Architecture and atmosphere management 1900-SM-3-4MS-5
The classes have a conversational and workshop character and are devoted to issues of social agency of architecture in the spirit of post-humanism. The second theme of the classes is the concept of atmosphere in architecture and possibilities of managing it. The aim of the course is to introduce students to the issues of the influence of buildings on users and the theoretical foundations of the concept of atmosphere from the philosophical and sociological (phenomenological) perspective - understood not so much as a certain aura, a property of things or places, but more as a quality co-created "in between" – in the actual relation of the experiencers with those things and places. Theoretical considerations and discussions will be illustrated by examples of concrete spaces and objects, through which the most important phenomena will be discussed. The course provides for a group or individual research project of the discussed phenomena.
Type of course
Remote learning
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
The final grade will be based on attendance and activity during the class (30%), and a research project (70%).
Parts of publications:
1. Böhme G., 2017, Atmospheric Architecture. The Aesthetics of Felt Spaces, tłum. A.-Chr. Engels-Schwarzpaul, Bloomsbury Academic, London, New York.
2. Göbel H. K., 2014, The Re-Use of Urban Ruins: Atmospheric Inquiries of the City, Routledge.
3. Zumthor P., 2006, Atmospheres: Architectural Environments. Surrounding Objects, Birkhäuser.
4. Stenslund A. 2021, Collaging atmosphere: Exploring the architectural touch of the eye. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2021; 48(9): 2761-2774. doi:10.1177/2399808320986559
5. Bille M. & Sørensen T.F, editor(s). 2016, Elements of Architecture: Assembling archaeology, atmosphere and the performance of building spaces, Part 2: Atmospheres, London: Routledge; p. 157-230.
6. Canepa E.; Scelsi V.; Fassio A.; Avanzino L.; Lagravinese G.; Chiorri C., 2019, Atmospheres: Feeling architecture by emotions. Ambiances 2019, 5, 1–29. URL:; DOI:
7. Augé M.,2010, Nie-Miejsca. Wprowadzenie do antropologii hipernowoczesności, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.
8. Koolhaas R., 2017, Bigness, czyli o problemie Wielkości, [w:] idem, Śmieciowa przestrzeń, przeł. M. Wawrzyńczak, Warszawa, Centrum Architektury.
9. Podręcznik kreowania udanych przestrzeni publicznych, Project for Public Spaces, Inc., Wydanie polskie – Fundacja Partnerstwo dla Środowiska, Kraków 2009.
10. Łukasiuk M., 2018, Kategoria atmosfery w świetle teorii systemów Niklasa Luhmanna, “Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica” nr 19 (1) 2018, s. 194-206,
11. Łukasiuk M.,2017, Interakcje z architekturą. Społeczne sprawstwo zabudowy, „Kultura Popularna” nr 2 (52), s. 44-53, GICID: 01.3001.0010.7050,
12. Pallasmaa J., 2014, Oczy skóry. Architektura i zmysły, Instytut Architektury, Warszawa.
13. Borowska M., 2013, Estetyka i poszukiwanie znaczeń w przestrzeniach architektonicznych, Semper, Warszawa.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: