Information and communication technologies 1900-5-TIK
1. Providing basic knowledge regarding:
existing information and communication technologies,
tools enabling the use of the above-mentioned technology,
rules for navigating the Internet and using the above-mentioned technology,
rules regarding the form of scientific work.
2. Helping students acquire competences necessary to:
freedom of movement in modern technologies,
selecting information and communication tools to suit your needs,
assessment of the safety and ethics of activities undertaken in scientific work.
Content. Class topics:
1. Introduction. Getting to know the offer of the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies. Websites of the University of Warsaw and WGSR. Using e-learning. The most important information about studying.
2. Programs for multimedia presentations (prezi, power point), including programs using AI (Gamma app). Graphic tools (Canva, Photoscape). Activation tools (Mentimeter, Kahoot!). Rules of public speaking and creating presentations.
3. Rules for formatting texts (including the structure of scientific articles and diploma theses). Plugins for Microsoft Office, access and use of Microsoft 365. Scientific poster - principles of creation and necessary tools.
4. ArcGIS Online and geoportals (including Google Earth, Geoportal).
5. UW resources (bases, libraries). Science Library. Infona. Career's Office. Free courses and training: UW Incubator, Navoica, BUW.
6. Bibliography Managers (Mendeley).
7. Basics of building websites (domain, hosting, basics of WordPress, HTML, SEO, optimization, Google Analytics, Google Search Console).
8. Online safety (fake news, trolling, bots, password generators). Errors of inference, critical analysis of scientific information.
9. Sources of knowledge on the Internet. Wikipedia. Social networking sites: Facebook and Instagram.
10. Generative artificial intelligence and its use: chats (GPT 3.5 and GPT 4.0, Copilot, Gemini), text and graphics generation. AI-based applications (travel planners, source text analysis, learning aid, etc.). Professions of the future.
Estimated student workload: 30 hours - participation in classes (T), 15 hours - familiarization with literature and materials (S), 15 hours - completing partial tests on the KAMPUS platform (S).
Term 2024Z:
None |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes: K_W10, K_U02, K_U03, K_U06, K_U10, K_U12, K_K01, K_K02
1. is familiar with the existing information and communication technologies necessary during the studies;
2. has elementary knowledge of tools related to information and communication in science;
3. has elementary knowledge of the rules of navigating on the Internet and using the above-mentioned technology,
4. has basic knowledge of the form of scientific work;
1. is able to use the tools learned during the classes in his / her student activities and scientific work;
2. critically evaluates and selects the known tools to meet their needs and preferences;
3. writes scientific texts and designs presentations in accordance with the learned principles;
4. performs a critical assessment of the reliability of knowledge sources.
1. recognizes the multiplicity and complexity of technologies in modern science;
2. opens up to new work tools;
3. uses the principles of ethics in his research and student activity;
4. takes care of his own safety and the safety of others in the network,
5. is open to the development of own professional competences,
6. undertakes activities aimed at disseminating scientific achievements.
Assessment criteria
Methods: lecture, seminar, meetings with experts
Passing conditions:
Partial tests passed with at least 51% of points (on the e-learning platform)
Class attendance (2 absences are allowed)
1. COME UW platform:
2. Google drive support:
3. Offcie package support:
4. Support prezi:
5. ArcGIS tutorials online:
6. EduEsri tutorials:
7. BUW website:
8. Wordpress support:
9. Bradshaw S., Howard P.N., Challenging Truth and Trust: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation, Oxford Internet Institute 2018, 93/2018/07 / ct2018.pdf
10. Kaźmierska A., Brzeziński W., Jak nas lepią demiurgowie?, Tygodnik Powszechny, nr 41 (3613), 2018, s. 12-16
11. Jemielniak D., Życie wirtualnych dzikich. Netnografia Wikipedii największego projektu współtworzonego przez ludzi, Warszawa 2013
12. Michalska J., Urbańczyk A., Obajtek K., 2023, Daj się zatrudnić: Jak zdobyć pracę przyszłości już dziś, Magazynol `05, ebook
13. H. Rosling, O. Rosling, A.Rosling Rönnlund, 2018, Factfulness. Dlaczego świat jest lepszy, niż myślimy, czyli jak stereotypy zastąpić realną wiedzą, Tłum. M. Popławska. Media Rodzina, Poznań
Term 2024Z:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: