Conflicts Solution 2102-BW-M-D4ROKO
Topics covered:
Block I. The role of individual and environmental characteristics in the process of conflict escalation and resolution
Blake and Mouton's dual concern model
The role of communication in the emergence and resolution of conflicts
Diagnostic tool:
o The Conflict Wheel by Christopher W. Moore
o An integrated model of problem solving and decision-making in conflict situations
Block II. Conflict dynamics
James S. Coleman's Conflict Incident Model
Destructive conflict – mechanisms of its formation and course
o Escalation spirals
o Spirals of avoidance
Block III. Intergroup conflicts
Social conflict from a psychological perspective (subject of conflict, object of conflict, activity of parties, conflict dynamics, conflict detectors, conflict phases).
Social conflict from a sociological perspective - social change and its determinants (physical environment, political organizations, economic factors, political factors, cultural factors)
Block IV. Basics of social conflict management
The process of rational decision-making in conflict situations
Strike as an example of a conflict in the field of internal relations
GRIT: Graduated and Reciprocated Initiatives in Tension Reduction: Justification for the use of the GRIT procedure, GRIT stages, effectiveness of the GRIT procedure
Term 2023L:
None |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: K_W02 K_W03
Has knowledge of conflict-generating factors occurring in various areas of political and social reality, their importance for various types of social bonds, with particular emphasis on these categories of bonds,
that are important for the safety of people and the groups in which they live (K_W02).
Knows the norms and rules prevailing in structures and institutions, as well as mechanisms, e.g. psychological, social and legal, used to prevent and resolve conflicts and crises and maintain socio-political order and security in Poland and in the world. (K_W03).
Skills: K_U02
Is able to analyze (using theoretically in-depth assessment) various social phenomena, especially those related to security, with particular emphasis on conflict situations. (K_U02)
Understands the threats that arise from conflict situations on the social, economic and political levels for the individual, society and the state (K_U02)
Social competences: K_K01; K_K03
The student is able to define priorities for implementing tasks in the field of counteracting threats to state and social structures and maintaining a specific order in them in the face of conflict. (K_K01)
The student is aware of the need to behave in a professional and ethical manner and is prepared to promote these values when performing professional roles in conflict situations. (K_K03)
Assessment criteria
Conditions for passing the course:
Preparation in written form (essay) of an analysis of interpersonal/intergroup/social conflict (to choose from) from the perspective of conflict theory and presenting the analysis supplemented with a multimedia presentation to the group.
Activity during classes increases the individual grade in the subject by 0.5 grade.
Formal requirements: Volume of 3-10 pages of text, line spacing 1.5, font size 12, work with a bibliography.
Adamus-Matuszyńska A, Współczesne teorie konfliktu społecznego, Katowice 1998.
Binsztok A. (red.), Sztuka skutecznego prowadzenia mediacji i negocjacji. Zagadnienia psychologiczne i komunikacyjne, Warszawa 2013.
Bohm F., S. Laurell, Rozwiązywanie konfliktów. Praktyczny poradnik dla pracodawców i menedżerów, Białystok 2009.
Chełpa S. , T. Witkowski, Psychologia konfliktów. Praktyka radzenia sobie ze sporami, Warszawa1995.
Dana D., Rozwiązywanie konfliktów, Warszawa 1993.
Deutsch M., Coleman P.T. (red.), Rozwiązywanie konfliktów. Teoria i praktyka, Kraków 2005.
Długosz D. , A. Garbacik, Podstawy zarządzania konfliktami społecznymi, Poznań 2000.
Doherty N., M. Guyler, Mediacja i rozwiązywania konfliktów w pracy, Warszawa 2010.
Dziewiecki M., Psychologia porozumiewania się, Kielce 2000.
Głodowski W., Komunikowanie interpersonalne, Warszawa 2001.
Kostecki W., Zaawansowanie zapobieganie konfliktom, Warszawa 2011.
Mlicki M. K., Konflikty społeczne: pułapki i dylematy działań zbiorowych, Warszawa 1992.
Moore Ch. W., Mediacje. Praktyczne strategie rozwiązywania konfliktów, Kraków 2003 (2012).
Nye jr J. S., Konflikty międzynarodowe. Wprowadzenie do teorii i historii, Warszawa 2009.
Pietrzak H., Agresja konflikt społeczeństwo, Tyczyn 2000.
Thompson P., Sposoby komunikacji interpersonalnej, Zysk i S-ka Wydawnictwo, Poznań 1998.
Term 2023L:
None |
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