Education policy 2103-L-D5POED
1) Education and schooling in Poland - SWOT diagnosis based on a comprehensive group discussion - introduction to the subject, emphasizing the collective effort and engagement.
2) Education policy - definitions, indicators, theoretical and legal basis.
3-4) Selected aspects of international comparisons in the field of educational policy - PISA survey, education in the policy of the European Union, educational systems of selected countries (Germany, France, Finland, Korea)
5-6) Structure, organization, and financing of the Polish educational system - major reforms after 1989 and the current state. The importance of early childhood education.
7) Education in pandemic and post-pandemic - practical lessons for educational policy, providing valuable insights and preparing for future challenges.
8) Education and the labor market: areas of interrelationship. Models of vocational education and the crucial role of educational and vocational guidance, underscoring their value and importance.
9) Higher education - leading indicators, development directions, education quality, internationalization.
10) Education in the digital society. Formation of competencies of the future and lifelong learning.
11) Disputes in Polish schools include religious teaching, sex education, and patriotic education.
12) Special, integrative, and inclusive education (pedagogy) in the Polish educational system.
13) Educational policy and problems of poverty and social exclusion - social determinants of access to education; equalization of educational opportunities; social function of school.
14-15) Group project presentations with discussion - educational policy reforms
Term 2023Z:
not applicable |
Term 2024Z:
1 Introduction to Education Policy |
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Type of course
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student:
- has a structured knowledge of social problems related to the field of education and understands their structural conditions (KW02);
- knows and understands the system of educational policy institutions in Poland(K_W09) ;
- is equipped with the ability to critically analyze proposed solutions to specific problems in the field of educational policy and propose appropriate solutions (K_U02, K_U03) ;
- can design a simple concept of a social program (reform) within the framework of educational policy and present it to the public with appropriate justification (K_U05, K_U07);
- can supplement his knowledge in educational policy, and understands and appreciates the importance of lifelong learning in professional and private life (K_U10).
Assessment criteria
The group project is the cornerstone for passing the class, as it forms the basis for evaluation.
1) How do you shape the competencies of the future in the Polish school/university? A reform project for a selected area of the education system.
The project should include:
A diagnosis of the situation in a given area.
The subject of reform.
Justification of the need for reform and justification of the selection of proposed solutions.
The project, prepared in groups of max. 3 persons, should be presented as a group in a dedicated class (at the end of the semester). A written version meeting specific requirements should be submitted by the end of the semester. Written reports and presentations/ideas presented in class should be included in the corresponding assignments on Classroom.
In the final evaluation, the oral presentation and the written version of the project received equal weights.
Additional activities:
Presentations of selected topics during class - in case of positive evaluation, the possibility to increase the final grade in the course by 0.5 or 1 grade.
A list of topics for additional presentations students can make in class will be published on Classroom.
Attendance control - two absences are allowed; 3-4 absences: the need to prepare an additional credit paper on the topic indicated by the instructor; more than four absences: no possibility of passing the course.
Practical placement
No mandatory apprenticeships.
1. Brzezińska A. I., M. Czub, T. Czub, Krótko- i długofalowe korzyści z wczesnej opieki nad dzieckiem i edukacji, Polityka Społeczna 1/2012 (9t),
2. Buchner A., M. Wierzbicka (2020), Edukacja zdalna w czasie pandemii. Edycja II, Centrum Cyfrowe,
3. Godlewska J. (2010), Edukacja a problemy ubóstwa i wykluczenia społecznego [w:] R. Szarfenberg, C. Żołędowski, M. Theiss Polityka publiczna wobec ubóstwa i wykluczenia społecznego, Warszawa: Elipsa.
4. Godlewska-Szyrkowa J. (2015), Zmiany w wykształceniu Polaków [w:] C. Żołędowski, B. Rysz-Kowalczyk, M. Duszczyk, Dekada członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej. Perspektywa polityki społecznej, Warszawa: Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa.
5. Kamieniecka, M. (2015). Decyzje edukacyjno-zawodowe uczniów szkół gimnazjalnych. Raport podsumowujący. Warszawa: Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych;
6. Kluczowe dane dotyczące wczesnej edukacji i opieki w Europie. Wydanie 2019. Raport Eurydice,
7. Nowakowska A., Przewłocka J. (2015). Szkoła oczami uczniów: relacje z nauczycielami i kolegami oraz przemoc szkolna. Warszawa: Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych;
8. PISA 2018. Czytanie, rozumienie, rozumowanie,
9. Sadura P. (2017) Państwo, szkoła, klasy, Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej.
10.. Szumski G., Koncepcja edukacji włączającej (2019) [w:] I. Chrzanowska, G. Szumski, Edukacja włączająca w przedszkolu i szkole, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo FRSE,
11. Włoch R., Śledziewska K. (2019), Kompetencje przyszłości. Jak je kształtować w elastycznym ekosystemie edukacyjnym?, DeLab UW,
12. Włoch R., Śledziewska K. (2020), Gospodarka cyfrowa. Jak nowe technologie zmieniają świat., Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego,
Term 2023Z:
not applicable |
Term 2024Z:
• Brzezińska A. I., M. Czub, T. Czub, Krótko- i długofalowe korzyści z wczesnej opieki nad dzieckiem i edukacji, Polityka Społeczna 1/2012 (9t) Ustawy: |
Term 2023Z:
not applicable |
Term 2024Z:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: