Information technology 2102-BW-L-Z2TEIN
The information technology course is conducted through lectures and exercises 10 hours for each of these classes. Classes are held in the summer semester. The course aims to introduce students to the theoretical and practical foundations of social science. During the lectures, students will be familiarized with selected issues concerning the most important elements related to information and communication technologies: the structure of the Internet and its development trends, IT security and the issue of free software. Exercises are practical. In the course, students assimilate knowledge and skills in selected issues of which is determined by the program of the European Computer Driving License (ECDL basic level). The course can be intensified on request all students (depending represented by their level of competences) in this group, or can be modified (and emphasis on selected topics).
Term 2023L:
The Information Technology course is conducted in the form of lectures and exercises of 10 hours for each form of classes. Classes are held in the summer semester. The course aims to introduce students to the theoretical and practical foundations of social informatics. During the lectures, students will be acquainted with selected issues related to the most important elements related to information and communication technologies: the structure of the Internet and its development trends, ICT security and the issue of free software. The exercises are practical. In their course, students acquire knowledge and skills in the field of selected issues within the scope of the European Certificate of Computer Skills (ECDL basic level) program. The course program can be intensified at the request of all students (depending on the level of IT competences they represent) in a given group or it can be modified (and the emphasis is placed on the selected subject). |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to provide students with systematic knowledge on selected topics of ICT (information and communication technologies) related to the barriers and the risks and opportunities of the Internet in politics. Specific learning objectives include the following knowledge and skills:
• gain knowledge and understanding of the social and technical structure of the Internet and its development trends
• acquire knowledge related to IT security and the issue of free software, as well as participation in politics from the Internet;
• acquisition of basic and intermediate skills search for content on the Internet
• Win the basics of computer office according to the standard ECDL (word processing, spreadsheets, graphics and presentation managers)
Assessment criteria
The pass mark for the course Information technology is substantive activity during the classes, preparation exercises in the field of information technology. Students may leave a maximum of one session (leading classes have the right to decide about the need to pass on duty). Unpreparedness exercise or prepare it after the deadline results in a written examination of the whole material of lectures and exercises.
Practical placement
D. Mider, Aneks 1. Klasyfikacja kanałów internetowej komunikacji, [w:] J. Garlicki (red.), Kultura polityczna Internautów w Polsce, „Studia Politologiczne”, t. 21, Dom Wydawniczy „Elipsa”, Warszawa 2011, s. 305-309.
D. Mider, O. Borówka, Internet – medium bez cenzury?, [w:] E.A. Marciniak (red.), Komunikowanie polityczne. Wybrane zagadnienia, „Studia Politologiczne”, t. 25, Dom Wydawniczy „Elipsa”, Warszawa 2012, s. 141-176.
D. Mider, Partycypacja polityczna w Internecie, Dom Wydawniczy "Elipsa", Warszawa 2008, 7.2.2. Internet jako źródło totalitarnej kontroli nad społeczeństwem, s. 348-371.
D. Mider, Partycypacja polityczna w Internecie, Dom Wydawniczy "Elipsa", Warszawa 2008, Rozdział 6. Projektująca klasyfikacja form partycypacji politycznej w Internecie z użyciem przemocy, s. 293-319.
D. Verton, Black Ice. Niewidzialna groźba cyberterroryzmu, Wydawnictwo „Helion”, Warszawa 2004.
D. Doroziński, Hakerzy. Technoanarchiści cyberprzestrzeni, Wydawnictwo „Helion”, Warszawa 2001.
1/ D. Mider, Aneks I. Badanie kultury politycznej elit w Internecie – nota metodologiczna, [w:] J. Garlicki, D. Mider, Elity polityczne i internauci, „Studia Politologiczne”, t. 26, Dom Wydawniczy „Elipsa”, Warszawa 2012, s. 242-255.
2/ D. Mider, Jak badać opinię publiczną w Internecie? Ewaluacja wybranych technik badawczych, tekst niepublikowany, udostępniany studentom przez prowadzącego zajęcia, ss. 10.
3/ D. Mider, Dylematy metodologiczne badań kultury politycznej w Internecie, tekst niepublikowany, udostępniany studentom przez prowadzącego zajęcia, ss. 15.
Term 2023L:
D. Mider, Aneks 1. Klasyfikacja kanałów internetowej komunikacji, [w:] J. Garlicki (red.), Kultura polityczna Internautów w Polsce, „Studia Politologiczne”, t. 21, Dom Wydawniczy „Elipsa”, Warszawa 2011, s. 305-309. |
Term 2023L:
None. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: