Develop collection and standardization 2700-P1OZN-PSB
1. The standards of bibliographic description of the document.
2. Cataloguing: books, serials, article, printed music, sound, electronic, old prints, standardization documents, movies.
3. Abbreviations and transliteration.
4. Level of detail description.
5. Areas of bibliographic description: tilte zone title and responsibility, edition, special, publishing, physical description, series, comments, ISBN.
6. Create footnotes and bibliographical record.
7. Main heading.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
H2A_W02 - Knows the specialized terminology pertinent to the basic humanities, book and information science.
H2A_W04 - Has deeper, systematic knowledge of the terminology and methodology of book and information science.
H2A_W05 - Has deeper systematic knowledge of the relations between book and information science and other scientific field or fields and disciplines, from which information and library science stems, enabling for integrating of perspectives proper for several scientific disciplines.
K2A_U05 - Has the ability to integrate knowledge from various disciplines in the field of the humanities and its application in untypical professional situations related to the performed job of librarian or information specialist.
K2A_U06 - Is capable of critical analysis and interpretation of information objects in the light of knowledge stemming from book and information science, characterized by original approach, taking under consideration new developments in the humanities, with view of defining their meanings, social impact, and placement in the cultural-historical process.
K2A_K02 - Is capable of inspiring and organizing the process of learning in other people, concerning information competences.
K2A_K06 - Keenly participates in the activities towards preservation of the cultural heritage (in particular of its written section) of the region, country, Europe.
Assessment criteria
Continuous evaluation.
Practical placement
1. Bibliotekarstwo szkolne : teoria i praktyka. T.1 : Organizacja biblioteki / Jadwiga Andrzejewska. - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 1996.
2. Biblioteki wobec zmian w opisie bibliograficznym / Jerzy Franke [w:] Książka i biblioteka w środowisku edukacyjnym : praca zbiorowa / pod red. Elżbiety Barbary Zybert. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 2002.
3. Formalne opracowanie zbiorów / Anna Tokarska [w:] Bibliotekarstwo / pod red. Zbigniewa Żmigrodzkiego. - Wyd. 2 uzup. i rozsz. - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 1998.
4. Katalogowanie alfabetyczne dokumentów elektronicznych / Krystyna Sanetra // Biblioteka w Szkole. - 2001, nr 6.
5. Katalogowanie kaset wideo / Lucyna Gołębiowska // Biblioteka w Szkole. - 1993, nr 3.
6. Nowe Wademecum nauczyciela bibliotekarza / Danuta Saniewska. - Warszawa : Agencja "Sukurs", 2000.
7. O haśle korporatywnym niemal wszystko / Maria Lenartowicz // Przegląd Biblioteczny. - 1986, z. 2.
8. O katalogowaniu książek wielotomowych : uwagi metodyczne / Maria Lenartowicz // Poradnik Bibliotekarza. - 1999, nr 3.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: