Lithuanian language (C1) 3020-BB1LT-C1
In the first semester we aim to even the level os students beginning their MA studies. To achieve this goal, some difficult grammatical issues are revised from the functional point of view: simple, compound and complex sentence syntax, contexts of use of particular types of sentences, semantic differences and word order changes. New punctuation rules (2006) is reported. Ability for creating both written and spoken, stylistically diversed texts is improved. Vocabulary from different disciplines (chiefly from scholarly language) is broadened. Skills in choosing the right form of utterance, whether written or spoken, conforming the receiver are formed. Journals and scholarly texts concerning issues from contemporary Lithuanian are read.
Estimated number of hours required for the achievement of the learning outcome defined for the course:
a) number of contact hours: 120 h. (4 ECTS)
b) current preparation for classes: 60 h. (2 ECTS)
c) preparation of longer class papers and oral presentations: 30 h. (1 ECTS)
d) preparation for term-final test and final examination 30 h. (1 ECTS)
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
– reads and understands simple scholarly texts (from area of literary science and linguistics) and summarises them using expressions proper for scholarly style (K_W10; K_W11);
– differentiates grammatical forms in speech and writing, makes less and less grammatical mistakes, is able to improve them (K_W04);
– has thorough knowledge about selected issues concerning culture, education, society and economy of Lithuania;
- has knowledge on the structure of conteporary Lithuanian texts, according to A Common European Framework of Reference standards for C1+ level;
– searches for, analyses, selects and uses information from different fields of knowledge in discussion, uses content-related arguments while creating their own written and spoken texts;
– writes longer texts (argumentative texts, interviews) where complex sentences dominate, taking care of structure, grammatical and stylistic correctness (K_U02);
– prepares and acts (in pairs) a job interview, makes a speech, adjusting its topic and form to the situation and to the audience (K_U02, K_U12);
– collects information in an unaided way, using also sources in Lithuanian (K_U03);
– understands the necessity of active participation in their own learning process and in developing their interests (K_K01);
– attends cultural events devoted to spreading Lithuanian culture in Poland.
Assessment criteria
The student is obliged to regular attendance (2 absences per term by each lecturer are allowed) and to obtain term grades from each lecturer of the C1+ level (for the winter semester no later than until the end of the winter repeat examination session and for the summer semester before the date of the written final examination).
Aspects of assessment:
a) current preparation for classes and activity during classes;
b) written (interview, translation of a press article) and oral (job interview, occasional speech) texts;
c) written grammar test (at the close of the winter term);
d) examination (written and oral in the summer term).
The written part of the examination tests the student’s text comprehension, the ability to use proper grammatical forms and structures and vocabulary required for a successful communication, the ability to create coherent texts, that are linguistically and stylistically correct.
During the oral part of the examination the student’s ability to create a spoken text is assessed (a longer coherent utterance based e.g. on a text), as well as his/her ability to communicate, e.g. presenting one’s experience in a dialogue with the examiner.
During the coursework, students may use AI models and tools, e.g. for collecting materials, searching them, compiling research status or creating bibliographies. However, the use of generative AI for interpretative purposes, for the creation of a spoken / written statement or for the development of text passages is excluded.
Obligatory reading
Bingelienė R. Kad nepritrūktų žodžių. B2/C1 lygių lietuvių kalbos leksikos mokymosi sąsiuvinis, 1-2 d. Vilnius, 2014.
Petrašiūnienė E. Gramatikos pratimai. B2/C1 lygių lietuvių kalbos gramatikos mokymosi sąsiuvinis, 1-2 d. Vilnius, 2014.
Source texts: philological texts, publications in specialist (linguistic) journals, selected by lecturers; audiovisual material, teachers’ own material
Web pages,,,,
Language consultations (, tests
Recommended reading
1. Kaulakienė A. ir kt.: Kalbininkų patarimai studentams: teorija ir praktika. Vilnius 2008.
2. Nauckūnaitė Z.: Teksto komponavimas: rašymo procesas ir tekstų tipai. Vilnius 2002.
3. Ramonienė M., Pribušauskaitė J.: Praktinė lietuvių kalbos gramatika. Vilnius 2003.
4. Šukys J.: Kalbos kultūra visiems. Kaunas 2006.
Texts and issues of language communication
1. Pribušauskaite J., Ramoniene M., Skapiene S. et al.: Aukštuma. Vilnius 2000 (selected issues).
1. Paulauskas J. (ed.): Frazeologijos žodynas. Vilnius 2001.
2. Kalėda A., Kalėdienė B., Niedzviecka M.: Lietuvių-lenkų kalbų žodynas. Vilnius 1991.
3. Lyberis A.: Sinonimų žodynas. Vilnius 2002.
4. Lietuvių kalbos žodynas. Vilnius 1952-2002.
5. Norkaitienė M., Šepetytė R., Šimėnaitė Z.: Mokomasis lietuvių kalbos žodynas. Vilnius 2000.
6. Vaitkevičiūtė V.: Słownik polsko-litewski. T. 1-2. Marijampolė 2003.
7. Tarptautinių žodžių žodynas. Vilnius 1985.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: