Non-discrimination in employment 2200-1W048N
In order to present detailed information on anti-discrimination law, the following issues shall be discussed:
1. Equal treatment principle among the fundamental principles of labour law and with respect to the persons employed in forms other than
labour relationship
2. Discrimination, harassment, mobbying (bullying)
3. Protected differentiating features
4. Allowed actions differentiating the position of employed
5. Equal treatment principle in the labour law sources
6. Consequences of infringement of equal treatment principle in the labour law sources
7. Consequences of infringement of equal treatment principle with respect to an individual employed
8. Compensating an infringement of equal treatment principle by the employer
9. Examples of discrimination in legal relations linked to employment: initialising a legal relationship, disadvantageous working conditions,
promotion, terminating a legal relation
10. Equal pay principle
11. Examples of particular kinds of discrimination in employment.
Type of course
optional courses
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the student knows legal regulation on equal treatment in employment, including legal consequences of discrimination and the legal grounds of liability.
The student is able to co-operate and work in groups, assuming various roles, in particular recognising rules on relations between employers and employees relevant to non-discrimination principle.
The student uses legal systems and selected norms and rules (legal, professional, moral) in order to solve a given task within the scope of equal treatment in employment principle, including the task of preparing prevention rules in a given organization or to minimise the outcome of discrimination
The student recognises trends of development of anti-discrimination law in the field of employment and is able to indicate related axiological and practical dilemmas.
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment (preparing classes and activity), praca domowa, test na ocenę.
Practical placement
The most recent available edition of:
M. Kuba, Zakaz dyskryminacji w zatrudnieniu pracowniczym
M. Szabłowska-Juckiewicz, Odpowiedzialność odszkodowawcza podmiotu zatrudniającego za naruszenie zasady równego traktowania
H. Szewczyk, Równość płci w zatrudnieniu
M. Domańska, Zakaz dyskryminacji ze względu na więcej niż jedno zabronione kryterium
and the reading matter indicated on a current basis.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: