Cultural Institutions 2700-L-IN-Z5INSTKUL
Students shall be familiarised with the definition, meaning, and origins of cultural institutions in Poland. The course shall also provide information on the legal status of a cultural institution, as well as discuss the functioning and activity of various types of state institutions and non-governmental organisations in Poland (cinema, theatre, museums, cultural centres, etc.).
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students shall know basic terminology pertaining to cultural institutions; they shall be familiar with key cultural institutions and operating principles and have in-depth knowledge of the connections between book studies and information studies, and cultural studies, museology, archival science, history of art, and other academic fields cultural institutions are related to.
Students shall be able to pursue knowledge on their own and expand their research skills regarding the functioning of a cultural institution, as well as to critically assess their interests and perspectives for employment at cultural institutions; students shall be able to seek, analyse, assess, select, and apply information using various sources and methods to their own needs or to the needs of users.
Students shall understand the need to pursue lifelong learning; they shall efficiently collaborate and partake in teamwork, adopting various roles; students shall be aware of the responsibility to preserve cultural heritage of the region, their country, and Europe; they shall take active part in different forms of cultural life using various media.
Assessment criteria
Effort and work in class,
Final test.
Practical placement
Not applicable.
Encyklopedia kultury polskiej XX wieku. Pojęcia i problemy wiedzy o kulturze, Wrocław 1991.
Gierat-Biedroń B., Europejskie modele polityki kulturalnej, Kraków 2005.
Ilczuk D., Polityka kulturalna w społeczeństwie obywatelskim, Warszawa-Kraków 2002.
Ustawa z dnia 25 października 1991 r. o organizowaniu i prowadzeniu działalności kulturalnej (Dz. U. z 1991 r. Nr 114, poz. 493).
Teatr – media – kultura. Pod red. D. Fox i E. Wąchockiej. Katowice 2006
Rymaszewski B., Polska ochrona zabytków, Warszawa 2005.
Lista lektur może ulec rozszerzeniu w czasie realizacji przedmiotu.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: