MTP - Module - Pedagogical theories 2300-MTP
Special education - Special education as a science, its sub-discipline and relationships with other fields of knowledge.
- The extent of the phenomenon of disability and models of disability
-rehabilitacja system of care and support of people with disabilities
- Adaptation to the disability of a family member as a process
- Adaptation to their disability - disability oppression, emancipation
- Principles, methods of working with people with disabilities in the process of diagnosis, in education, in the family, in employment, in their spare time. -Koncepcje Normalization and social integration, educational integration.
- Psychosocial problems of people with disabilities and ways of solving them in Poland and in the world.
The subject matter of social pedagogy includes: selected issues from the history of social pedagogy (the origin, formation and development of this discipline, authors and representatives of social pedagogy); the main concepts (educational environment, prevention, compensation, social support); working methods of socio-educational; Main educational environments: family, school, peers, local environment (structure, functions, conversion); selected problems of contemporary socio-educational day (eg. the potential educational and cultural environment; environmental "risk" ratio democracy - education, mobilization of local communities, social and educational function of non-governmental organizations, intercultural education.
Introduction to pedagogy is designed to:
- Show a systematic knowledge necessary to complete the course;
- Enter the world of basic concepts of teaching;
- Show what is meant by the term "education" and selected conceptual categories functioning in educational discourses;
- Familiar with the problems of interdisciplinary pedagogy;
- Show the diversity of educational thought and its relation to different types of knowledge;
- Show the cultural and social contexts / conditions of education;
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Criteria to be met throughout the entire module: knowledge, skills and attituudes obtained during lectures, seminars and readings
1.Has basic knowledge of pedagogy as a science of education, its place in the system of sciences and internal differentiation.
2.Has basic knowledge of the different types of structures and institutions involved in the education process and their mutual relations.
3.Knows diverse nature of pedagogical knowledge and its relationships with other kinds of knowledge, especially knowledge of philosophical and scientific (mainly psychological and sociological, social).
4.Has basic knowledge of human subjectivity in the context of education.
5.Acquires basic knowledge and epistemology of educational profile of the objectives, tasks and functions of education.
6.Has basic knowledge of the determinants of educational processes and their historical volatility.
1. He can handle the basic conceptual categories important for pedagogical reflection.
2.Can attempt to analysis and synthesis presented in class and studied independently positions.
3.Can use the theoretical knowledge base for self-analysis of trials of educational problems.
4.Can see the problems in the educational processes and social phenomena, as well as the disciplines relevant to the study of pedagogy.
5.Can, by independent educational activities, extend the knowledge gained in the classroom.
6. Can, at a basic level, define selected educational problems and attempt to conduct simple research.
Assessment criteria
Completion of all classes required to take the module examination: lectures, seminars and lectures on special education, social pedagogy and introduction to pedagogy ZAL * 6 according to the subject criteria.
Written module exam: student writes on 1 chosen topic containing knowledge of 3 subjects constituting the module [special pedagogy, social pedagogy, introduction to pedagogy - lectures, classes and lectures], The exam is required to read the basic literature presented in the description of the cycle classes of a given year.
Criteria taken into account for the exam grade:
Selected learning outcomes mastered to a very good, good or sufficient degree:
1. Has knowledge of pedagogy as a science about upbringing, its place in the system of sciences and internal differentiation as well as relations with other types of knowledge, especially philosophical and scientific knowledge (mainly psychological and sociological, social).
2. Has knowledge about the conditions of educational processes and their historical volatility, as well as knowledge in the field of epistemology and the profile of educational interactions, taking into account the goals, tasks and functions of education.
3. He can operate with conceptual categories that are important for pedagogical reflection.
4. Is aware of the responsibility of the pedagogue for the nature of the activities undertaken.
Evaluation criteria:
mark 5 - the student showed very good knowledge and skills included in the above 4 learning outcomes
grade 4 - the student showed good knowledge and skills included in the above-mentioned 4 learning outcomes
grade 3 - the student showed sufficient knowledge and knowledge contained in the above-mentioned 4 learning outcomes
D. Smith(2010):Pedagogika specjalna
W.Dykcik (red.) (1998): Pedagogika specjalna
O.Speck (2005): Niepełnosprawni w społeczeństwie. Podstawy ortopedagogiki
S. Kawula (red.), Pedagogika społeczna. Dokonania-aktualność-perspektywy, Toruń 2003.
A. Radziewicz-Winnicki, Pedagogika społeczna, Warszawa 2008.
M. Cichosz, Polska pedagogika społeczna w latach 1945 – 2003, T. 1-2; Toruń 2004.
J. Piekarski, Pilch T. i in., Edukacja społeczna wobec problemów współczesnego człowieka i społeczeństwa, Łódź 2010.
H. Radlińska, Pedagogika społeczna, Warszawa 1961.
A. Kamiński, Studia i szkice pedagogiczne, Warszawa 1978.
Encyklopedia pedagogiczna XXI w. pod red. T. Pilcha, Warszawa 2009.
E. Wysocka, Człowiek i środowisko życia. Podstawy teoretyczno-metodologiczne diagnozy, Warszawa 2007.
B. Smolińska-Theiss, Od opieki do prewencji. „Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze” 1997, nr 10.
W. Theiss, Mała ojczyzna. Kultura, edukacja, rozwój lokalny, Warszawa 2001.
W. Theiss, M. Winiarski (red.), Pedagogika społeczna. Tradycja i współczesne konteksty (specjalny numer „Pedagogiki Społecznej”), Warszawa 2007.
Pedagogika społeczna – przestrzenie życia i edukacji, Warszawa 2010.
T. Pilch, I. Lepalczyk (red.), Pedagogika społeczna. Człowiek w zmieniającym się świecie, Warszawa 1995.
T. Szlendak, Socjologia rodziny, Warszawa 2010.
W. Theiss, B. Skrzypczak [red.], Edukacja i animacja społeczna w środowisku lokalnym, Warszawa 2006.
B. Kromolicka (red.), Praca socjalna w organizacjach pozarządowych. Z problemów działania i kształcenia, Toruń 2005.
J. Czapiński, T. Panek (red.), Diagnoza społeczna. Warunki i jakość życia Polaków, http:
B. Szatur-Jaworska, Ludzie starzy i starość w polityce społecznej, Warszawa 2000.
K. Białobrzeska, S. Kawula (red.), Człowiek w obliczu wykluczenia i marginalizacji społecznej, Toruń 2006.
E. Jarosz, Ochrona dzieci przed krzywdzeniem. Perspektywa globalna i lokalna, Katowice 2008.
B. Barber, Skonsumowani, W-wa 2008, rozdz. 1. i 8.
G. Ritzer, Makdonaldyzacja społeczeństwa, Warszawa 2003.
W. Wosińska, Oblicza globalizacji, Sopot 2008.
T. Sosnowski, T. Pilch (red.), Zagrożenia człowieka i idei sprawiedliwości społecznej, Warszawa 2013. Literatura rozszerzająca i pogłębiająca treści przekazywane podczas wykładów:
S. Kawula (red.), Pedagogika społeczna. Dokonania-aktualność-perspektywy, Toruń 2003.
A. Radziewicz-Winnicki, Pedagogika społeczna, Warszawa 2008.
M. Cichosz, Polska pedagogika społeczna w latach 1945 – 2003, T. 1-2; Toruń 2004.
J. Piekarski, Pilch T. i in., Edukacja społeczna wobec problemów współczesnego człowieka i społeczeństwa, Łódź 2010.1. S. Amsterdamski: Kryzys scjentyzmu, (w): S. Nowak (red.):Wizje człowieka i społeczeństwa w teoriach i badaniach naukowych, Warszawa 1984, s. 306 – 327;
T. Hejnicka- Bezwińska : Pedagogika ogólna, Warszawa 2008, s. 220 -255;
S. Kunowski: Podstawy pedagogiki współczesnej, Warszawa 1997, część I , rozdziały II, III ,V;
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
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