora" by G. A. Bürger.
d. T. Mann.
2. English literature.
a. Periodization of the English literature using various criteria.
b. Shakespeare – life and works. Shakespeare and Russia - contexts, references. M.P. Alekseev.
c. J. Donne and the English metaphysical poetry. J. Donne and I. Brodski.
d. English novel of the 18th century. Towards experimentation. Reception of Sterne and the Sternism in Russia at the turn of 18th and 19th centuries.
e. "Ulisses" by J. Joyce. "Ulisses" by J. Joyce in the Nabokov’s interpretation.
f. Utopia and anti-utopia in the European literature. "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by G. Orwell. "Nineteen Eighty-Four" and "We" by J. Zamyatin – comparison.
3. French literature.
a. Exemplars of love in the West culture (Tristan and Iseult, Julie and Saint-Preux) and the reflection on them in the Russian literature.
b. Great novel of the 19th century – romanticism, realism, naturalism. H. de Balzac, Stendhal, G. Flaubert, E. Zola. Short story.
VI. H. Ibsen. Reform of European theater and Russia.
VII. Nobel Prize in Literature – review of the laureates and their works.
Term 2023Z:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2024Z:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
− The student has well-organized knowledge of the European literary history process.
− The student knows the most important issues of the history of the European literature.
− The student knows comparative literature terminology, and also extent and division of it.
− The student presents selected phenomena of the Russian literature in connection with the European literature (references, interpretations, translations, reception).
− The student makes a periodization of the European literature and also mentions the features of the individual periods and literary trends.
− The student mentions the representatives of the European literature.
−The student presents the individual literary works due to the contents and forms and presents them on the background of a development of literature.
− The student compares selected literary works due to the contents and forms.
Social competences:
− The student is aware of his responsibility for the preservation of the European cultural heritage.
− The student is aware of his responsibility for the reading culture and feels obligated to develop his own reading interests.
Assessment criteria
1 ECTS (30 h) - seminar (1 ECTS) and student's own work - preparing for seminar and test (1 ECTS)
Questions: 8
Max points: 24 (8x3)
Points and marks:
13-16 – 3,0 (dst)
16,5-18 – 3,5 (dst+)
18,5-20 – 4,0 (db)
20,5-22 – 4,5 (db+)
22,5-24 – 5,0 (bdb)
5! - Is able to faultlessy answer all questions (max points: 24), refers to knowledge not only from the teaching programme (points: 25).
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course. The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
If it is not possible to conduct classroom classes, classes will be conducted using distance communication tools, most likely Google Classroom and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Practical placement
not applicable
1. Dzieje literatur europejskich, pod red. W. Floryana, t. 1-3, Warszawa 1982.
2. Literatura Europy. Historia literatury europejskiej, pod red. A. Benoit-Dusausoy i G. Fontaine’a, Gdańsk 2009 or in other language).
3. I. Calvino, Po co czytać klasyków, tłum. A. Wasilewska, Warszawa 2020 (or in other language).
4. H. Bloom, Zachodni kanon. Książki i szkoła wieków, tłum. B. Baran i M. Szczubiałka, Warszawa 2019 or in other language).
5. Б. Дубин, Классика после и рядом. Социологические очерки о литературе и культуре, Москва 2010.
6. В. Жирмунский, Сравнительное литературоведение. Восток и Запад, Ленинград 1970.
7. H. Markiewicz, Zakres i podział literaturoznawstwa porównawczego, w: H. Markiewicz, Przekroje i zbliżenia dawne i nowe. Rozprawy i szkice z wiedzy o literaturze, Warszawa 1976.
8. E. Kasperski, Kategorie komparatystyki, Warszawa 2010.
9. L. Wolff, Wynalezienie Europy Wschodniej. Mapa cywilizacji w dobie Oświecenia, tłum. T. Bieroń, Kraków 2020 (or in other language).
1. K. Braun, Wielka reforma teatru w Europie. Ludzie - idee - zdarzenia, Wrocław - Warszawa - Kraków 1984.
2. T. Marčenko, Russische Schriftsteller and der Literaturnobelpreis (1901-1955). Русские писатели и Нобелевская премия (1901-1955), Köln – Weimar – Wien 2007.
1. Русские писатели о переводе XVIII-XX вв., ред. Ю.Д. Левин, А.В. Федоров, Ленинград 1960.
2.А.Н. Егунов, Гомер в русских переводах XVIII-XIX веков, Москва - Ленинград 1964.
3. М.П. Алексеев, Стихотворение Пушкина „Я памятник себе воздвиг...” Проблемы его изучения, Ленинград 1967.
4. А. Асоян, Данте Алигьери и русская литература, Санкт-Петербург 2015.
5. А.Н. Круглов, Кант и кантовская философия в русской художественной литературе, Москва 2012.
6. В. Шкловский, Избранное, т. 1-2, Москва 1983 / W. Szkłowski, O prozie. Rozważania i analizy, tłum. S. Pollak, Warszawa 1964.
7. V. Nabokov, Wykłady o literaturze, tłum. Z. Batko, Warszawa 2005 (or in other language).
8. М.П. Алексеев, Русская литература и романский мир, ред. П.Р. Заборов, Ленинград 1985.
9. Из истории русско-немецких литературных взаимосвязей, ред. В.И. Кулешов, Мoсква 1987.
10. В. Жирмунский, Гете в русской литературе, Ленинград 1937.
11. М.П. Алексеев, Русско-английские литературные связи („Литературное наследство”, т. 91), Москва 1982.
Term 2023Z:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2024Z:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2023Z:
Auxiliary language - Polish. |
Term 2024Z:
Auxiliary language - Polish. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: