History of Russian literature the second half of the 19th century 3202-S1OHL21e
Lecture is aimed at presenting main literary and aesthetical streams in Russia in the second half of XIX century, characteristics of oeuvre of prominent writers as well as the evolution and typology of Russian realism. It introduces also the historical and social context of the epoch, the most important philosophical and political thought, the development of science and art.
Practical classes focus on analysis and interpretation of different aspects of chosen literary works of the second half of XIX century. They are meant to deepen students’ knowledge about the most important works of the period as well as to develop their research skills.
Term 2023Z:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2024Z:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student:
– knows facts of the historical and literary epoch
- knows content of lectures discussed during lectures and classes
– has structured basic knowledge of biography and oeuvre of the most prominent authors of the II half of XIX century.
knows and understands basic research methods of analysis and interpretation of literary works
- knows terminology (in Russian) of history of Russian literature of the II half of XIX century on the basic level
The student:
– is able to characterize historical and social context of the epoch
- is able to describe main tendencies in the development of the historical process in the II half of XIX century
– is able to make periodization of Russian literature of the II half of XIX century
- is able to characterize the most important facts of biography and oeuvre of prominent Russian authors of the II half of XIX century
– is able to comment, interpret, analyze lyrical, epic, dramatic works on the thematic, compositional, genre, stylistic, metrical levels
– is able to compare motives and types of characters of different literary works
– can find materials extending their knowledge obtained during lectures individually and use them
- is able to write term paper in Russian in the form of an essay.
Social competencies
The student:
- is aware of level of his/her knowledge related to social and political ideas and Russian literature of the II half of XIX century.
takes responsibility for his/her own preparation for work
Assessment criteria
Oral exam.
The estimated total number of hours the student ought to devote to achieve the defined effects of studying:
5 ECST (30 hours – lecture,
30 hours – class;
55 hours – preparation for classes (reading of literary works),
25 hours – writing the term paper,
10 - preparation for exam)
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course.The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary exam.
If it is not possible to conduct classroom classes, classes will be conducted using distance communication tools, most likely Google Classroom and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Practical placement
not applicable
Literary works:
Biblioteka Maksima Moszkowa Lib.Ru
Infolio.Uniwersytecka Biblioteka Elektroniczna http://www.infoliolib.info/
1. Historia literatury rosyjskiej: praca zbiorowa, red. Marian Jakóbiec. T I-II. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 1976.
2. B. Mucha, Historia literatury rosyjskiej od początków do czasów najnowszych, Wrocław – Warszawa - Kraków: OSSOLINEUM 2002.
3. Literatura rosyjska w zarysie, red. Z. Barański, A. Semczuk, t. I-II, Warszawa 1986.
4. Istoriâ russkoj literatury: v 4 t. T. 3 (Rascvet realizma), red A. Bušmin, E. Kupriânova, D. Lihačev, Leningrad 1982.
5. V.I. Kulešov , Istoriâ russkoj literatury XIX veka, Moskva 1997; 2005 http://www.hi-edu.ru/e-books/xbook049/01/index.html
6. V. Linkov, Istoriâ russkoj literatury XIX veka w ideâh. Moskva 2008
1. Russkie pisateli 1800-1917. Biografičeckij slovar’, t. 1-5, gl. red. P. Nikolajev, Moskva 1989-2007.
2. Słownik pisarzy rosyjskich, pod red. F. Nieuważnego, Warszawa 1994.
1. M. Bachtin, Problemy poetyki Dostojewskiego, przeł. N. Modzelewska, Warszawa 1970.
2. G. Bialyj, Russkij realizm: ot Turgeneva k Čechovu, Leningrad 1990.
3. A. Raźny, Fiodor Dostojewski. Filozofia człowieka a problemy poetyki, Kraków 1988.
4. R. Przybylski, Dostojewski i „przeklęte problemy”. Warszawa 1964.
5. A. Semczuk, Lew Tołstoj. Warszawa 1987.
6. A. Semczuk, Iwan Turgieniew, Warszawa 1988.
7. A. Zverev, V. Tunimanov, Lev Tolstoj, Moskva 2006.
8. L. Ginzburg, O psihologičeskoj proze, Leningrad 1977.
9. B. Jegorow, Oblicza Rosji. Szkice z historii kultury rosyjskiej XIX wieku, tłum. D. i B. Żyłkowie, Gdańsk 2002.
Lektury obowiązkowe
Николай Чернышевский: Что делать?
Фёдор Тютчев: Весенняя гроза; Silentium!; Душа моя, Элизиум теней; Фонтан; Наполеон; Сын царский умирает в Ницце...; Предопределение; Последняя любовь; Эти бедные селенья; Умом Россию не понять
Афанасий Фет: Шепот, робкое дыханье,..; На стоге сена ночью южной…; Томительно, призывно и напрасно…; Сияла ночь. Луной был полон сад. Лежали…; Только в мире и есть, что тенистый…; Я тебе ничего не скажу,..; Мы встретились вновь после долгой разлуки,..; Всё, что волшебно так манило...
Николай Некрасов: Еду ли ночью по улице темной,..; Когда из мрака заблуждения; Вчерашний день, часу в шестом,..; Несжатая полоса; Поэт и гражданин; Мороз – Красный нос; Рыцарь на час; Кому на Руси жить хорошо (отрывки)
Александр Островский: Гроза; Снегурочка
Иван Тургенев: Дневник лишнего человека; Рудин; Ася; Отцы и дети; Стихотворения в прозе
Иван Гончаров: Обломов
Федор Достоевский: Записки из мертвого дома; Записки из подполья; Преступление и наказание; Идиот; Бесы; Братья Карамазовы
Михаил Салтыков-Щедрин: Господа Головлевы; Медведь на воеводстве; Повесть о тои, как один мужик двух генералов прокормил; Премудрый пескарь
Николай Лесков: Леди Макбет Мценского уезда; Очарованный странник; Левша; Запечатленный ангел
Лев Толстой: Детство; Война и мир; Анна Каренина; Смерть Ивана Ильича; Крейцерова соната; Хаджи-Мурат
Всеволод Гаршин: Четыре дня; Красный цветок
Term 2023Z:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2024Z:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2023Z:
Auxiliary language - Polish. |
Term 2024Z:
Auxiliary language - Polish. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: