The Polish system of law 2102-L-D2SPRR
I. general part of civil law
a/ natural persons
b/ legal persons
c/ representation
d/ legal actions
II. property law
a/ the concept and division of things
b/ ownership and co-ownership
c/ perpetual usufruct
d/ limited property rights
III. obligations law
a/ the essence and execution of obligations
b/ sources of liabilities
c/ selected examples of civil contracts
d/ civil liability
IV. inheritance law
a/ basic concepts of inheritance law
b/ testamentary inheritance
c/ statutory inheritance
d/ acquisition of inheritance rights
V. Family and guardianship law
a/ conclusion and dissolution of marriage
b/ rights and obligations of spouses, management of joint property
c/ determining the child's parentage, adoption
d/ parental authority, maintenance obligation
VI. Selected issues of economic (commercial) law
a/ business activity and its entities
b/ securities
c/ stock exchanges - their tasks and types
d/ other regulations of economic (commercial) law
VII-VIII. Labor and social security law
a/ types of employment relations and employment contracts
b/ termination of employment contracts
c/ types of leaves and their essence
d/ liability of employees
e/ types of social insurance
IX-X. Scope of regulations of civil proceedings
a/ matters conducted in civil proceedings
b/ jurisdiction of the court in civil matters and adjudicating panels
c/ means of evidence in civil cases
d/ phase of civil proceedings
e/ remedies in civil matters
XI-XII. Administrative law
a/ substantive administrative law
b/ system of administrative bodies
c/ types of administrative proceedings
d/ forms of administration activity
XIII-XIV. Basic institutions of criminal law
a/ principles of criminal liability
b/ forms of committing the crime
c/ exclusion of criminal liability
d/ penalties and punitive measures in criminal law
e/ factors influencing the assessment and execution of the penalty
XV. Selected issues of criminal proceedings
a/ the essence of criminal proceedings
b/ preparatory proceedings
c/ proceedings before the court of first instance in criminal cases
d/ appeal proceedings in criminal cases
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
The student knows the basic legal institutions and understands their impact on the conditions and forms of participation in public life (K_W03).
The student has knowledge of Polish law and the principles of its functioning as an element of the political system (K_W04).
The student has knowledge of various concepts of politics, values and social norms that are regulated by the relevant branches of law and recognizes the most important directions of political science research and their relations with research in legal sciences (K_W06).
The student is able to analyze and interpret legally the conditions of political life in Poland (K_U03).
The student is able to use the relevant legal provisions in the area related to public activity, while recognizing emerging ethical dilemmas (K_U07).
The student is able to express opinions on selected legal phenomena (K_U11).
The student is ready to actively participate in social life and is able to apply appropriate legal provisions in practice (K_K01).
The student is aware of the importance of individual and group work in the implementation of research and social projects based on applicable law (K_K02).
The student is prepared to resolve professional dilemmas related to the application of legal provisions (K_K03).
Assessment criteria
The subject ends with a written exam in the form of a test.
Practical placement
Basic literature
1. W. Siuda: Elementy prawa dla ekonomistów, Poznań 2013
2. M. Łoszewska-Ołowska, Podstawy prawa dla dziennikarzy. Warszawa 2008
3. Z. Radwański, Prawo cywilne-część ogólna, Warszawa 2005
4. E. Gniewek, Prawo rzeczowe, Warszawa 2003
5. Z. Radwański, A. Olejniczak, Zobowiązania-część ogólna, Warszawa 2005
6. E. Skowrońska-Bocian, Prawo spadkowe, Warszawa 2003
7. K. Kruczalak, Prawo handlowe. Zarys wykładu, Warszawa 2008
8. T. Smyczyński, Prawo rodzinne i opiekuńcze, Warszawa 2005
9. T. Liszcz, Prawo pracy, Warszawa 2009
Additional literature
1. J. Jodłowski i in., Postępowanie cywilne, Warszawa 2005
2. J. Zimmerman, Prawo administracyjne, Warszawa 2010
3. M. Bojarski (red.), Prawo karne materialne. Część ogólna i szczególna, Warszawa 2007
4. S. Waltoś, Proces karny. Zarys systemu, Warszawa 2008
5. Kodeks cywilny, Kodeks rodzinny i opiekuńczy, Kodeks pracy, Kodeks postępowania cywilnego, Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego, Kodeks karny, Kodeks postępowania karnego, inne ustawy wskazane przez prowadzącego
Term 2023L:
Basic literature Additional literature |
Term 2024L:
Basic literature Additional literature |
Term 2023L:
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Term 2024L:
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Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: