The role of the media in shaping legal awareness 2700-L-FAK-D-RMKS
Issues implemented as part of the classes:
1. Theoretical issues:
Media as an intermediary in the transfer of information.
The importance of the principle of openness in accessing knowledge about lawsuits.
Legal socialization as an act of communication and disturbing factors (information noise).
Professional preparation of journalists and the quality of the content of the message.
Language of law and legal language vs. the language of the media.
Opinions on justice and their impact on the level of legal authority.
Between mission and commercial - dilemmas of the journalist rapporteur.
Media coverage of lawsuits.
Selected lawsuits - an indication of the most common mistakes in journalistic relations from court rooms.
The impact of information about the law transmitted by the media on the authority of the judiciary, the level of authority of law and the motivation to comply with it.
The role of the press office and the Spokesperson of the court in providing information about the law.
Forensic ABC of a novice legal journalist.
2. Practical classes:
Exercise 1: Attempt to make an independent judgment based on watching a movie from a crime incident.
Observation of recording from the course of the hearing or hearing of arguments, verification of conclusions.
Writing an article which is a court report of the dissertation recording viewed.
Presentation of media relations. Did journalists use the court's argument?
Exercise 2: Preparation of a press release based on the written justification of the court decision. Selection of understandable arguments, explanation of the social significance of the judgment.
Visit to the court to get acquainted with its functioning and organization.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, students:
1. Has an increased scope of legal awareness, which consists of: knowledge of the law, its assessments, attitudes and postulates before the law and legal culture.
2. Understands the importance of media impact in terms of legal awareness of the public.
1. Correctly uses the basic concepts of legal terminology.
2. Is able to obtain information on legal content and use information provided by the court;
3. Knows the basic principles of the court rapporteur's workshop;
4. Is able to prepare a legal publication.
Assessment criteria
The final mark shall consist of the average of the marks after two practical exercises
Practical placement
Lack of
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Raczkowska A., „Kształtowanie się dziennikarskiej etyki normatywnej w Polsce”, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2019
Raczkowska A., „Wpływ sprawozdawczości sądowej na świadomość prawną” [w:] Łojko E. (red.), „Prawnicy i dziennikarze – współpraca, rywalizacja, manipulacja”, Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UW, Warszawa 2013
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Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: