Searching for information in databases - exercise 2700-P1WIBZC-PSB
Subject presents the basic concepts of construction, structure and organization of the databases and methods of their Design.
1. Terminology.
2. Database model and its elements.
3. Requirements for SBD.
4. Transaction processing.
5. ACID properties.
6. Communication architecture.
7. Entity Relationship Model E / R.
8. Relational data model.
9. Normalization.
10. SQL.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K1A_W4 - Has systematic detailed knowledge in the field of book and information science.
K1A_U2 - Has basic research skills encompassing formulating and analysing research problems, choosing the methodology and tools, processing and presenting the results in the field of book and information science.
K1A_U4 - Is capable of using basic theoretical projections, scientific paradigms and terms appropriate to the field of book studies and library science in typical professional situations.
K1A_K3 - Is capable of appropriate distinction of priorities in the process of realization tasks set for himself and others.
- Knows the specialized terminology pertinent to the basic humanities, book and information science.
- Has deeper, systematic knowledge leading to specialization in the field of book and information science.
- Knows and understands advanced methods of analysis, interpretation, evaluation and problem division of various types of information objects in the understanding of book and information science.
- Is capable of formulating critical opinions about various types of documents on the basis of scientific knowledge from the realm of book and information science and has the abilities to present critical analyses in different form and with the help of various media.
- Is capable of critical analysis and interpretation of information objects in the light of knowledge stemming from book and information science, characterized by original approach, taking under consideration new developments in the humanities, with view of defining their meanings, social impact, and placement in the cultural-historical process.
- Is capable of communicating with the use of various channels and technologies, with specialists in book and information science and the affiliated fields and disciplines of knowledge, in Polish, and in a foreign language.
- Is capable of inspiring and organizing the process of learning in other people, concerning information competences.
Assessment criteria
Continuous evaluation.
Practical placement
1. An Introduction to Database System / L.C.Date. Adison-Wesley Pub. Comp., również WNT – W-wa, (seria: Klasyka Informatyki), 2000
2. Bazy danych / pod red. Stanisława Kozielskiego [et al.]. Warszawa : 2006.
3. Bazy danych i język SQL / Jerzy G. Isajew. - Warszawa : B.B.-H. Expertus, 2002.
4. Bazy danych i systemy ekspertowe / Emma Kusztina, Oleg Zaikin ; Stargardzka Szkoła Wyższa Stargardinum. Stargard Szczeciński ; Pruszcz Gdański : 2009.
5. Bazy danych w Internecie krok po kroku / Jim Buyens ; [tł. Piotr Kresak]. - Warszawa: RM, 2000.
6. Bazy danych w zastosowaniach praktycznych / pod red. Adama Pelikanta ; Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki w Łodzi. Łódź : 2007.
7. Database Management Systems / Ramakrishnan, Gehrke. WCB/McGraw-Hill, 2001
8. Fundamentals of Database Systems / R.Elmasri, S.Navathe. Adison-Wesley Pub. Comp.,(4th Edition), 2002
9. Hurtownie danych : podstawy organizacji i funkcjonowania / Matthias Jarke ; tł. Jakub Wróblewski. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 2003.
10. Implementacja systemów baz danych / H.Garcia-Molina. WNT, 2003 (seria: Klasyka Informatyki)
11. Linux. Bazy danych / Fred Butzen, Dorothy Forbes ; przeł. Piotr Jakubowski, Maciej Ogrodniczuk, Witold Sikorski. - Warszawa : Zakład Nauczania Infromatyki "MIKOM", 1999.
12. Mining social - driven data / Mikołaj Morzy. Poznań : 2009.
13. Ochrona baz danych / Sybilla Stanisławska-Kloc ; Uniwersytet Jagielloński. - Kraków: Zakamycze, 2002.
14.Tworzenie i udostępnianie baz danych w sieci www : podręcznik dla bibliotekarzy i dokumentalistów / Wiesław Gliński, Henryk Rybiński. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 2004.
15. Wprowadzenie do baz danych / John Petersen ; [tł. Krzysztof Jurczyk]. - Gliwice : Wydawnictwo Helion, cop. 2003.
16. Wprowadzenie do systemów baz danych / R.Elmasri. Wyd. Helion, (4th Edition), 2005
17. Współczesne zasoby informacyjne / Andrzej Wasiak. Białystok : 2007.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: