Legal and structural interrelationship of the state and European Union 1600-SZD-WM-PiSWPiUE
The aim of the lecture is to focus upon the present situation of the European Union, within the interrelationship between the state and European institutions. Thus the lecture will be of an interdisciplinary character, dealing with legal, political, social and regulatory analysis. The specific topics examined within the course concern the following:
Interrelationship of the state and European Union within the institutional aspect. The identification process of decision-making subjects. Theories of integration.
Decision-making procedures in the European Union – from legislative initiatives’ programme to valid law. Procedures concerning infringement of law in the EU. The debate and procedures concerning the rule of law.
The contemporary evolution of the European Union. European citizenship. Brexit as a case-study.
The contemporary challenges of the EU: recovery plan for Europe; climate policy of the EU (European Green Deal); development of digital technologies; health protection (Euroepan Health Union); migration.
Strategies for children and people with disabilities; non-discrimination policy.
Strategie na rzecz dzieci, osób z niepełnosprawnościami; przeciwdziałanie przemocy ze względu na płeć.
The EU within the international perspective.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
3) Learning Outcomes
WK3, UW1
Knows and understands:
- basic principles of knowledge transfer within legal regulations to the economic and social sphere.
Student can:
- use knowledge from the discipline of legal sciences within the law of European integration to identify, formulate and innovatively solve complex problems or perform research tasks, in particular:
- define the aim subject of scientific research,
- formulate a research hypothesis
- develop research methods, techniques and tools and apply them creatively
- infer on the basis of scientific research results.
Assessment criteria
Requirements: self-preparation based on the provided literature list and an active participation in the lectures and discussions (with two possible lecture absences). In case of a larger number of absences, the requirement of preparing the essay (on individually provided topic).
Principles for passing the classes and the subject (including resit session): lecture participation (80%), active participation in discussions (20%).
There is one additional date for correction - preparation of the essay.
Methods for the verification of learning outcomes: active participation during the classes
Evaluation criteria: lecture participation (80%), active participation in discussions (20%),
written essay.
Bach-Golecka Dobrochna, „Deficyt demokracji à rebours: analiza krytyczna współczesnej praktyki Komisji Europejskiej”, [in:] Ł. Pisarczyk (red.), Prawne problemy i wyzwania Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2018, p. 91-127.
Barnard Catherine, Steve Peers (eds.), European Union Law, Oxford 2020.
Gniadzik Magdalena, Ewolucja statusu obywateli Unii wobec państwa przyjmującego i państwa pochodzenia w świetle orzecznictwa Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2018.
Grzeszczak Robert (red.), Renationalisation of the integration process in the internal market of the European Union, Baden-Baden 2018.
Horsley Thomas, The Court of Justice of the European Union as an Institutional Actor: Judicial Lawmaking and its Limits, Cambridge 2019.
Minas Stephen, Vassilis Ntousas (eds.) , EU Climate Diplomacy. Politics, Law and Negotiations, Abington 2019.
Norris Pippa, Ronald Ingelhart, Cultural backlash: Trump, Brexit and authoritarian populism, Cambridge 2019.
Taborowski Maciej, Mechanizmy ochrony praworządności państw członkowskich w prawie Unii Europejskiej: stadium przebudzenia systemu narodowego, Warszawa 2019.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: