European Market 2105-PP-L-D2RYEU
1. Theoretical foundations of integration - economic aspects
(concept of economic integration, prerequisites of integration processes, integration stages according to Ballasy, main costs and benefits, effects of integration)
2. The process of creating a single market in the European Union
(creation of ECSC, EEC and Euratom, evolution of European communities, Single European Act, Treaty on European Union, Treaty of Amsterdam, Treaty of Nice - preparation for enlargement, Treaty of Lisbon, EU enlargement)
3. The EU internal market
(the concept of the internal market in the TFEU, the EU internal market and its economic governance, categories and areas of the Union's competences, rules for the operation of the internal market, the global context of the functioning of the EU internal market)
4. The fundamental freedoms of the internal market.
5. Freedom of movement of goods.
6. Freedom of movement of people and entrepreneurship.
7. Freedom of movement of services.
8. Freedom of movement of capital.
9. Common rules of competition
(the concept of competition and competitiveness, market models, treaty bans on competition)
10. Common commercial policy
(principles and scope of the subject, protection instruments, economic aspects)11. Cohesion policy
(economic reasons, stages of development, priorities, objectives and instruments of cohesion policy in 2014-2020)
12. Common agricultural policy
(objectives, principles of operation, instruments, financing, evolution and future of the CAP)
13. EU funding
(principles of drawing up the EU general budget, main sources of income and categories of reforms, expenditure, proposals for reforming the EU budget)
14. Selected Union policies
(IP policy, energy policy, digital single market, transport policy, social policy)
Main fields of studies for MISMaP
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1. The student knows the theoretical aspects of economic integration and the principles of functioning of the internal market.
2. The student is able to discuss the formation of the European Union's internal market and characterize the successive stages.
3. The student identifies institutions and organizations that implement and support the European Union market.
4. The student is able to characterize and analyze economic policy of the EU.
5. The student assesses the effects of the European Union's economic policy in the area of forming and improving the common market.
6. The student describes and analyzes practical aspects of the functioning of the common market in a selected EU country.
According to the list of learning outcomes in the program of studies in the field of European Studies - European Integration (practical profile):
K_W04; K_W05; K_W07; K_W09; K_W12; K_W13; K_U01; K_U02; K_U03; K_U04; K_U05; K_U07; K_U08; K_K01
Assessment criteria
- Presentation of a selected European country market (20%);
- Written exam (both closed and open questions) (80%)
The attendance is obligatory during classes (two unjustified absences are allowed).
Practical placement
General reading:
1. Treaties of the European Union.
2. Barcz J., Kawecka-Wyrzykowska E., Michałowska-Gorywoda K. (2016). Integracja europejska w okresie przemian. Aspekty ekonomiczne. PWE, Warszawa.
3. Nowak-Far A. (2013). Prawo i ekonomia rynku wewnętrznego Unii Europejskiej, Wyd. Poltext, Warszawa.
4. Jan in t'Veldt (2019). The economic benefits of the EU Single Market in goods and services. Journal of Policy Modeling
Volume 41, Issue 5, September–October 2019, Pages 803-818.
5. Selected information on the EU:
Further reading:
EU (2017). THE FOUR FREEDOMS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. BRIEFINGS PREPARED BY THE EU3DOMS PROJECT. Debate on the Future of the Four Freedoms of the European Union, ’EU3doms’ supported by the Europe for Citizenship Programme. November 2017.
Barnard C. (2010). The substantive law of the EU, wyd. 2, Oxford.
Czarczyńska A., Śledziewska K. (2007). Teoria europejskiej integracji gospodarczej. C.H. Beck, Warszawa.
Czermińska M. (2016). Jednolity rynek wewnętrzny Unii Europejskiej w XXI wieku – wyzwania i kierunki zmian. Studia Ekonomiczne. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach, 269/2016, s. 62-73.
Grabitz E., Hill M. , Łubowski D. (red.) (2009). Swobody wspólnotowe w Traktacie ustanawiającym Wspólnotę Europejską. Swoboda przepływu towarów, usług i przedsiębiorczości. Komentarz. Warszawa.
Maletic I. (2013). The Law and Policy of Harmonisation in Europe’s Internal Market, Cheltenham, Northampton.
Małuszyńska E., Mazur. G. (2015). Unia Europejska 2014+. Difin, Warszawa.
Pietrzyk I. (2015). Jednolity rynek europejski jako fundament
i motor integracji europejskiej. Annales UMCS Lublin. Vol 49 (2). file:///C:/Users/joann/Downloads/882-1766-1-SM.pdf.
Barcz J. (red.) (2011). Prawo gospodarcze UE. Instytut Wyd. EuroPrawo. Warszawa.
Szaban J. (2011). Rynek pracy w Polsce i Unii Europejskiej. Difin, Warszawa.
Wróbel A. (red.) (2012). Traktat o funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej. Tom I, (red. Tomu D. Miąsik, N. Półtorak), Warszawa.
Zawidzka A. (2005). Rynek wewnętrzny Wspólnoty Europejskiej a interes publiczny. Wyd. 2, Warszawa.
Zombirt J. (2009 lub 2011). Mechanizmy rynku wewnętrznego Unii Europejskiej, Wyd. 2 (lub Wyd.3), Difin, Warszawa.
Scientific journals:
"Studia Europejskie", "Journal on Common Market Studies", and "Journal of European Integration" (selected articles).
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: