Alternatives to growth. In search of new socio-economic models 3002-KON2023K35
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student/ka zna i rozumie w stopniu pogłębionym koncepcje ekonomiczno-społecznych związanych z krytyką wzrostu gospodarczego. Student/ka potrafi interpretować zgromadzony materiał uwzględniając kontekst historyczny, społeczny i polityczny, w szczególności dostrzega zależności między systemami gospodarczymi, normami społecznymi i kulturowymi oraz środowiskiem naturalnym, potrafi je również zrekonstruować w kontekście przemian historycznych. Student/ka posiada kompetencje do krytycznej oceny posiadanej wiedzy i odbieranych treści.
Assessment criteria
The exact form of the final assessment will be agreed with the participants during the first classes.
- Degrowth: A vocabulary for a new era, red. Federico Demaria et. al., 2015
- Jason Hickel, Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World, 2020
- John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, Richard York, "The Ecological Rift. Capitalism’s War on the Earth", New York 2010
- John Bellamy Foster, "The Return of Nature. Socialism nad ecology", 2020
- Michael Löwy, "Ecosocialism. A Radical Alternative to Capitalist Catastrophe" 2015
- Lewis Akenji "Sustainable Consumption or Consumer Scapegoatism?"
- Fuchs D, Sahakian M, Gumbert T, et al. (2021) Consumption Corridors: Living a Good Life within Sustainable Limits. New York: Routledge.
- David Graeber, "Fragmenty antropologii anarchistycznej", Poznań 2021
- Giorgos Kallis, Limits: why Malthus was wrong and why environmentalists should care, 2019
- Joan Martınez-Alier, Environmental Justice and Economic Degrowth: An Alliance between Two Movements, "Capitalism, nature, socialism", 2012, nr 23
- Daniel W. O’Neill et. al., A good life for all within planetary boundaries, "Nature sustainability" 2018, nr 1
- Federico Demaria et. al, What is Degrowth? From an Activist Slogan to a Social Movement, "Environmental values" 2013, nr 22
- Dennis Meadows et. al., Granice wzrostu, 1973
- Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Energy and Economic Myths, "Southern Economic Journal", Vol. 41, No. 3 (Jan., 1975)
- Stuart Chase, Tragedy of waste, 1925
- Housing for degrowth. Principles, Models, Challenges and Opportunities, red. Anitra Nelson, François Schneider, 2019
- Giorgos Kallis, Socialism without growth, "Capitalism, nature, socialism" 2017
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: