Political marketing in Europe 2105-M-D4MPEU
The course will present basic concepts and ideas of political marketing in the European context. Segmentation and positioning processes on the political market, voter behaviour, the importance of the candidate's image for political marketing, the significance and scope of the use of political advertising and the media will be analysed. The knowledge will enable students to accurately interpret and analyse the behaviour of actors on the political scene. Students will acquire the ability to synthesise issues without ignoring their connection with the environment of the political system (including cultural, historical or institutional conditions in the EU).
Schedule of activities
1. Organisational classes
2. Political marketing - definition of the term, main theoretical approaches, influence of economic marketing and political science.
3. Candidate in political marketing in Europe - analysis of the candidates' images, axes around which the candidates' images are constructed, influence of the features possessed and attributed to the candidates on the voters' behaviour, the role of symbols, language and image in politics, programme
4. presentation of students' work - analysis of the image of MEPs (casses drawn by students for each of the subsequent presentations).
5. Voter behaviour - presentation of the most important models describing voter behaviour. Segmentation and positioning in political marketing.
6. Public opinion - definition of the term, formation and measurement of public opinion, importance of election polls.
7. presentation of students' work - analysis of a segment of MEPs' voters.
8. Media and social communication and political campaigns - scope of use, mutual influence.
9. Political advertising - influence of television advertising on voter behaviour, electoral preferences, influence of radio and press political advertising. Forms of gaining voter support.
10. Presentation of student work planning an MEP campaign - traditional media
11. The role of new media and social media in political communication.
12. Presentation of students' work planning a campaign using new media (proposals for posts, claim, communication core) of their MEP
13. Negative campaigns as one of the forms of struggle against a competitor on the political scene.
14. Analysis of the campaign during the 2024 MEP elections
15. Course credit
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student at the end of the course
- Knows and understands the terms and concepts of political marketing in the European context (K_W02);
- Knows the results of social research related to political marketing (K_W03);
- Is able to use marketing notions and theoretical concepts to analyse the situation on the European market taking into account social, historical and economic conditions (K_U01)
- Is able to independently search for public opinion surveys in Europe and is able to interpret them (K_U01)
- Analyses orally and in writing the strategies chosen by political actors in Europe and the political marketing activities in the European market and the rationale of voters' behaviour (K_UO1, K_UO5);
- is able to use information provided by the media, is able to search for necessary information concerning political marketing (K_UO6);
- is able to construct simple research tools, which will provide knowledge about voters' attitudes (K_UO6).
Assessment criteria
Attendance in class is a prerequisite for obtaining credit (2 absences are allowed). Absences (within the limit) do not relieve you of the obligation to deliver your work on time. The grade depends on meeting the following criteria:
1. preparation of a paper on the indicated topic - speeches are prepared individually - 30 pts.
2. completion of four assignments. The assignments will be case studies The papers are prepared in groups and uploaded to the Campus platform. . 15 points can be obtained for each task.
3. activity - 10 pts
Grading scale:
Very good grade 89-100 pts
Evaluation good plus 83-88 pts
Good grade 76-82 pts
Grade sufficient plus 70-75 pts
Sufficient mark 61-69 pts
Unsatisfactory grade 0 - 60 pts.
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Muszyński, J., (2004), Teoria marketingu politycznego, Warszawa: WSP TWP.
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Newman, B. I., Cwalina, W., Falkowski, A., Newman, T. P., & Jabłońska, M. (2022). Political marketing. In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, s. 1022-1034. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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Peszyński, W.(2012). Walka na spoty po polsku. Przypadek kampanii parlamentarnych z lat 2001–2007. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.
Skarżyńska K., Człowiek a polityka, Warszawa 2005.
Staniszewski, R. (2012), Opinia publiczna - teoretyczny sens i zakres pojęcia, [w:] E. Marciniak (red.), Studia Politologiczne vol. 25, Warszawa.
Stępińska A., (2001), Skuteczność negatywnej reklamy politycznej. [w:] Paradowski R., Załęcki P. (pod red.). Kulturowe instrumentarium panowania. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.
Stępińska, A., (2004), Marketingowe strategie wyborcze. Wybory prezydenckie w Polsce 1990–2000, Poznań: WN INPiD UAM.
Street, J. (2006). Mass media, polityka, demokracja. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
Tranová, K. L., & Veneti, A. (2021). The Use of Podcasting in Political Marketing: The Case of the Czech Republic. Journal of Political Marketing.
van Drunen, M. Z., Helberger, N., & Ó Fathaigh, R. (2022). The beginning of EU political advertising law: unifying democratic visions through the internal market. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 30(2).
Wiszniowski, R., (2002), Wprowadzenie do teorii marketingu politycznego. [w:] Jabłoński Andrzej W., Sobkowiak Leszek (pod red.), Marketing polityczny w teorii i praktyce. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo UWr,.
Ziółkowski, J. (2012), Opinia publiczna jako obiekt zainteresowania propagandy politycznej, [w:] E. Marciniak (red.), Studia Politologiczne vol. 25.
Additional information
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