Ethical dilemmas in social policy 2103-L-D4DEPS
1. Introduction.
2. Social policy dilemmas and their types.
3. Ethical dilemmas of the social policy professions - example of the profession of social worker.
4. Ethical problems in organisational management - example of social welfare organisation.
5. Ethical dilemmas of social policy makers - the dirty hands dilemma.
6. Ethical dilemmas of researchers.
7. Ethical standards in the management of organisations.
8. Summary and evaluation.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: Remote learning | General: Classroom | Term 2024L: Remote learning |
Learning outcomes
1. Knowledge. The student knows and understands the concept of social policy dilemmas and their types, has knowledge of the place of ethics and values in social policy science, as well as knows and understands ethical codes related to scientific research (K_W01).
2. Skills. Students are able to critically analyse ethical dilemmas in social policy, including identifying value conflicts in social policy activities (K_U02).
3. social competences. Student is ready to correctly identify and resolve dilemmas related to the performance of professions in the field of social policy (K_K04).
Assessment criteria
The following will be assessed.
1. compulsory attendance evidenced by a signature on the register. Attendance at a minimum of 5 classes is required. Any absence of more than 1 requires credit for on-call time as directed by the instructor.
2. completion of assignments given by the instructor for each class.
3. completion of a written assignment using the ethical standards of the organisation.
Practical placement
- Jolanta Supińska, Dylematy polityki społecznej, Warszawa, ASPRA-JR, 2014
- Anna Olech, Źródła i rodzaje dylematów etycznych w pracy socjalnej oraz możliwości ich rozwiązywania, w: Marta Sokołowska (red.) Dylematy etyczne pracowników socjalnych, 2013
- Anna Wojciechowska-Nowak, Jak zdemaskować szwindel? Czyli krótki przewodnik po whistle-blowingu, Fundacja Batorego, 2008
- Andrzej Klimczuk, Standard etycznej realizacji zadań organizacji pozarządowej, w: Katarzyna - Szop-Rutkowska (red.), Poradnik standardów normatywnych dla organizacji pozarządowych, 2014
- Michael Walzer "Działalność polityczna: problem brudnych rąk" w: Włodzimierz Galewicz (red.) "Moralność i profesjonalizm. Spór o pozycję etyk zawodowych", Universitas 2010.
- C. L. Jurkiewicz, The Anatomy of Ethical Dysfunction, w: H.G. Frederickson, R. K. Ghere red. Ethics in Public Management, 2013.
- Joel Lefkowitz, Forms of ethical dilemmas in industrial-organizational psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2021
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: