Special Module 1: Theories and assumptions of animation and informal education 2300-MS1-AKN
Within the module of theory and assumptions of animation and informal education there are six classes:
- Theoretical foundations of animation and non-formal education
- the theory of informal education
- The theory of socio-cultural animation
- Non-formal education and animation in Poland and in the world – ‘good practices’
- Media in animation and non-formal education
- Learning styles
The aim is to familiarize students with basic concepts, assumptions and theories functioning within socio-cultural animation as well as informal, non-formal and alternative education; The role of the media in both areas; Different styles of teaching, learning and acting; As well as with institutions, organizations that put these assumptions into practice.
Type of course
Learning outcomes
1. Student knows the elementary terminology used in informal, non-formal and alternative education and animation, understands its origins and uses it in related scientific disciplines
2. has in-depth and structured knowledge of cultural animation and informal education as sub-disciplines of pedagogy, knows their philosophical, socio-cultural, biological and psychological sources and basic theories and methodologies associated with them, and is familiar with contemporary trends in this area
3. has basic knowledge of participants in educational activities in the area of animation and informal education
4. has elementary knowledge of different types of social structures and institutions of social life and the relationships among them in the area of animation and informal education
5. has deep knowledge of interpersonal and social communication processes, their effectiveness and disruptions
6. knows the basic theories of upbringing, learning and teaching, understands the diverse determinants of these processes in the context of animation and informal education
7. has basic knowledge of the structure and functions of the education system; The purposes, legal basis, organization and operation of various educational, social care, cultural and aid institutions in the field of animation and informal education
1. Student can observe and interpret social phenomena in the area of animation and informal education; can analyze their connections with various areas of pedagogical activity
2. can, based on theoretical knowledge, analyze and interpret educational problems in the area of animation and informal education
3. can assess the suitability of typical methods, procedures, and good practices for carrying out tasks related to the various spheres of animation and non-formal education
4. is aware of his/her level of knowledge and skills, understands the need for continuous professional development and personal development, self-assesses own competences and perfects skills, sets the direction of own development and education
Social competence
1. Student can accept different roles during team tasks
2. appreciates the importance of pedagogical sciences for maintaining and developing proper relationships in social environments and gaining the knowledge necessary to design professional activities
3. is aware of different learning styles and incorporates them into own work
4. understands the need to continually gain knowledge, follow new trends in animation and informal education, and critically evaluate them
Assessment criteria
Student receives a grade for each of the classes in the module (it is not entered into the USOS - only for internal calculation within the module). A student who has completed all the classes within the module is admitted to the exam. Students with average min. 4.5 of all classes in the module are exempted from the modular exam (receive grade 5).
G. Hunter, U. Hauser, Wszystkie dzieci są zdolne. Jak marnujemy wrodzone talenty,
R. R. Gajweski, O stylach uczenia się I i-edukaci
G. D. Fenstermacher, J. Soltis, Style nauczania
Cz. Plewka, M. Taraszkiewicz, Uczymy się uczyć
M. Rasfeld, S. Breidenbach, Budząca się szkoła
Dz. Jankowski, Edukacja wobec zmiany
J. Kargul, Upowszechnianie, animacja, komercializacja kultury
J. Piekarski, B. Śliwerski, Edukacja alternatywna
Aniacja środowiska a edukacja I wychowanie na potrzeby jutra, red. K. Segiet, K. Słupska-Kwiatkowska
K. Denek, Edukacja pozalekcyjna I pozaszkolna
Doświadczać uczenia się. Materiały pokonferencyjne, FRSE
Uczyć się inaczej. Compendium wiedzy o edukacji pozaformalnej na podstawie doświadczeń uczestników I ucestniczek Programu “Młodzież w działaniu” (2007 – 2013), FRSE
Jakiej kultury Polacy potrzebują I czy edukacja kulturalno im ją zapewnia? Raport o problemach edukacji kulturalnej w Polsce dla Ministerstwa Kultury I Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Kłoskowska - Kultura masowa - krytyka i obrona
D. Macdonald - Teoria kultury masowej
M. Mc Luhan - Wybór tekstów
M. Golka - Socjologia kultury
M. Golka - Bariery w komunikowaniu i społeczeństwo /dez/informacyjne
J. Fiske - Wprowadzenie do badań nad komunikowaniem
H. Jenkins - Kultura konwergencji. Zderzenie starych i nowych mediów.
M. Mrozowski, Media masowe - władza, rozrywka i biznes.
M. Castells - Społeczeństwo sieci
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: