Extreme Natural Phenomena and the Contemporary World 1900-3-EZP-GL
The lecture will be devoted to extreme natural events in the world and the reduction of the effects of natural hazards to which humans are currently exposed. The types of dangerous natural phenomena (especially abiotic), regions threatened with their occurrence in the world (also in Poland) and the possibility of minimizing the negative effects of extreme natural phenomena will be presented. Students learn the most important sources of information on this subject, as well as the meaning of selected specialist concepts, incl. threat, natural disaster, extreme natural phenomenon, disaster risk, vulnerability. Natural disaster risk reduction.
Term 2023L:
The lecture will be devoted to extreme natural phenomena in the world and the minimization of the effects of natural hazards to which humans are currently exposed. The types of dangerous natural phenomena (especially abiotic, but also biotic), regions threatened with their occurrence in the world (also in Poland) and the possibility of minimizing the negative effects of extreme natural phenomena will be presented. Students learn the most important sources of information on this subject, as well as the meaning of selected specialist concepts, incl. threat, natural disaster, extreme natural phenomenon, disaster risk, vulnerability, natural disaster risk reduction. |
Term 2024L:
The lecture will be devoted to extreme natural phenomena in the world and the minimization of the effects of natural hazards to which humans are currently exposed. The types of dangerous natural phenomena (especially abiotic, but also biotic), regions threatened with their occurrence in the world (also in Poland) and the possibility of minimizing the negative effects of extreme natural phenomena will be presented. Students learn the most important sources of information on this subject, as well as the meaning of selected specialist concepts, incl. threat, natural disaster, extreme natural phenomenon, disaster risk, vulnerability, natural disaster risk reduction. |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Main fields of studies for MISMaP
Type of course
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: The student knows the spatial and temporal location of natural hazards (abiotic and biotic) in the world, terminological differences and the meaning of key specialist terms; contemporary scientific concepts of reducing the risk of natural disasters;
Skills: the student can differentiate the effects of extreme phenomena depending on the region of the world and indicate methods of mitigating these effects; lists international organizations working for mitigation and risk reduction and understands their functions, as well as national organizations; lists organizations involved in collecting data on natural hazards and natural disasters.
Competences: The student is aware of natural hazards sufficient to take responsible actions to minimize the effects of dangerous natural phenomena, especially abiotic phenomena. Understands the principles of reducing the risk of natural disasters.
Attitude: The student shows ethical behavior towards people affected by a natural disaster; is ready to take preventive actions and help people using adequate system tools.
McGuire B., Burton P., Kilburn Ch. and Willetts o. , 2004, World Atlas of Natural Hazards, Oxford University Press
Keller E.A., Vecchio D.E, Natural Hazards: Earth's Processes as Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes, Pearson, NJ
Lisowski A., 1996, Antropogeniczne uwarunkowania klęsk żywiołowych. Przegląd Geograficzny, t. LXVIII, z.1-2, str. 67-78
Plit F., 1980, Klęski żywiołowe jako czynnik ograniczający rozwój ekonomiczny krajów Trzeciego Świata. Przykłady posuchy w strefie Sahelu, [w:] Klęski żywiołowe a rozwój gospodarczy krajów Trzeciego Świata. IGiPZ PAN, zeszyt 3
Rucińska D., 2012, Ekstremalne zjawiska przyrodnicze a świadomość społeczna. Uniwersytet Warszawski Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych.
Wybrane artykuły naukowe i raporty (w języku polski i angielskim).
Term 2023L:
McGuire B., Burton P., Kilburn Ch. and Willetts o. , 2004, World Atlas of Natural Hazards, Oxford University Press |
Term 2024L:
McGuire B., Burton P., Kilburn Ch. and Willetts o. , 2004, World Atlas of Natural Hazards, Oxford University Press |
Term 2024L:
The written exam will consist of 3 questions. Passing from 60% correctness (final grade). Understanding the discussed concepts, definitions, problems and the relationship between nature and man in the context of extreme eventsm natural hazards and disasters. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: